He's Coming To Our School?!

Now You See Me, Now You Don't


This time we exit the arena through an unoccupied door and I let out a sigh of pure relief.

“Yuri, your face! What happened?” Sami suddenly asks and starts to panic at the sight of the injury.

Oi, it must be getting pretty bad.

“Well you see, Sami.” I begin talking as we travel on towards where I parked. “You ran away from me, I ran into that guy, Changjo, got myself in some deep , ran away from him, he followed me but then I kinda, ya know, disappeared from him, I followed him after he had lost me to the groups room, stood there not causing a problem when I got hit in the face with a skateboard.” Sami lets what I said hang in the air a little while we get to my car. We don’t say anything until I’ve put my key in the ignition.

“If you care to know who did it, it was the guy with the really pretty blue hair.” I say nonchalantly.

Sami gasps. “Ricky?! He did that to you?”

“Well yes, but it’s not like he did it on purpose, I wasn’t visible to them and he swung his arms out because he was happy about the cool designed skateboards their staff made for them. Plus I was kind of distracted by something, I could’ve probably avoided this entire injury, that is currently hurting pretty badly, if I wasn’t distracted. I’m so stupid.” Mentally, I’m beating myself up right now but to Sami I probably look like I’m wincing in pain, which I kind of am.

“You’re probably going to need stitches in your lip so you should probably go to a clinic tomorrow morning, I can tell the teachers you had an incident if you want me to.” She offered me.

“Oh, yeah I suppose you can, thanks.” We drive the rest of the way in silence except for the radio quietly playing in the back ground.

I pull the car up to the curb of her house after about twenty minutes. “Well, here you are, your house. By the way, I’m sorry if I cut your time with Chanhee short but Changjo was catching on really quickly and I really didn’t want to get caught, please forgive me?” I say glumly to her because I actually did feel pretty bad for all the things that weren’t supposed to happen today but did anyways.

“Yuri, I don’t blame any of this on you so stop being so stupid.” She laughs as she opens the passenger door to get out. She leans over to the back seat to grab her bag and heaves it onto her lap but didn’t get out. I give her a puzzled look and her face quickly changes into a sly grin. Uh-oh…

“So, what exactly did distract you from dodging the skateboard earlier, hm?” She gives me a mischievous look. 

Just recalling the memory of how Changjo looked lounging in the stylist chair made my face flush. “I-I don’t remember, it doesn’t matter Sami!” I try shooing her out of the car but to no avail.

“Come on, we’re best friends we tell each other everything.” She guilt trips me into feeling bad for hiding something from her.

I hit my forehead on the steering wheel and groan loudly. I prop my chin up onto of the steering wheel and look out the windshield. “Well, he was looking really good just sitting there, he was quite flawless just doing nothing. How does someone do nothing but look like they are doing something effortlessly. Ugh.” I close my eyes tightly and sit back up to face Sami to see what she has to say about all of this.

Her arms crossed across her chest and she gives the I-need-more-info-to-work-with look. “Who exactly are you talking about?”

His name suddenly gets caught in my throat as I try to say it. “Chan---” and I start coughing for some reason. Clearly that’s all Sami needs to hear before she starts squealing excitedly.

“What?” I say between coughs until I stop.

“I was talking to Chanhee today and he says Jonghyun, or as you know him as Changjo, has never really been in a legit relationship while everyone else in the group has.” She says a little sadly.

I practically choke on my own spit. “What?! He’s never had a girlfriend? How? With those looks he should be having girls fawning over him left and right!” I end up shouting from my disbelief which probably woke up her neighbors.

Sami laughs at my reaction. “Well, for a while he had cute little baby fat cheeks and the girls just saw him as a not so manly guy. Only recently has he been…looking less boyish and more manlier.” She says nonchalantly. “Only recently girls have been throwing themselves at his feet. Chanhee told me that Changjo finds it actually quite annoying and was thinking about switching schools to see if he could get away from it. I don’t think he realizes it but that’ll probably follow him everywhere but oh well.” She starts to climb out of the car but leans in to look at me.

“And oh yeah, Chanhee told me he was coming to our school. Tomorrow.” She flashes a smile at me and runs towards her house as I sit in my car in dismay. “Bye! See you tomorrow, Yuri!” She throws open the front door and disappears inside leaving me to my thoughts.

I sat silently for a while until I let out a yell of frustration and nervousness for tomorrow. I hear a window or door to someone’s house open followed by a shout telling me to shut up. I drive off quickly before I wake the entire side of this city with my distress.

Finally I get home around midnight, my family snugged away in their beds sleeping and soon I fall into my own and pass out for the night until I’m rudely awakened the next morning.

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I know it's been a while but i finally am gonna start the next chapter, sorry for the long wait! D:


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janale6 #1
Chapter 6: this story is actually cute. :3 and funny. hehe cant wait for update..
The-reality-I-wanted #2
Chapter 5: I like your story :D And the way you write ^^
Its funny :3 Please update soon!
Im so curious about what happens to Yuri next *w*
I'm so curious!^^ what happens next?!? PLEASE UPDATE SOON!!^^ It's really good! :D