Sneaking In

Now You See Me, Now You Don't

It takes us a while to find a decent parking space without having to walk five miles to the arena the big event is being held at. Sami holds onto my hand as we walk through sketchy parts of the city and I glare at any drunken guy who gives a suggestive look to Sami and they take a step back and ignore us.

            We’re finally only a block away from the arena when I turn to face Sami. “Did Chanhee say where we could possibly get in with less security or do we have to take the front door?” Immediately she starts rummaging through the tiny little purse she brought with her and pulls out a map layout of the arena.

            She hands it to me while saying, “Yeah, you see right here? That’s the main entrance for all the idols; there should be less security there because um it’s underground. We have to take a car ramp down and then we’ll find it.”

            I look at her with a blank stare. “You mean we have to walk through like all their dressing rooms to find him?” I pinch the bridge of my nose as I turn away from her. I quickly shake off the anxiety that’s creeping up on me and grip her hand tightly. “Okay, let’s just do this. Remember though, don’t ever let go of my hand until we get there or you’ll be exposed. Got it?” She nods her head determinedly and we head across the street towards the ramp entrance.

            We walk by a tall building with huge floor to ceiling windows and I stop and check to see if there’s a reflection of us, there isn’t. I mentally high five myself and then keep us going on our way.

            When we make it to just outside the entrance I spot several security guards and pull Sami with me behind a large cement pillar just for safety precautions. I peek out from behind the pillar and quickly spot our entrance. It was a small metal door that had a sign reading, ‘No entrance beyond this point for common citizens.’

            “Okay, there are three guards kind of close to the door we need to get to. I suggest we go silently and slowly as to not make a noise, alright? And as soon as we reach the door, we bolt through it and don’t look back until we find Chanhee.” We walk out from behind the pillar and literally tiptoe between two guards who are only probably five feet away from each other. We get passed them with ease and make our way to the door where I pull the handle with my free hand but realize that it’s too heavy for me to lift it open with only one hand. The door makes a slight creaking noise as I try to close it gently and to my horror, the guards turn around. Of course they can’t see either one of us but it still frightens me to the core. There was no way I was going to get something like this put on my life record.

            I try opening the door again but it only opens an inch until it creaks and I have to let go of it because of its weight. Suddenly as I’m about to try again, I hear Sami’s panicked voice coming from behind me.

            “Yuri! They’re coming over here. Hurry!” She hisses into my ear.

            “Hey! Who’s there?” One of the guards shouts and picks up his pace to inspect what’s going on.

            “Damn it! Covers blown, Sami.” I let go of her and use both my hands this time to swing the door open. “Come on!” I shout to her and she runs passed me and down the hall.

            “Hey, you girls aren’t allowed in there! Come back here!” A different guard yells and I slam the door holding it close with both hands preventing them access.  I need to find something to jam the door shut!  I frantically think to myself as I struggle to keep the door closed. That’s when I look to my left and see a steel folding chair.

            “Come to mama, chair. Come to mama.” I use my left arm to grab the chair and quickly jam it underneath the door knob. Luckily, the door stays jammed through the violent shaking of it and I turn around to face Sami only to find she’s not there.

            My eyes grow wide with fear and I feel weak. “She left me.” I briefly think to myself. “Well I did tell her to run…” For the second time tonight, I pinch the bridge of my nose. “Well standing around here isn’t going to help me find her, might as well get going.” I sigh loudly to myself and trudge down the empty hall and towards the commotion of the stage and dressing rooms.

            The back area behind the stage is comically huge and I begin to have a panic attack. I don’t bother using my little secret and just wander around for a while trying to not make eye contact with idols that I completely adore such as Taemin from SHINee or Hyuna from 4Minute. I practically pee myself when I happen to see Amber from F(x) walk by. I wanted to so badly to go over to her and tell her how much she has influenced me but she would probably call security on me and I couldn’t let that happen, not until I found Sami.

            I was about ready to ask Jongup from B.A.P if he knew where the Teen Top room was until I felt someone tap my shoulder.

            I was so sure it was Sami that I turned around and punched the person in the arm. “You turd! I know I told you to run but you left me alone and I thought I was going to have to call the police to have you found but then they’d arrest us because we aren’t supposed to be---” I stop myself short when I realize I wasn’t yelling at Sami.

            “Well hi there…?” A guy with red windswept hair awkwardly smiled at me. He wore a shirt that was striped with no sleeves that showed off his toned arms, he had on navy blue suede sweat pants and random necklaces. He rubbed his arm where I punched him.

            …..I punched him.

            “Oh my god! I’m really sorry; I thought you were someone else. I’m really sorry.” I bow deeply to him and stand back up and tousle my hair a little in embarrassment.

            Out of nowhere he asks, “So what group are you from, you don’t look familiar, or are you a trainee backup dancer?” He sends me a dazzling smile that makes my heart melt.

            “Uh---um---I yeah, yeah I am.” I stuttered. He gets a confused look on his face.

            “So you’re a…?”

            “Oh! I’m a trainee.” It came out more as a question than a statement but he does end up laughing a bit and I can feel my face flush.

            “So you’re a trainee, for what group?” Oh son of a , I didn’t think that far. I rack my brain for any group and I end up blurting out the only group on my mind right now.

            “For Teen Top, yup!” I give a small salute and a smile hoping that he bought it.

            The same confused look appears on his face again. “Are you sure now? My manager didn’t say we had any new trainees coming with us to this performance.” My jaw involuntarily falls open.

            “Wait, who are you?” I blurt out for the second time.

            “Well, I’m Choi Jonghyun aka Dancing Boy Changjo of the group.” He proudly states.

Oh crap.

I quickly spin on the ball of my heel and walk off into the opposite direction from Changjo. I hit my head several times until I hear a, “Hey wait!” I turn around and see him wading through the sea of other idols towards me. I dart off through the crowd and try to find an empty area where I can use my ability. To my luck I find an area behind the stage that only has rows and rows of clothes on hangers and go to hide myself in them as I change.

I silently creep back out and look down at myself and to my satisfaction, I’m not there. But suddenly Changjo is. He’s standing a couple feet away from me and I can hear him panting.

“Where’d he go?” He wonders out loud. I make a silent gasp as he accidentally calls me the wrong gender.

 Though the noise I made wasn’t that loud, he still heard it and faces me. Though I know he can’t see me I cover my mouth and take a couple steps to the left so if he decides to inspect the area where I was, he wouldn’t run into me. “Is someone there?” He calls out while turning around in a full circle just to come to the conclusion no one’s there.

“Aish!” He ruffles his hair in frustration. “I should get back to the room.” Changjo turned around and quickly walked the other way.

I quickly followed him just in case Sami was with Chanhee somewhere around Teen Top’s dressing room.

Surprisingly, well not really, Changjo is a quick paced person and I practically have to run to keep up with him as he weaves in and out of the chaos back stage before he finally comes to a hallway with doors running up and down it. He doesn’t bother to look at the sign as he pushes the door open. I quickly slide into the room before the door has time to close.

I stand practically horrified from what I see when I first enter the room.

Look, I updated twice in one day.....


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I know it's been a while but i finally am gonna start the next chapter, sorry for the long wait! D:


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janale6 #1
Chapter 6: this story is actually cute. :3 and funny. hehe cant wait for update..
The-reality-I-wanted #2
Chapter 5: I like your story :D And the way you write ^^
Its funny :3 Please update soon!
Im so curious about what happens to Yuri next *w*
I'm so curious!^^ what happens next?!? PLEASE UPDATE SOON!!^^ It's really good! :D