Jieun’s fingers worked rather clumsily over Yongguk’s body. He watched her tremble like she was nervous or anxious. The tie hung loosely around his neck as she sighed in frustration, giving up.

“I can’t do it.” She muttered to herself, but Yongguk could barely hear. Her eyes were dark and rimmed with fatigue. Her face was drained of its color, and Yongguk found it odd that she seemed to be getting worse and worse these days. Her thin body shuddered as if a cold wind had passed through it.

Yongguk pouted and fixed his tie by himself. He let Jieun collapse on the bed, unsure if she was crying or not. The candle light that illuminated their room was not strong enough for him to properly read her expression.  But he did not have time to be bothered by his wife; in a few moments he would be meeting Jung Daehyun and his lawyers to discuss the matters over his hard-earned property.

Heaving a sigh, Yongguk reached for the brass doorknob, turning slowly as he anticipated what was going to happen next. The door made a muffled noise as he pulled it back, stepping into the familiar hallway. It was cold and dark, his footsteps echoing loudly against the marble floor. He felt a shiver run through his body as he turned and made his way down the large spiraling staircase.

Jieun had made sure their guests were comfortably seated in the giant armchairs of their living room, heated by the grandiose fireplace. She had specially prepared drinks set out, and had promised Yongguk that she would take care of hosting the business meeting. But before Yongguk could join his guests, he turned to his servants who had been innocently folding towels in the antechamber before the living room. “Please tell Jieun that I am having the service taken care of. She needs to rest.”

“Yes sir.” The maid nodded her head swiftly and made quick work of climbing up the stairs to inform Jieun.

Feeling his mind more at ease, Yongguk confidently entered the living room. His steps echoed noisily as his guests silently kept their eyes glued to him. He felt a slight twist of anxiety in his stomach, but pushed it aside as he made his way to his own chair.

His eyes traveled up towards where Jung Daehyun was sitting. The Niceois sat at ease, his arms draped casually over the arm of the chair, clutching a glass of some of the best of Yongguk’s wine. His legs were crossed in front of him, and his toned upper body was reclined against the crimson backing. What annoyed Yongguk the most about his posture, however, was the way his face was tilted upwards. Daehyun’s chin was pointed up, his lips slightly parted. His eyes were half closed, as if bored, and an air of superiority flickered in them momentarily. As soon as he saw Yongguk, his parted lips drew back in a subtle smirk, an eyebrow arching in contempt. The flickering flames of the hearth traced shadows across his handsome face, making him look more scornful, if that were at all possible.

Yongguk exhaled softly, as to show that Daehyun hadn’t gotten to his head just yet. He continued his gaze to Mr. Jung’s lawyer, who was standing behind him.  Yongguk’s breath caught in his throat as he recognized his feline eyes, heart shaped lips, and pale white skin that seemed orange under the firelight. He felt his eyes widen as Himchan reciprocated his surprise. Yongguk couldn’t help but stare, mouth agape, as his lover stood before him in rivalry. It seemed his lungs had become giant vacuums as he struggled to find his breath. Heat flashed under his collar and he felt himself begin to sweat profusely.

“Good evening.” Daehyun’s heavily accented voice saved Yongguk from having to speak first in his breathless condition.

Yongguk nodded curtly, not taking his eyes off of Himchan. Himchan’s eyes flashed with panic as he tried to telepathically tell Yongguk he had no idea this was going to happen.

But Yongguk didn’t blame Himchan. After all, Himchan was a very promising and bright individual who had a whole career ahead of him.

“Shall I introduce you to my lawyer, Mr. Kim?” Daehyun smirked.

“I don’t think that’s necessary.” Yongguk said tersely.

“Oh so you know each other?” Daehyun’s eyes widened in innocent interest.

“Barely.” The words tasted heavy in Yongguk’s mouth. He knew every inch of Himchan. He had explored every crevice of his mind, every beautiful imperfection on his body.

“Well Mr. Kim here is the best lawyer in all of France, isn’t that right?” Daehyun leaned forward and whispered. “He hasn’t even graduated yet.”

Yongguk just stared at Daehyun with empty eyes. “Mr. Jung, it seems you are perhaps too infatuated with your lawyer.”

“Oh, no, please don’t mistake my praise for affection. I just wanted you to know what you’re up against.” Daehyun reclined back into the seat and took a long sip of the wine. “Where are your lawyers, Mr. Bang?”

Yongguk frowned at Daehyun who was already beginning to pull his leg. “They’ll be here tomorrow.” Yongguk had hired his father’s lawyer, who had never before lost a case. Why he hadn’t thought of Himchan completely baffled him. Perhaps he wanted to keep Himchan out of business life so that their romantic life would not be torn by it. But it seemed that Yongguk’s plans were foiled as he stood, breathless, in front of his lover, who was assigned to take him down piece by piece until he was nothing but ruins.

“Hmm.” Daehyun sighed contentedly. “So I suppose you know the end of the bargain? If Mr. Kim finds that my family does own this land, it will all belong to me.”

“And my lawyers are out to prove that it doesn’t matter who previously owned this land. I bought it.”

“You stole it.” Daehyun snarled.

“No…I’m pretty sure I worked hard to buy it.” Yongguk rolled his eyes and replied softly.

“I’ll see to it that you are destroyed. Mr. Kim has found laws on land ownership that flow particularly well in my favor.” The Niceois tilted the wine glass back to take in the bitter ruby liquid.

“I’m sure that those laws are no longer in effect.” Yongguk looked up at Himchan, his stomach tightening at the sight of his unreadable expression. His lover’s lips formed a tight light and his eyes were lowered, as if he suddenly found the top of Daehyun’s head to be fascinating, refusing to look Yongguk in the eye.

“We’ll see about that, won’t we Mr. Kim?”

“Certainly.” His voice rang loudly through the cold house, reverberating against Yongguk’s ears in a foreign fashion. He had never heard Himchan’s voice sound so solemn before.

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VIXsterna #1
Chapter 19: Oh. My. God.
Is this inspired by Madame Bovary?? It felt like it.

But JESUS CHRIST you have NO idea like the first time it was like "the clock was stopped at 6:51, a second more and it would have been 6:52" or whatever and I thought about it like "51... Ahhh that's so... WAIT A SECOND 6 PM IN MILITARY TIME IS 18
Some aspects of this were just AMAZING but I mean the Madame Bovary esque ending just made me want to cry because nothing could have ended up well but I still wanted them to work out ;-;
GREAT work. I wanted to sob though everything just fell apart all at once and ughhhh
Please write a story with a happier ending next time? :'D /pleading through the tears
Really, really great story. Like, awesome writing. Like whoa. So much of what you described just felt so right and perfect with the setting, like whoa. Keep writing dude, I'm totally gonna check out your other works.

... Hopefully they have happy endings so I'm left with a smile and not tears ;A;
one of the best fanfics that I have ever read!!!
I loved the way you describe everything to the details to their love it really felt real
even though the ending is sad I LOVED this story!!!!
Chapter 19: OMFG WHAT I THOUGHT I COMMENTED BUT I DIDN'T AHAHAHA, no. Lolwut don't ask me what's wrong 'cause idk, a lot. ANYWAYS XD OMFG I CAN'T BELIEVE IT'S OVER GAH. IT WAS SO PERFECT AND I LOVED IT SO MUCH AHH TOO MANY EMOTIONS. And I know I'm weird but that ending was freaking immaculate, even though it was damn sad.

Chapter 19: This is so beautiful.
And I really mean it, it's so perfect, I love it. The way you describe Yongguk and Himchan's love is just so.. real. I've been crying for the lasts chapters.. Oh gosh, I'm going to subscribe and spy every fanfiction of yours TT
Chapter 19: I am speechless
I found this fic at like 3 am and I had to read it all and omg its like 5 am now but im in tear this is so good ;; you're such a talented writer and I'm definitely going to read any otyer fanfics you write
Chapter 19: i just... can't
okey i'm crying right now and it's not very pleasing but you're story was so good!, it had everythng, i really liked it and the ending was just so sad ;-; anyways i loved it and i'm waiting for more storys from you.
you really are an excellent writter
Chapter 19: I know I already sent you a message on tumblr, but again I really loved this fic and despite the fact I am still crying while I type this, I think everything about it was perfect. We always can't get our happy endings, because back during that time especially, it was difficult for people that were gay to be together. I never cry over fics but I've been crying the past 10 minutes almost. It was seriously well written and I felt like I was part of the story :)
waeusolazy #8
Chapter 19: I really enjoyed your writing. The story was realistic, had very good romantic scenes, had plot twists when needed. Yeah tho sad ending, but that's life. Everything was just great. :)
Chapter 19: Oh.My.God. Himchan really dead ? And then yongguk too ? Oh.my.God I'm feeling like read the banghim version of romeojuliet . Ohmygo, this is just.. I can't T-T
Thank you thank you for writing this beautiful angst story author-nim !!
Chapter 18: omg okay wow. Didnt see him dying like that at all. I've loved this story so much , seriously. I'll continue to follow your work I swear. I have a question, Is himchan really dead ? Because I think Yongguk's vision was eight and himchan is still alive.