If there was one tavern in Bordeaux where people drank so much they couldn’t remember their names the next day, it was definitely the Cheval Rouge. It was the perfect place for Himchan and Yongguk, and it differed from the hotel.  Yongguk loved the lively atmosphere; the organized chaos of the tavern provided the perfect cover for the couple, who could talk in normal tones as boisterous shouts of the drunk drowned out all conversation.

Yongguk sat by a window, where the shades were down, but the soft glow of the street lights still filtered through. He the cup of red wine that sat before him, untouched, on the pale wooden table. The ruby liquid stirred as Yongguk brought it up to his mouth, before hesitating, and placing the cup back down without drinking a drop. He felt oddly nervous as he waited, his palms sticky with sweat. His mind kept replaying the morning’s funeral, and the daggers that Lord Choi had been shooting at him.  

A fresh gust of wind tickled the back of his neck, and he felt soft lips plant themselves on his own. He jumped in surprise, but the familiar shape and taste of them eased his mind as he pressed deeper into the kiss. Himchan groaned uncomfortably from where he was standing behind the bourgeois, twisting his body so that he could face Yongguk. He parted from Yongguk, a thin trail of silvery saliva still connected the two.  Slightly embarrassed, Yongguk ran his thumb over Himchan’s lips to dry them.

The younger male took a seat before Yongguk, resting his face in his hands as he admired his lover under the dimmed lights of the tavern. His eyes traced his plush lips and subtle jawline before meeting Yongguk’s own eyes. “Are you still feeling empty?” He spoke softly.

Yongguk nodded slowly, slithering his hands across the rough surface of the table to hold on to Himchan’s. They were smooth and soft, as Yongguk had always remembered them. The pink nails added the perfect touch of color to Himchan’s seemingly pigment-less skin. A small tingle of heat crackled in his chest and he suddenly felt all his worries melt away. It was a strange power that Himchan had over him; the ability to make him completely blind and numb, a slave to his own emotion. He smiled slightly and looked back at Himchan, whose cheeks were dusted pink with joy. “I’m going to miss her, you know?” He sighed gently, looking around the room before redirecting his attention back to Himchan. “Would you like me to get you anything to drink?” He suddenly changed the topic of the conversation, eyeing the glass full of wine that sat before him.

“It doesn’t seem like you’re having much of yours.” Himchan pointed out.

“Why would I drink my own wine?” Yongguk pushed the glass to Himchan, inviting him to take it.  Himchan frowned slightly, taking the thin neck of the glass between his fingers.

“This is from your vineyards?” Himchan asked in clarification, as he swirled the cup, letting the smell of the wine bathe his senses.

“Yes. I noticed the waitress pulled out a bottle with my label on it.” Yongguk smirked. “What do you think?”

“It’s amazing.” Himchan tilted his head back to take in the bitter liquid. “Just like you.” Himchan smiled widely, exposing his pearly teeth.

Yongguk rolled his eyes and chuckled. “I’m very much flawed, Himchan.” But they say love makes you blind, and it seemed to Yongguk that Himchan had fallen quite deeply. Yongguk didn’t blame Himchan, however, because he was sure he was just as senseless when it came to his beautiful lover. “Besides, in days time these vineyards won’t bear my name anymore.”

Himchan lowered his eyes, a brief flash of bitterness danced in them. “I’m sorry, Yongguk.”

“You did your best. I’m proud of you. I was just informed by my lawyers yesterday. They are unable to gather good evidence against you and Daehyun.” Yongguk grabbed Himchan’s hands once again, squeezing them tightly until he could feel Himchan’s pulse, thick and rapid, against his skin. Yongguk hated seeing discomfort on Himchan’s face. It reminded him all too vividly of the night he had left angry bruises on Himchan’s neck.

“But you’ve lost everything.” Himchan whispered.

Yongguk sighed softly, his breath trickling out into the space between the two men, standing momentarily before Yongguk raised his arm to Himchan’s face, cupping it gently between his fingers. “No I haven’t. You are everything to me.”

Himchan’s feline eyes suddenly met Yongguk’s with electrifying passion. The older male felt his stomach tighten with anticipation as his lover leaned over to kiss him. Yongguk didn’t even try to hide the desperation in his kiss as he nibbled Himchan’s pout, swiping his tongue over his thin lips. The wine glass toppled over, leaking crimson on the amber table. It would go unnoticed, only adding to the chaos of the tavern. Himchan’s pleasured groans were barely audible over the intoxicated buzz of the other customers.

Yongguk felt pain vibrate through his skull as Himchan gripped his hair, tangling his fingers through the fine strands. Yongguk broke the kiss momentarily, and brought himself from his side of the table to Himchan’s, straddling him in his seat. He grinned into the next kiss, taking a fistful of black hair and tilting Himchan’s head back, trailing ravenous kisses down his jaw on his exposed neck. He felt Himchan’s moan quiver against his lips as he kissed his Adam’s apple, sending a shiver of delight down his spine.  The friction that was coming from Himchan’s thigh rubbing against Yongguk drove the older completely crazy.

Yongguk couldn’t figure out why he suddenly felt the desperate need to feel Himchan. His movements were desperate and deliberate, his fingers memorizing every inch of Himchan, his ears taking in every noise, his mouth remembering the wine and strawberry taste of the younger’s lips. He held on tightly as if, like sand in an hourglass, Himchan would slip away from him. His insides coiled in fear that, like everything else in his life, Himchan would leave. It was an impending thought that hung over him like a knife; he was unable to let go of it.

The bourgeois smiled into the kiss he planted on Himchan’s collarbones, enjoying the subtle bite marks that branded Himchan as his. “Maybe I should just burn those damned vineyards, hmm?” He asked through kisses.

Himchan didn’t open his eyes, letting his head loll on the wall behind him as he enjoyed each tingle in his skin. “Jung Daehyun would want your head. You’d have to flee France.” He laughed softly, stifling a moan as Yongguk palmed his growing .

“We could run away together.” Yongguk whispered in his lover’s ear, a heavy breath laced with lust. Himchan’s breath hitched in his throat as he visualized the idea. “Speaking of which…” Yongguk slinked off of Himchan’s lithe body, earning him a disapproving whine from Himchan.  He grabbed the younger’s thin wrists and dragged him along through the crowd. He wanted to do things to Himchan that were better left unseen by the public.

The tavern was known for having private business rooms that sheltered its guests from the ebullient atmosphere, and Yongguk didn’t hesitate to drag Himchan through the crowd and to one of those rooms. “I have to meet Lord Choi soon.” Yongguk thought out loud bitterly, wanting to bite his tongue.

Himchan didn’t have time to answer before he felt himself being slammed against a wall, followed by Yongguk’s passionate kisses and heavy hands wandering across his body. They knew exactly where to touch him, where to extract those pleasure strung growls from his throat. Yongguk meticulously touched on all of Himchan’s weakest points, sending his head back against the wall in ecstasy. He heard the rip of the shirt as Yongguk undid it, staring at his chest with fascinated eyes. “God, Himchan, you’re so beautiful.” Yongguk muttered breathlessly. He had seen Himchan exposed so many times, but it didn’t stop him from being amazed at the younger every single one of those times like he was seeing him for the first time. Himchan panted hard under Yongguk as he trailed the tip of his tongue along Himchan’s abdomen, digging his nails into Himchan’s thighs. He placed a hand on Yongguk’s head, trying to lower it to the spot that Yongguk was purposely avoiding.

Yongguk his lips and the waistline of Himchan’s pants.  He looked up and saw Himchan’s white face splashed with red and pink on his cheeks, his eyes glassy with desire, and his black hair lined with sweat.

He wasn’t sure how much more time he could afford to spend with Himchan but, if anything, Lord Choi could wait.  


Yongguk ran the back of his hand on his lips nervously, erasing any traces of Himchan that may have lingered on him.  He walked carefully through the familiar hallway, led by a taciturn butler whose head was held high as his steps echoed against the dark black and white marbled floor. Although it was dark, Yongguk could still see the outlines of the beautiful tapestries that he had practically memorized.

“Right this way, sir.” The gloved man opened a door at the end of the ballroom; a door that had always been closed to the guests during Junhong’s lavish gatherings.

“Thank you.” Yongguk mumbled as he stepped into the room.

The room was small and dark; two giant windows let silver moonlight flood the room, casting shadows and outlines of the furniture. On the wall furthest from Yongguk was a giant bookcase with thick books, each bound in black leather, gold engravings marking their titles. The letters glistened in the moonlight like tiny stars in a black sea. Next to the impressive bookshelf stood a grandfather clock, smaller perhaps than the one in the main ballroom. The pendulum made no noise, no movement, indicating to Yongguk that it was broken. Time was forever frozen at six hours and fifty-one minutes. It could have been fifty-two, had the clock worked for a second longer.

He slowly approached an empty armchair that was positioned before a desk. The desk was small and simple, a four legged rectangle with white papers neatly stacked on top of it. There was a magnifying glass and a light, which also adorned the small desk. His feet met with a huge Persian rug, its intricate details marred by the dimness of the room. He treaded lightly on it, afraid that his feet would kick up the exquisite patterns and colors that adorned the rug. 

 Yongguk let his eyes wander back to the window where he clearly made out Junhong’s tall silhouette, staring contemplatively out into the darkness. His blonde hair shone white in the light.

Yongguk cleared his throat, hoping to make his presence noticed. He waited in the darkness, a sickening feeling filling his lungs as he watched the duke. Junhong was motionless; his long black coat swayed gently, an almost undetected movement, as he continued to watch the view.

After what seemed like an eternity, Junhong turned to face his guest. His features were graced by a wide smile, which looked eerie under the moonlight.

“Good evening, Yongguk.” The duke started slowly, gesturing for the older man to sit down. He walked with swan-like grace towards the desk, flipping a switch that illuminated the small lamp on the desk. The light bulb blinked before coming to full power.

“Good evening, Junhong.” Yongguk replied, not taking his eyes off of the duke.

“I suppose you know why I asked to see you?” Junhong asked, rummaging through a cabinet hidden underneath the desk. The crisp sound of glass clinking together gave Yongguk a good indication of what he was looking for. 

“You heard about the custody of the vineyards?” Yongguk purposely avoided the elephant in the room. It was crushing the air out of his lungs, but he refused to talk about his relationship with Himchan.

“Yes. In part.” Junhong pulled out two glasses and a bottle of whiskey. “It is quite unfortunate, isn’t it?”

“Quite.” Yongguk raised an eyebrow as Junhong popped the crystal cap off of the clear bottle.

“You know, I didn’t want Mr. Jung to win.” Junhong poured the amber liquid neatly. He handed Yongguk a glass, who gently took it, feeling his fingers brush the duke’s.  Yongguk frowned at the duke’s comment, wondering if he had heard correctly.

“You didn’t?” Yongguk cocked his head to the side. “Might I be so bold as to ask the reason?”

“Well.” Junhong started. “You do make some of the finest wines in the country. Besides, your business was excellent for my court.” He laughed lightly. It impregnated the room, leaving an even thicker taste in Yongguk’s mouth.

“Am I no longer of use to you now?” Yongguk swallowed thickly.

Junhong’s features crinkled as the glass of whiskey hovered in front of his mouth. “Yongguk. You’re a wonderful guest. Why would you think I have no longer use for you?”

“Without my vineyards I am nothing.” Yongguk cleared his throat; afraid he had upset the duke.

“Ah. I do not think so.” Junhong’s gaze suddenly softened. The glimmer in his eyes made Yongguk doubtful of the duke’s intentions. “You have a great personality. That is key in social gatherings. More so than a famous brand to back you up. Besides, your name is well established.”

“My name has been destroyed.” Yongguk replied. “It was destroyed as soon as my vineyards were taken from me.”

Junhong laughed darkly. “Do you really think a small court case is what is tainting your name?”

Yongguk didn’t move. He simply let his eyes follow Junhong’s movements, waiting for him to address the issue that was sitting at the back of both of their minds.

“Word of your relationship with Mr. Kim has spread, Yongguk. More than you think.” Junhong stated finally. “Now, I need you to be honest with me. Are you, or are you not sleeping with Mr. Kim?”

Yongguk lowered his eyes, his throat was dry and cracked, words unable to form.

“Very well.” Junhong stiffened. “If you do not tell me, I will make my own assumptions.”

“Yes.” Yongguk finally admitted. “I love him.” He knew that Junhong already knew, however. But Junhong had refused to believe his intuitions. The look of hard deception on the young duke’s face was hard to miss. It darkened his features, made his body sway uncomfortably in his chair.

“Yongguk, I pride myself in an orderly court.” Junhong rose from his seat, leaving his drink on the desk. He sighed deeply, finding his place by the window again. He let the words linger in the air, letting a silence sit between the two men again. “I hope you can understand that I am trying to be a different man than my father.”

“I understand.” Yongguk answered quickly.

“Now. I like you. A lot. I really do.” The duke inhaled sharply. “But your relationship is adulterous, it poisons the morals of the courtesans. Not only that, it is between two men. Homouality is a sin, Mr. Bang.”

Yongguk had heard the last line enough.

“But I will not chastise you on your choice of lover.” Junhong approached Yongguk carefully. His eyes searched Yongguk’s desperately, as if waiting for something, anticipating an answer from the bourgeois. “However, I cannot have an adulterer in court. It is quite a shame. Because I really do like you.” Junhong repeated the last line like it held an importance to him.

“I apologize for the trouble I have caused you.” Yongguk replied steadily, testing the duke.

Junhong chuckled manically.  His caramel eyes lit up as if an old memory had been stirred. “You have no idea.” He pulled a straight face and bent over so that he was at the same level as Yongguk. “You have no idea.” The duke repeated, this time, trailing his thumb across Yongguk’s lips. Yongguk pulled away slightly at the surprising touch.

“I have tried hard to follow the rules I have set out.” Junhong pulled his thumb away. “So that I did not become my father. But you…you are so difficult to resist…” Junhong’s voice trailed off, as his eyes softened. “I, however, did resist my urges, Yongguk. I don’t see why my courtesans can’t do the same.” He cupped Yongguk’s face and brought it close to his.

Yongguk felt Junhong trace his fingers along his jaw, his warm breath tickling Yongguk’s lips. “It’s all…about control.” Junhong whispered. He felt the duke lean in closer, but tilted his head to the side before Junhong could kiss him. Junhong sighed unhappily, letting go of Yongguk’s face and rose back to his full height.

“I won’t kick you out of France.” Junhong continued, as if their little struggle had never happened. “You know, that I do have that power though?” He asked rhetorically. “One simple call to officials in Paris…”

“What do you want Junhong?” Yongguk asked restlessly. He didn’t care if it meant never attending Junhong’s events again. He had no business to promote anymore anyways.

“I want you to stop seeing him.” Junhong said. “It’s for your own good.”

Yongguk frowned. He couldn’t not see Himchan. It would kill him. “And if I leave your court?”

“You’ve already tainted it.” Junhong snarled. “Besides, I can help you build up a business again. Where will you go, without money? Crying to Himchan? He’s a student without a cent. And he’s taking care of his brother.”

Yongguk was taken aback by the sudden bitter tone in Junhong’s voice. He had always been soft with him until this point. But Yongguk didn’t doubt that he had probably trampled over the young duke’s heart by rejecting his kiss.

“If you see him again, Yongguk, there will only be negative consequences.” Junhong eyed Yongguk with disgust; the same expression he had worn during the funeral. “Even if you leave my court. You and Himchan will be persecuted wherever you go. You have benefitted from my protection long enough, Yongguk. I only ask that you return my favor with respect for my court.” 

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VIXsterna #1
Chapter 19: Oh. My. God.
Is this inspired by Madame Bovary?? It felt like it.

But JESUS CHRIST you have NO idea like the first time it was like "the clock was stopped at 6:51, a second more and it would have been 6:52" or whatever and I thought about it like "51... Ahhh that's so... WAIT A SECOND 6 PM IN MILITARY TIME IS 18
Some aspects of this were just AMAZING but I mean the Madame Bovary esque ending just made me want to cry because nothing could have ended up well but I still wanted them to work out ;-;
GREAT work. I wanted to sob though everything just fell apart all at once and ughhhh
Please write a story with a happier ending next time? :'D /pleading through the tears
Really, really great story. Like, awesome writing. Like whoa. So much of what you described just felt so right and perfect with the setting, like whoa. Keep writing dude, I'm totally gonna check out your other works.

... Hopefully they have happy endings so I'm left with a smile and not tears ;A;
one of the best fanfics that I have ever read!!!
I loved the way you describe everything to the details to their love it really felt real
even though the ending is sad I LOVED this story!!!!
Chapter 19: OMFG WHAT I THOUGHT I COMMENTED BUT I DIDN'T AHAHAHA, no. Lolwut don't ask me what's wrong 'cause idk, a lot. ANYWAYS XD OMFG I CAN'T BELIEVE IT'S OVER GAH. IT WAS SO PERFECT AND I LOVED IT SO MUCH AHH TOO MANY EMOTIONS. And I know I'm weird but that ending was freaking immaculate, even though it was damn sad.

Chapter 19: This is so beautiful.
And I really mean it, it's so perfect, I love it. The way you describe Yongguk and Himchan's love is just so.. real. I've been crying for the lasts chapters.. Oh gosh, I'm going to subscribe and spy every fanfiction of yours TT
Chapter 19: I am speechless
I found this fic at like 3 am and I had to read it all and omg its like 5 am now but im in tear this is so good ;; you're such a talented writer and I'm definitely going to read any otyer fanfics you write
Chapter 19: i just... can't
okey i'm crying right now and it's not very pleasing but you're story was so good!, it had everythng, i really liked it and the ending was just so sad ;-; anyways i loved it and i'm waiting for more storys from you.
you really are an excellent writter
Chapter 19: I know I already sent you a message on tumblr, but again I really loved this fic and despite the fact I am still crying while I type this, I think everything about it was perfect. We always can't get our happy endings, because back during that time especially, it was difficult for people that were gay to be together. I never cry over fics but I've been crying the past 10 minutes almost. It was seriously well written and I felt like I was part of the story :)
waeusolazy #8
Chapter 19: I really enjoyed your writing. The story was realistic, had very good romantic scenes, had plot twists when needed. Yeah tho sad ending, but that's life. Everything was just great. :)
Chapter 19: Oh.My.God. Himchan really dead ? And then yongguk too ? Oh.my.God I'm feeling like read the banghim version of romeojuliet . Ohmygo, this is just.. I can't T-T
Thank you thank you for writing this beautiful angst story author-nim !!
Chapter 18: omg okay wow. Didnt see him dying like that at all. I've loved this story so much , seriously. I'll continue to follow your work I swear. I have a question, Is himchan really dead ? Because I think Yongguk's vision was eight and himchan is still alive.