~I'm Lucky To Have Loved You~ Part 6

Peter Pan

He just couldn’t cope with what he had read. He read the note over and over again. Each time, his heart tore into another tiny piece.

Even though Zitao had loved him, he had never been enough. And if he were alive now, he would still not be enough. But how could he blame him? How could he compare to Luhan, his first love?

They say you never forget your first love. Zitao didn’t just remember him, he never let go. A knock came to his bedroom door.

“Jiaheng? Are you alright?” Jong In asked. Jiaheng wiped his tears and set the note down on his bed.

“I’m coming!” he said. He brushed himself off and got off the bed. When he opened the door, Jong In didn’t seem too pleased.

“I didn’t ask if you were coming, I asked if you were alright.” Jiaheng was taken aback by his comment. What was up with him?

“I’m fine, not that it matters.”

“You shouldn’t keep going if you don’t feel up to it. I don’t need you collapsing of depression, or some such bull .” Jiaheng’s head whipped back to look at him.

“I’m fine, alright? Just stop! It doesn’t matter! I just need to find more notes, okay?”

“If more notes mean more of you moping about, I don’t want to be here when you do.” Jong In retorted.

“You know what? I’m not forcing you to be here, you don’t have to follow me around!”

“I promised Zitao that I’d take care of you. I’m going to keep that promise. “Jiaheng looked at him funny.

“Wait, when did you promise him that?” Jong In turned.

“That’s not our concern right now. We just need to find more clues. Now, what other places do you think were memorable for Zitao?”  Jiaheng shrugged. Zitao never really ventured outdoors. For work, perhaps, and a party or two here and there, but he couldn’t very well remember if they had gone out anywhere special. Not unless…

“What about the opera house?” he asked. Jong In looked over at him.

“What about it?” he asked.

“Zitao loved ‘Peter Pan.’ We went to watch it several times. Perhaps there’s a note beneath one of our seats.” Jong In nodded.

“What are we waiting for?” he asked. “Let’s go!”


Jong In pulled up to the parking lot of the opera house. It was desolate during the week. The only other car was that of the building’s owner, Jong In had called and requested that he open the doors to the main theatre.

They climbed their way up to the box seats. It took Jiaheng all but five minutes to find their box. He got down on his hands and knees and started searching.

There, tucked into the back corner of Jiaheng’s chair, was a note. He carefully slid it out. It was slightly crumpled, and he could see an inky thumbprint that Zitao had left when he had written it.

He hesitantly opened the note.

Hello again, my dear. I see you’ve found the next piece to my puzzle. Well done. I suppose now I have to cough up another confession? I did promise, now didn’t I?

I’m sure you remember Jong In. The man that danced with you that night. The night I made a complete jackass out of myself. The night I realized that I didn’t want anyone but myself to have you.

He was Luhan’s ex-boyfriend. Things didn’t go over too well. I wasn’t kind to him either. I flaunted Luhan like a trophy whenever we were near. It was an awful thing to do, but I did it. I know that’s why he was always cross with me when we found out that we would be working together, that just fanned the flames.

I know that’s why once I came back and he realized who you were with, that he became combative. That’s why I was so cross myself. I couldn’t bear to lose you to the man whom I had taken Luhan from.’

‘Oh God, no.’ His best friend and his boyfriend’s lawyer were ex-lovers. Well wasn’t that just fantastic. He looked over at Jong In. He was leaning over the banister, looking out into the auditorium.

Jiaheng stood up and walked over to him. “I, I found it.” He looked over and smiled at him.

“Did you now?” he asked. His smile was warm and full of life.

“Have you been here before?” he asked. Jong In shook his head.

“No. And I have no wish to. But I know someone who loved it here.” He rolled his eyes. “Besides Zitao.” Jiaheng laughed. Jong In blushed, and then cleared his throat. “Well, we better get going. It’s best not to waste time.” He said. Jiaheng nodded.

“I suppose…” his voice trailed off. Jiaheng grabbed him by his arm.

“Let’s go.” He nodded, and began following him out of the theatre.


Jiaheng and Jong In exited the car and made it back into his home. Jiaheng sighed. “Well,” he said, looking back at him. “Where do you think we should look next?” he asked. Jong In shrugged.

“I don’t know, Zitao wasn’t my lover,” he said bitterly. Jiaheng’s heart dropped. He didn’t mean to be so sensitive.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean-” Jong In put a hand up.

“It doesn’t matter. What’s done is done. There’s nothing we can do about it.” He walked off, glaring at the walls. Jiaheng sighed, walking past him and into the living room. Jong In followed suit, taking a seat right next to him.

“What are you doing h=in here?” he asked. Jiaheng rolled his eyes.

“I’m thinking, okay?” he answered exasperatedly. “I don’t know how many notes he left, and this house is so huge! And the last one wasn’t even in the house! Who knows where they all are!” he cried. Jong In set his hand on Jiaheng’s shoulder.

“Just, calm down. You’ll do fine.” Jiaheng sighed.

“I suppose,” he said, setting his hand on Jong In’s. It was slender, and he had smooth skin. It was the color of honey. He could smell his cologne, which was light and sweet. Jiaheng suddenly threw off Jong In’s hand from his shoulder and stormed out of the room, and ran to his own room.

He slammed the door and slid down to the floor. What was wrong with him?

Meanwhile, Jong In stood in the living room, quite puzzled. ‘Perhaps he doesn’t like his shoulders being touched?’ he pondered.


Jiaheng finally made his way downstairs a few hours later. Luhan was in the living room, watching a movie.

“Well hello there!” he said cheerfully, patting the seat next to him. Jiaheng sat down next to his friend.

“Luhan,” he said. The boy turned his head.

“Yeah?” he asked.

“Was, was Jong In, your boyfriend?” he asked. Luhan turned back his attention to the television set.

“Yes.” He said simply. “But that was in the past. There’s nothing there anymore.” Jiaheng sighed.

“Okay. I’m sorry to pry; it’s just that, well…” Luhan waved his hand, as to dismiss Jiaheng’s ponderings.

“Don’t worry about it. It’s over and done with, just leave it be.” Jiaheng nodded, and rested his head on his friend’s shoulder.


The next morning, he woke up next to Luhan on the couch. The television was still on. He took the remote from Luhan, who was still dozing peacefully beside him. He gently laid him down in the opposite direction, and took the blanket hanging from over the couch, and set it over him.

He quietly made his way into the kitchen, where he began brewing coffee. The phone began to ring, and he jumped to answer it before it woke up Luhan.


“Jiaheng?” Jong In’s voice came in over the line.

“Yes?” he asked.

“Would you…join me for coffee later?” he asked. Jiaheng blushed.

“Umm, sure. I don’t see why not.”

“Fine. Meet me at the same place as last time, be there at 1:30.”

“Yeah, okay-” the phone went dead before he could finish his sentence. He rolled his eyes. Typical. Or was it? Jiaheng stopped.

Many of Jong In’s mannerisms were similar to Zitao’s. But no matter what, Zitao wasn’t coming back. And Jong In could never replace him. No one could. Every once in a while, he had to remind himself of that.


Jiaheng sat at the same seat as last time. Jong In was five minutes late. His head perked up as he heard the door open and the bell softly ring against the glass. But it was just someone else.

He sighed. He didn’t know why he was getting so worked up over him. It’s not like he ‘liked’ him or anything. Another person came in, but he didn’t look up. He heard the door again.

With each ring, he became more and more worried that he had been stood up. ‘Way to get your hopes up, loser.’ He thought to himself. Thorougly disappointed, he turned and stood up to leave, only to be brought face to face with Jong In.

“Oh!” Jiaheng plopped back into his chair backwards in surprise.

“Happy to see me?” he asked. Jiaheng rolled his eyes. “I thought so.” Jong In sat down.

“So, what are we doing here?” Jiaheng asked.

“Relaxing. You seemed pretty worked up last night. Are you okay?” he asked. Jiaheng nodded.

“It’s nice that you’re asking and all, but you really don’t need to worry about me.” Jiaheng said. But Jong In was persistent.

“You just ran off. I’m no expert, but something tells me that it’s not like you to do that. You just freaked out, and wouldn’t come out of your room.”

“It’s really no big deal, I just, had a rough day, that’s all.”

“It was the note, wasn’t it?” he asked. Jiaheng sighed. “I knew it. Even in death he has to make people miserable.” He said, shaking his head.

“Don’t talk about Zitao that way, it’s not like that.”

“Every time you read one of those notes it puts you in a mood. I have reached no other conclusion than whatever he’s writing is making you act this way.”

“You don’t know me,”

“You don’t give me a chance, either.” Jiaheng’s mouth fell open. Jong In sighed.

“Perhaps I’m asking too much of you,” he said, pulling out his chair.

“Wait!” Jiaheng grabbed a hold of his hand. “Don’t go.” Jong In’s eyes filled with concern.

“Jiaheng, are you well?” he asked, touching his forehead.

“Yes, yes I’m fine. But don’t leave. I didn’t mean, what I meant was-” Jong In put his fingers to Jiaheng’s lips.

“It’s fine. It’s done and over with. Just calm down.” Jiaheng slowly let go of his hand, and lowered himself back into his seat.

“I want to get to know you, Jiaheng.” He said softly. “Not the widow you portray yourself as, but the real you. The Jiaheng I met so long ago.”

Jiaheng gave him a sad smile. “That Jiaheng is broken. All I have left is my now.” Jong In smiled, taking his hand.

“Then piece yourself back together, and let’s solve this puzzle, you and I.” Jiaheng blushed.

“I’d like that, very much.”


Sorry for the long hiatus! I really do apologize! But here it is, finally!

Hopefully there isn't such a long pause between chapters now. Thank you for your patience. 

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I've finally updated! I hope you like it!


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Chapter 13: O_O wut
woah woah there Luhan
What'd you do??
Update soon! :D
Hilalabdi007 #2
Chapter 13: Wait luhan is not luhan? Then who is this luhan? Was luhan lying all the time? Woah update please. I had to read the whole story over again to understand it. So please update soon.
Hilalabdi007 #3
Chapter 10: Aaaaaw you little trol. I was exited I thought you updated!. Well.....I'll wait I guess.
Chapter 10: ahhh I thought you've updated
but still I'll be waiting. I don't care if it'll take forever, I'll still wait <3
Such a cliffhanger XD
I can't wait. I'm just soooooo excited
Chapter 9: omo omo omo MY IMAGINATION IS GOING WILD! WILD!



Hilalabdi007 #6
Chapter 9: Ooooooh a kriskai. I like it. Please update soon aurther-nim
karkrae #7
Chapter 8: Coolies bro
Chapter 8: I feel like Krishan will be developing.
Aww poor Tao :'x
Hilalabdi007 #9
Chapter 8: I really liked it but I feel sorry for Tao.
And taoris is one of my OTP's.
And then there is hunhan.
But krishan is not bad I like them.
I hope you update soon aurtho-nim