Day 46~ Busted

The Triple Win with a Side of Fries

Hello there readers~ It's me, the blonde of this duo. Yes, it has been a while since we've updated chapters...
We have been really busy and we're sorry. This is the first chapter I've written by myself.

Hope you enjoy, happy reading!


Yongguk POV:

We stood frozen as we heard her raging scream grow louder and echo throughout our cabin. Everyone slowly turned around to face her. It was one of our counselors, Tori.

"What is going on here boys? Who wants to explain this to me!?" She yelled.

Looking us all in the eyes, we could only stand speechless. We never thought we'd get caught so easily right before we were planning on truly starting over, damn. 

"Well who? Someone better speak up!" She demanded, while her face turned a shade of red.

“Well you see Ms.Tori, we ah... we’re weak when it comes to our food. We love it, we needed it, so we got it. But now we we’re going to throw it out and really try, we realized we need to change, we want to change. Won't you give us another chance? We're really, really, really sorry.”

"Whose idea was it to smuggle these dirty snacks?" Tori mumbled under her breath.

"Ah th-that would have been me." *stepping slowly back towards my bunk*

"Here's what’s going to happen boys. Do you really want to lose weight? Hmm.” She shouted.

"Yea-yeah, that's what we want to do." We all replied quickly.

"Well then, for this little act you boys are going to have a lot of time to work out, rather than pig out. Got it? And this time if you don't obey the rules of the camp, you go home. No more chances." Tori said, keeping her eyes fiercely locked on ours.

"Yes, we understand." We said, eying the case holding our most prized pieces of candy and junk food.

"Now go to bed. I better not see a finger leave this cabin until morning. Oh and hand me that suitcase you boys were planning to dispose of, I'll do the honors myself." She said sternly.

Daehyun slowly picks up the case and hands it to her with sad eyes, "Here you g-g-go." He whimpers, as his fingers slip one by one off of what happiness we had left.

She finally leaves the cabin and we’re left lying in our bunks staring at the ceiling.

Night passes and morning arrives quickly, too quickly, and not one of us got much sleep.

"Gosh, I can't believe that happened last night." Himchan recaps, as he rubs his tired eyes.

"I know we agreed to give them up, but I miss my snacks already." Daehyun mumbled, his face nestled in his pillow.

"Look, we just have to do this whole lose weight thing for real now. We don't need that unhealthy, addicting food. It's doesn't rule us! We rule it! Wait, that doesn't really make sense. Whatever, you guys get what I'm saying right?” Youngjae said with a blank expression.

"We need it, we need it~" Jongup said in a soft, trembling voice.

“Yep, I agree with Jongup.” Zelo adds.

I glance at them all as we left the cabin to see what awaits us today.

Tori POV:

“Hey, Yongguk come over here for a second. "

“Ah yes Ms.Tori?”

"Since you were the mastermind behind your little plan and seem to be the one most motivated by this incident to change your ways, you're going to be taking on the most extra work and exercise."

"Um okay. Do I have a choice?” Yongguk said awkwardly.

"HA no, just follow me.”

I start to walk off as Yongguk trailed behind me, catching a glimpse of his roommates.

Yongguk POV:

"So what exactly did you mean when you said extra work and exercise?"

"You're going to help me clean up the lunch room and then I've created a workout routine we'll run through every day." Tori said quite proudly.

"Well okay then. Thank you for giving us another chance." I said, in an apologetic tone.

We finished the cleaning and walked to the workout studio. Here we go my torture beings, lucky me.


"Now do it right or we'll start all over Yongguk!" Tori stresses as she motioned me to follow her girly movements.

"Are we done yet? I'm exhausted. I can't move another muscle."

"Fine, if you're that tired let’s stop. We'll start off here tomorrow." She said as she walked over to help me up.

As she grabs my hand, our eyes met. Something happened, something weird, something odd. Why do I feel this way?

"Hey kid, come on get up already." She shouted, as I snap out of my gaze.

"Oh so-sorry."

"See you tomorrow. Head back to your cabin and get some sleep, tomorrow will get even harder." Tori said as she walked out.

I grabbed my belongings and headed for the door. Watching her walk away I thought to myself, as hard as it is for me maybe this extra work and exercise, which is more of a inhuman punishment, didn't seem so bad after all. Why didn't it seem so bad?

Maybe it's because I'll finally start to lose weight. Maybe it's because I get to be around her more. Maybe it's because I, I like her.


Do I really like her? …

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