Running away Part 2

The Triple Win with a Side of Fries

Yongguk POV:

Okay.. I think everyone is asleep. This is my chance! Okay, I think I know where to go; for freedom and more importantly, ramen! *silently pumps fist in the air*. As I grabbed my things from under my bed/cot like thing; I looked around making sure no one was watching me. From what I saw, they were all asleep and little bit snoring. I had to get out of this place. I can’t survive here.. It’s just impossible. Ill join a gym or something, I don’t know, all I know is that I’m getting the hell out of here!


Himchan POV:

What is going on underneath me? *carefully looks over to see yongguk getting ready to make a run for it*

Omigod! He’s leaving! No. He’s running away!! TAKE ME WITH YOUUUU~~~ Okay, okay, I’ll just follow him and he can lead me out of this tofu prison. tofu is actually pretty good if you haven’t tried it, I constantly crave it lol. Anywayss..

Daehyun POV:

*Dreaming*  Mmmm~ yeah that’s right… I like that. Give me more. I can’t resist.. So tight…

Wow this sub barely fits in my mouth.. *Awakes* Oh… it’s just my pillow.. I I i-I really want a sandwich.. Wait. What’s that giant shadow moving over there? Yongguk? Is he leaving?? He can’t go without me! I seriously need some subway right now! Looks like he doesn’t want anyone to follow? Pfft, too bad.

Youngjae POV:

Counting sheep seriously doesn’t work. Hm? Where is Yongguk going.. Maybe I should follow in case he gets lost. This place is a little creepy.

Jongup POV:

Hehe wow the ceiling is so flat~ It’d be nice if you could walk on it. Where is Yongguk hyung going? Are all the hyungs up? They must not be able to sleep either.

Zelo POV:

Yongguk hyung? Why is he leaving? He’s not running away right? I must make him stay! Or make him take me.. Cherry tomatoes do sound good.. I’m going with him.


Author POV:

Yongguk thought he had made his way up and out silently, when really everyone was awake and saw. As Yongguk stepped out of the cabin; all the others got up and out of bed at the same time, frightening each other.

Himchan POV:

YAH! Don’t you all get up at once!! You could have given me a heart attack!

Youngjae: Keep it down Hyung! We don’t want to get caught.. So are we all up cause of yongguk hyung?

Daehyun: I just want a sandwich.. a 12 inch sub.. with a lot of meat.. and and and cheeeese also som-

Himchan: Yah, daehyun we don’t have time for your order..

Jongup: Yongguk is going to be gone by the time we go..

Youngjae: He’s right, we need to move now, and I want to leave this place too.


Author POV:

They all hurried out of the cabin, some smashing into each other, due to trying to get through at the same time. Which we all know wasn’t possible for them.. Trying to be as quiet as possible, they found yongguk. He was making his way through trees and bushes, to get to the nearest road. All of a sudden, yongguk felt like he was being followed. But he didn’t turn back, he didn’t have time. He wanted out. Finally he could distinctly hear footsteps behind him. Curiosity got the best of him, and fear also, and right when he turned all the others hurried to hide behind trees and other bushes.

Thinking that they hid themselves pretty well, they didn’t make one move. When really… Their bodies were too big and they could be easily seen. To Yongguk’s amusement, he pretended to walk away, when the “followers” thought he moved on, they all let a breath of relief, since they all held their breath. They started to get out from the tiny hiding spots to be greeted with a smirking Yongguk.


Yongguk POV:

I cannot believe these Yahoos thought they could legit hide themselves behind such little things.. Their face was even more priceless when they realized I was standing right there.

“Did you guys really think I didn’t hear you? Or even see you? Hahaha” I said.

“Um.. yes..” Zelo said being all nonchalant.

“Well we don’t have much time to get out of this place before they do their rounds. Let’s go if you’re coming, otherwise don’t try to stop me.”

“No. We’re with you..” a hungry Daehyun said, putting a hand on Yongguks shoulder dramatically.

They all nodded in response. Maybe this won’t be so bad.


Author POV:

They had been walking for about 10 minutes when Himchan started to complain. They all ignored it and kept going. Finally they had reached the road. They were all so happy but they then realized they either needed to flag down a car.. or rather large van, or truck.. maybe a nice flatbed could work too. Either way, they started heading down the road hoping to see some civilization. When all of a sudden they heard a very, very, VERY familiar melody. What did that delightful melody belong too? None other than the ice-cream truck.

“OMIGOD!!!!!  I SWEAR THIS IS OUR LUCKY DAY!” screamed Daehyun, whilst jumping up and down with his hands clutched together.

“Wow.. What have we done to deserve something so beautiful..” Said Jongup in awe.

“Don’t question it Hyung..” Said Zelo waiting for it to get closer.

What seemed like centuries, it finally came right up to them. An old man was working the truck.

They all gave their orders, too excited to calm down. They were all happy that Youngjae was smart enough to bring money. Soon, the man asked them if they could come around to back to get their ice-cream so he wouldn’t have to keep going back and forth. They eagerly obliged.

When they reached the back, they regretted it almost immediately.

Yongguk POV:

Finally we eat something other than rabbit food! I cannot wait. I can see the glow in Daehyun’s eyes, it’s pretty funny. Gosh why is this guy taking forever to open the back up?? I need my ice-cream. Suddenly the doors flew open and these SWAT like people jumped out and grabbed us all and threw us in the back of what seemed like an ice-cream truck, but inside was the total opposite.. OMIGOD… are we being kidnapped?!!?

Once we sat up straight and registered what happened just now, we saw other over-weight people like us looking pretty sad..

“You’ve been caught” said one of the scary SWAT people said.

DAMN!!! So close.. I can’t believe this. As we all sat there waiting to be dropped off at our cabin, we all looked at each other and could tell that we were failures in this mission.

What seemed like forever, we reached our cabin.

“No matter if it’s a duboki stand or an ice-cream truck.. They always get you..” Daehyun said as if he was traumatized. I honestly think we are all traumatized.. We will never look at an ice-cream truck the same way. You never know when people dressed like SWAT jump out and throw you in.

“We came close men; do not let this effect you. I will think of something..” I said. I’m not giving up this easily.. I WILL get my ramen. Daehyun WILL get his sub sandwich. Zelo WILL get his cherry tomatoes. Himchan WILL most likely not stop complaining. Jongup WILL never walk on the ceiling like he plans.. Youngjae WILL … will. Well I don’t know but you get the point. We will not give up our dream of eating.


Woot! two subs for this! lol. This chappie was a little difficult cause of all the members,and me trying to be funny... *sad face*

I try lol. Anyways, I hope who ever reads this, enjoys it. ^^*

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