Day 13~ The Exchange

The Triple Win with a Side of Fries

Author POV:

It was visitor day and today would be the day for the “exchange”. Mir would be coming with Yongguk’s “stuff”. Of course they were both on edge; afraid of being caught. Who knew what would happen? Yongguk knew what would happen if he ran away but this was smuggling. What exactly would happen to Mir if they were revealed? None of them wanted to think about it. It was either giving it their all or nothing. If they weren’t sure about it, they knew they would be found out.

Mir not knowing how to hide all the snacks was having some difficulties himself. A backpack would be to suspicious, a gift would be attention provoking, stuffing it in his clothes would be a big fat NO.. Or would it?

Mir POV:

I arrived at No Mercy camp. So far, so good. I basically blend in with all these people. As I’m looking for Yongguk, I see one of the counselors making their way towards me. She has a really scary glare to her… Omigod, have I been found out?! Okay, think of something Mir, you’re not going down this easily. EEP~ her face does not look pleasant. Okay well it does, but she doesn’t look happy. No! I spent 3 hours putting on these triple chins to look believable! All of it a complete waste! Well so much for anything. I’m sorry Yongguk.. I tried.

Author POV:

As Tori approached Mir, her face automatically turned happy, greeting Mir. To his relief, he wasn’t found out just yet.. Tori introduced herself and welcomed him and started trying to get him to come. Why you ask? Because, Mir’s “great” idea to hide the snacks was to put on a big fat suit and stuff everything in his “belly”. Honestly, he looked morbidly obese because of the contents he was carrying. It surprised Tori to how he could still walk without having to have someone pull him around. His fat makeup and suit looked really realistic.

By the time Tori was done trying to persuade him to become a member at the camp, Mir had a clear understanding of the entire camp and what he would be doing. Let’s just say, he was happy he wasn’t this big. What she described; it made him consider death before even thinking of coming here. He couldn’t see how Yongguk survives this… Oh wait. Yongguk!

Mir POV:

My god, she wouldn’t shut up. Now to find Yongguk.. *searching..searching..searching…Ah! There he is!*

Yongguk POV:

It’s been nearly an hour and I haven’t seen Mir.. Is he going back on our deal?? He better not. He better know, I have people outside of this prison.. Ugh. I’m getting restless. I keep looking around and around and this fat dude keeps getting in my way.

“Hey Yongguk!” Said the overly giant-like man in front of me. How does he know my name?

“Get lost tubby, I’m waiting for someone. “ I waved him off as I said it looking around for Mir.

“Um.. who are you calling ‘tubby’? Tubby!” The walking donut said with his hands on his hips, cocking his head to the side.
“Seriously. I don’t have time. Please just go, I’m busy.” I said getting very annoyed.

“I guess you don’t want your snacks then. Hmf” MIR finally said turning around with attitude. Damn..

“Wait! Comeback, sorry Mir, I didn’t know it was you. I really don’t remember you being this big..” I said trying to get him to come back because im just too lazy to get up and in shock a little.. he should be at this camp more than I should be.

“Well, I don’t remember you being this mean either but hey.” Ah there’s the attitude..

“Being fat will change you..” I said looking away.

Mir sat down, getting comfy, while I just stared at his many chins. When did this happen?

“Quit staring.. You make me feel self-conscious you know.”

“Sorry. Um when did ‘this’ happen?” I quietly said while somewhat pointing at his array of chins.

“This? *pointing to his chins and belly* ‘This’ never happened or is going to happen. Gosh be a little less offensive will you? I’m doing this for you!”

“…what in the world are you taking about?”

“This is fake.. Im hiding your stuff in my… my stomach.” Mir said trying to be discrete about this odd conversation we’re having.

“Are you being serious right now?” I’m seriously shocked and grossed out at the same time.

“Yes! Feel my chins, see?” Mir said grabbing my hand and placing it on his second chin.. wow that’s.. that feels weird.. What’s he hiding in there? Taffy?

“Ooh… eh.. eww. Give me my hand back..”

“Oh, sorry. Hehe. Anyways, how are we going to do this? I can’t really dig into my ‘stomach’ and give all this under the table..”

“Right. Well, why don’t you just go to the bathroom, and put everything in either the stall or the trashcan. Reason being, my counselors are girls and won’t be going in there.”

“Oh good idea! And don’t talk about your counselors.. They make me depressed.”

“Oh I see you’ve met them already. Anyways go! I don’t see them around right now.”

“Okay gotcha” Mir said while skipping to the mens room.


Mir POV:

I walked into the restroom to find a place to put the stuff. The stall would be too noticeable. I think the trashcan would be a better place in case someone comes in. Thank god everything is wrapped. I quickly took everything out of its hiding place and put it in its new hiding place. And it looked like I lost about 100 pounds. At least I look like a normal fat person now.. I hope no one will notice my dramatic weight loss that happened in less than 5 minutes.


Yongguk POV:

I really hope I don’t look suspicious. I can’t risk getting caught.. again. I see Mir walking out like nothing happened other than him looking lighter.

“Okay everything is hidden and safe.” Said Mir looking around also.

“Alright good. Ermm.. *cough* here’s the money..” I said sliding it under the table.

“Alright cool..” Mir said while taking it nonchalantly and counting it… the hell.

“Um, Guk, it’s a little short..”

“Are you kidding me right now?!” I said getting a little loud.

“Hahaha I’m just joking with you.. naw it’s actually a little too much. But hey no one’s complaining. I better go before the y exercise control freaks come back.” He said getting ready to make a run for it.

“Yeah yeah yeah.. Just be prepared for my next call when I get low.” With that we got up and shook hands..and well, hugged. Like a Man~


Author POV:

Yongguk, stealthily, made it to the bathroom and single handily got all the trashcans contents to the cabin without anyone noticing. He hid it in a trunk and put it under his bed. It was getting late and s had already gone to sleep. They didn’t have visitors and the past week wasn’t pleasant at all. He was finally happy and could somewhat live happily again.. The other cabin members will be so happy in the morning when he tells them that the exchange went perfectly like he planned. Now it was just to get through the next day.. He could finally sleep happily again. But how long would that happiness continue for?


Hello everyone ^^ Sorry about the overdue update.. I've been a little busy lately.. Guess whos going to Disney World? This Asian! lol. Blonde is in some other place at the moment. I reeeeaaally hope I didn't disappoint with this chappie~ I live to only please my only 4 subs...lolz jk. I love my subs and those silent readers..
Just a reminder; comments, votes, and subs are welcomed, they're actually encouraged! With that said, Haaaappy reading ^_^

please comment and sub though.. hehe.


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