Day 2~ Running Away

The Triple Win with a Side of Fries

Day 2 of my hell.

As you can tell from my greeting, it has not been in any way enjoyable. First, those two “happy” girls took me to a cabin.. A FREAKING CABIN! Those things aren’t safe! Not to mention I would be in there with 5 other dudes. It was a big cabin, but not big enough. We had to sleep on bunk beds. I got bottom bunk because like hell I would be on top; I move around a lot in my sleep, I don’t feel like dying at fat camp; though when I start training, I have a feeling I will get close. My cabin mates are tubbier than me it looks like, but you never know. Honestly, I almost decided to change my mind on sleeping on the bottom because I was afraid the dude on top would break it and crush me to death.. I think his name is Himchan? I kept it like it was because I wasn’t completely heartless to where I would hurt his feelings.. Plus I think the bunk beds would be sturdy enough considering this IS fat camp. I’m sure they put that scenario into consideration when getting bunk beds.

Anyways, the counselors are always freaking happy. Like what’s their deal? I don’t know, maybe it’s just me. One of my roommates came the same day I did, his name was Jongup I think. I wasn’t really paying attention when they introduced themselves…


“Okay this is your cabin! And don’t worry its safe! Plus this is a secluded place.” Tori said with a smile, *secluded? Great..*

“Also! You have 5 other cabin mates! They are very nice, and actually one joined today also!” said maddie with an even bigger smile. *I swear I’m going to give them hell one of these days.*

I entered the cabin hoping..hoping.. I really don’t know what I was hoping for, just for the best I guess. In I walked to see 5 really fat guys. I really didn’t expect them to be that big, not saying I wasn’t but, they all were just…big.

“Hyung look! We have a new cabin mate!” The giant one said pointing, jumping up and down. I swore I felt the entire place shake.

“Jeez, Zelo, don’t point! It’s rude!” said the one with blonde hair (okay they all almost had blonde hair) while putting “Zelo’s” arm down. I’m guessing he’s the youngest, by his behavior. 

“Hi! I’m Himchan, this is Zelo, the rude one.” Himchan said, I nodded in response, I’m sort of shy..

“Hello, I’m Youngjae” one of them said while bowing a bit. Again, I nodded.

“Hey, I’m Daehyun, and this is Jongup! He’s new here too. And a little shy.” He said the last part with a whisper and I kindly nodded to them both.

“Hello, I’m Yongguk.” I said giving them all a slight bow.

“Great! Now that you all know each other, figure out where you all will sleep, come to the office if you need anything. Lunch will be soon! We will come and get you when the time comes. Until then, get comfortable and get to know each other!” Tori said as she slightly punched me in the arm. *ouch*

“So before you came we were figuring out a place for Jongup.” Himchan said with a nod.

“How about the youngest sleep in the same bunk, while the oldest share a bunk and the middle aged ones does the same?” Youngjae said looking around.

“Andddd that’s why you’re the smartest Youngjae!” Himchan said while slumping an arm around youngjae.

We figured out who’s the oldest and youngest pretty quickly, I can’t believe I’m the oldest though.. Oh well, I like it.

*End of flashback*

Anyways Tori and Maddie were right. They were pretty nice. But I got the shock of my life at lunch time. Guess what they were feeding us?? Just guess.. Freaking tofu with broccoli!! I swear I wanted to die right there and then. The look on Daehyun’s was the same as mine, I have a feeling he eats a lot for some reason. All of them had the look of horror as we received our meal. It was just.. traumatizing. After we “ate”, I felt more like they starved us.. We went for a hike, it wasn’t too bad until about 5 minutes did I start feeling like I was walking a marathon. Up-hill is no joke. Though Maddie was pretty supportive, she cheered us on as it looked like we just walked 7 miles, when really we just started about 5 minutes ago.. I didn’t really see how out of shape I was till now. At least I wasn’t the only one, Himchan was pretty much complaining and saying that if he walked any longer he would go into cardiac arrest and die a sudden death. I pretty much agreed. The others were struggling too, I could tell by their faces. We kept walking for about 15 more minutes and walked back, it was sooo much easier walking back down.

The rest of the day progressed on with short break, small wimpy snacks, and mini workouts. Worst day ever. All of us plopped down on our beds and went to sleep; we were all too tired to talk really. The next morning was hell also. I don’t like being woke up early; well I don’t like being woke up at all frankly. Tori came in loudly and started blowing on this really loud horn at 6 AM in the morning! I never hated a musical instrument so much in my life, and music is my life!

For breakfast, we got a whole wheat pancake, with a boiled egg and fruit. Not gonna lie, I felt like crying. Have I ever done something so bad in my life to deserve this kind of treatment?? Oh right.. I ate. After it was about 7 and they took us on a long hike that about killed us all. Tori and Maddie were just chatting away and jumping around like it was nothing, I swear I wanted to tape their mouths shut! By 9 we were done and half dead, but we got a snack which was absolutely disgusting.. Celery with peanut butter. I rather they just gave me only the peanut butter. What is that they made sure we ate the celery too. I wanted to throw at their face.

Next was a toning session with Maddie. It wasn’t too bad considering she had a nice body. I noticed Zelo kept starring like she was a piece of meat or something. Other than that, I couldn’t do half the she was doing; I collapsed once she turned around. I think we all did. At 12 we finally got more food. What was it you ask? Well I’ll tell you, veggie chili salad bar. It was… not satisfying. After that we got to rest for an hour and hang out. I think we all pretty much took a nap.

It reached time for our break to be over; Maddie brought us over to this really weird looking building and let Tori take over from there. We were doing Pilates.. I thought that was only for girls. I was clearly wrong. I felt really embarrassed and tired and seriously did not feel like doing “butterfly kicks”.  I have to admit though, Tori looked pretty hot in her tight yoga shorts and tank.. I couldn’t really control my thoughts at the time and clearly still can’t now..

Anyways back on topic, the day carried on as usual. We met some male trainers that would be helping us with strength and other stuff. They were way tougher than Tori and Maddie. It felt like boot camp. Finally we were able to eat and then released to our rooms. I don’t think I can handle any more of this. I found out I will be doing more than just what I did today.. I figured it out. I’m running away from this horrid place.

I had everything ready to leave. I just needed to wait till everyone in the camp was asleep. Yes there were more campers, but I was assigned to Tori and Maddie and my cabin. So I had to make sure everyone would be asleep, I didn’t know the others, they might rat, with that said.. I now wait.

Until the next entry.. By then, I should be out of this disturbing abyss of starving fire that wants to be fed..

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