Day 45~

The Triple Win with a Side of Fries

Day 45
It's been a while since the trade with Mir. So far, life's been great. Workouts are still a pain but we eat what we want and we're satisfied. Soon word spread that we had the "stuff". We had payers of all sorts coming to our cabin. The good thing was that it was kept "hush hush" to the counselors and trainers. You wouldn't believe the money we were making. We didn't necessarily have a "price" per say.. We weren't really trying to make profit really. But man were these kids loaded. We were all good until this one girl came in..


"Hello." I introduced myself. "Hi, umm.. Porky pinee~?" She said

"Correct, guys close the blinds, shut the door, you know the drill." I said. "Alright, let's get down to business here. This is what we have" I said pulling out a trunk filled with unhealthy stuff. "Take your pick, since your new, it's on the house." -me being my nice self~

"Hm.. I would like those twinkies right there.." She said pointing to the golden logs. "Alright here you go~" She took the package and ripped it open and took a giant bite right there. We didn't judge at all. This is a safe place. Who knows how long this poor girl went without this, ugh I don't even want to think about it.. Then all of a sudden she started weeping. She must be so happy. It makes me happy.

"Is there something wrong?" Our cute chubby jongup asked. "No.. Well.." She said, she looked timid. "It's okay, this is a safe place." Himchan said while putting a friendly hand on her shoulder.

"It's just that, I'll never change. No matter what, I can' without this." She said while she started crying harder. Me and himchan exchanged looks briefly then I spoke. "It's okay.." I didn't really know how to comfort her to be honest.

"Because I'm like this, no one was my friend, and now I had a chance to change and here I am, giving up." She kept crying.. Um..

"It's alright... Mr. Twinkie will always be your friend..he'll never leave you.." Zelo spoke up while creeping up behind us from the dark.. The hell? "Mmmm.." The girl mumbled, nodding her head, whilst stuffing her face. After a while, she left. Although, what she said held in our heads.

She's right. None of us really had friends up until now. Of course people were nice to us and stuff but never, like "friend" friends. No one wanted to be friends with the "big" people. Which wasn't the case, we are just as much as a person as they are. Mir was basically my only friend that I could trust. And that's only because he's weird and had no friends and would get seriously bullied until I started sticking up for him in middle school. No one messed with me cause I could sit on them. They would die. Anyways, getting back on point. Basically what she said was true. We never really tried. All we did was try to make a break for it, and smuggle food in. It was shameful. We all knew this cause we all had that look. I think we all mentally agreed to throw this "trash" away and become men.

Finally we decided on a plan on how to dispose of our stash and when to. We decided to just sneak out to the cafeteria dumpsters and to just throw it away. If they found it, they wouldn't know who's it was anyways. It was a safe proof plan. We had a few lessons before it would be night, so we just put everything back and really worked out hard this time. Our counselors have basically forgiven us, I mean who can resist this cuteness? *does aegyo* okay, fail. Never doing that again. Anyways point is, they trust us again and we are really going to try hard for them. I think they really understand us. They accept us for us and really want to help which is great. It's just lacking on our part. I'm just surprised they haven't noticed no one has been losing weight lately..

"So are we really doing this?" Youngjae asked, eyeing all the delicious snacks. "Yes, we need to seriously try. I mean what do we have to lose?" Daehyun said.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU SAYING?! DAEHYUN! DON'T GO INTO THE LIGHT!!" Youngjae said as he jerked him around viciously. Though, it was weird that "that" was coming out of his mouth since he is the bigger eater out of us all. "Hey hey hey.. Shhh we need to be quiet."

"Right, we need to be quiet here." Jongup said nodding.

"I just don't know if I can say goodbye just yet.." Himchan said looking into the trash bag filled with food with a sad face. "Hyung, we already decided it. It's time to let go." Zelo said.

"You're right.. Come on guys, lets say our last goodbyes and do this like men." I said trying to be the mature one here even though I was hurting inside.. It was difficult. I felt like I was getting dumped a little.


"What's going on here?!" Screamed a very, very, mad womanly voice behind us... Oh. Hell. No.

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