Day 12~ I'm still alive, but i'm barely breathing

The Triple Win with a Side of Fries

Day 12 of my solitary hunger confinement

I did not make it out alive.. I was caught along with my cabin members and some others who tried running away. Alas, we were all failures. The day came quick. What was in store for me, I had no idea. Who knows how Tori and Maddie would react to this? They’re always happy, so they will probably forgive and forget right?

No.. was I terribly wrong. The two happy, cheerful, hyper, nice-to-look-at, girls were like the devil spawn. Who knew they could be so…vicious. Once the morning came, Tori and Maddie came in wearing camo and combat boots. Of course, I thought it was for our activities or something. Nope. You would not believe what they had us do. I think I could have died if they didn’t give us breaks at the right time. I honestly don’t think I will ever consider running away again. EVER. The rest of our days continued like that.

This was like a military prison now. Our food was also cut short. Hopefully this won’t last that much longer.. I’m starting to miss the tofu and our once nice counselors. I honestly was starting too really like Tori but now she’s just scary. I feel sorry for whoever her boyfriend is.

Soon it would be visitor day. Which meant our family or friends could come and see us for a few hours. Well, I promised myself that I would find a way for all of us to be happy again. On break time, I secretly snuck in the counselor’s office and called one of my buddies.


“Hello?” Said Mir
“Yo, it’s Yongguk. I’m sort of being watched and I don’t have much time. I need you to do me a favor.”

“Yeah sure, anything man. What is it?”

“I need you to buy a box of individually wrapped ramen, a case of cherry tomatoes, chips, chocolate bars, just candy in general. Tomorrow is visitor day at my… fat camp.. and I need you to bring that to me. Secretly. I’ll have the money ready for all that you bought and this little.. ‘job’ you’re doing for me. We got a deal?”

“Yeah man, ill hide everything good. Don’t know how, but I will. I gotchu covered.”

“Alright good. Don’t disappoint me.”

“Have I ever?”

“Good point. Be here tomorrow at 12 for lunch. We’ll do the exchange then.”  I said before Maddie walked in *ooh * “Okay bye mommy! I love you; make sure Yongnam doesn’t get my baseball cards!” *Nice save yongguk.. seriously.*

“What? Mom? Ooooh I gotcha. Love you too my Gukkie-pie~” Said Mir. *omg cut it out!*

“What are you doing in here using the phone without permission?” Said Maddie in a cold, scary voice.

I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out.

“Got homesick and needed to call your mommy? It’s okay, I know we’ve been hard on you guys, but it’s for your own good. Don’t worry, it’ll get better, we just need to teach you all a lesson.” Said Maddie seriously but nicely.

I nodded in response; afraid of giving myself away on accident.

“Alright well make sure you ask to use the phone next time. Break is almost over, better get ready.” Said maddie with a wink, as she grabbed hers and Tori’s boxing gloves off the table, walking out. *omigod that’s going to be hell*

*End of flashback*

Yes, yes I am smuggling “illegal” food here. What can I say? I gots connections. Cheaah~ I’m about that thug life.. *thug shrug*. Anyways, tomorrow is indeed visitor day and I need to prepare. I told the other cabin members so they know what’s going down tomorrow. With that said, until next entry..


Yes.. I know I said I would update Friday.. And it is somewhat Saturday (2:04 am my time right now) but, hey, i fangirled into a coma from the brilliant new song from BAP, Coffee Shop! Omigod, i fangirled so hard, I accidently busted my forehead open on the door frame at Starbucks. Yes, in public... The fangirl feels waits for no one and nothing. Not even the short walk to the car to be unleashed.. Its all good though. And yesh, Mir from MBLAQ made a cameo ^_^
Anyways, I know this wasnt as long as the past chapters, its because i sort of needed a filler for whats about to come *Yongguks newly found thug life*.. I already have the next chapter written, but I'm going to wait to post that later~ Stay tuned!

ilovezelo10: Thanks for the comment! <3


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