Chapter 14

What I Feel For You [editing]

Hana-ah, I like you. I like you so much, and I'm not willing to let you go. Even though you like someone else, I'll make you like me as much as I like you.

He kissed you that night. You could feel the weak scent of his cologne, making you dizzy. What did you do at that moment? Nothing. The perfect moment, and for once you actually hadn't messed anything up. Wow.

The next day you felt like you were flying. Small, pink, fluffy clouds and rainbows were everywhere and all you could think about was him. You had a story together, moments, memories. And everything was completed by that kiss. You were all full of thoughts when someone knocked on your shoulder.

"Hana-aaaaah!!! Good morning!" a familiar voice said and you tilted my head in shock to see who had interrupted your euphoric state of mind. It was Chanyeol. You stopped in the middle of a step when you realised it actually was him, and you fell into a pile on the ground with a loud shriek. He gave you a surprised face.

"What are you doing done there?" he asked with confusion.

"Oh, just checking the gravity. It still works." you answered sarcastically. Chanyeol laughed and helped you up on your feet again.

"Silly. I bet you were thinking about me." he teased. You blushed because he was right, you had actually been thinking about him. He took your hand and dragged you the last piece of distance to school. 

You hadn't given him an answer to his confession yet, but you suspected he would ask you about it in the near future. The only problem was how he thought you liked someone else. He saw the guy as a competition, a clear reason to fight for you, but what he hadn't realised that the guy was in fact himself. But you wouldn't tell until he actually asked properly. It would have been extremely awkward to just tell him, how wrong it may have felt. You weren't fond of awkward situations at all and you preferred to avoid them as much as you could.

The way to school felt long today. Longer than usual. Maybe it was because you wanted to enjoy every single moment you could spend with Chanyeol, so the both of you walked really slowly. To be with each other, for the same reasons. Except that he didn't know that.

"Hey, Hana!" Sehun yelled as we arrived to the yard, running towards us and giving me a hug before he glared at Chanyeol.

"You didn't do anything bad to my Hana, right?" he sounded very suspicious.

I started giggling and after a couple of seconds Chanyeol burst out in guffaw. Sehun gave us a confused face and asked several times why we were laughing.

"Aish, you're no fun." he mumbled and looked defeated.

"I can garantee you that I didn't do anything bad to me, dear grumpy sir." I said to him, but I couldn't stop laughing.

"I'm not grumpy!!" Sehun yelled, a little too loud and suddenly all eyes all over the schoolyard were on us.

"Oops..." he added, and everyone turned around again, minding their own businesses. He put his hands between his mouth and my ear like an O and then he whispered:

"I'm not grumpy. Not at all."

"Good sir, I must say are. A little at least." I giggled. Chanyeol had stopped laughing; he just stared at us.

"What did you say to her?"


"What did you say to her?" Chanyeol repeated.

"Someone is jealous." Sehun teased. He went to Chanyeol's side and reached up to pat him on the head. Chanyeol's blonde, fluffy curls moved up and down as Sehun patted them. "There, there dear Yeollie, don't be jealous."

The sight of Sehun stretching up along Chanyeol's side, patting his golden hair while saying calming words was too much for you. And Chanyeol's facial expression on top of that. You burst out laughing again.

Silly boys... you thought for yourself while walking to class, holding Sehun's and Chanyeol's hands in either of yours.



I'm back with a fluffy chapter~ It's over 8 months since I updated and I deeply apologise for that. School has been really stressy this year so I haven't had any time for AFF


And also, please read, support and subscribe to my new story "Dream of Paradise" (Link -----> HERE)

Lots of love to all of ya people for staying with this story for so long~ <3 Thaaaank you everyone

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shie_krai96 #1
Chapter 18: Awww,,,soo cute..gud job author-nim..
yeolli98 #2
Chapter 18: aawwwwwwww this is so sweettt!!! I really love it.
Aliah_exo #3
Chapter 18: This is so sweet awhhhh i want my life to be like this
Aliah_exo #4
Chapter 7: I love it¡¡¡¡
exo124 #5
Chapter 17: awwwww nice story!!!good ending and chanyeol is so cute in this story!
finally you updated! although i just found out this story todayㅡ im proud of you. it has been almost eight months since your last update and now you're back to continue writing. < 3 amazement suits the whole condition as of now because, as from my witness and all those research, most authors, once they got into a hiatus or writer-block, they tend to abandon their unfinished story which is just, useless, in my point of view. well, what i really want to say is that, welcome back and continue writing. < 3 i will always look forward to your new updates, nevertheless. the story plot is quite amazing and the story pace is all balance, which i liked from you, author -nim. all in all, i would upvote this though my karma isn't enough, just yet. anyways, i shall end my so called crappy comment here. ciao! o u o
Micassie #7
Chapter 15: Yaaaay I won't run over Chanyeol with a tractor, now that he's realized his idiotic antics by now. XD writer-nim, please update~
Chapter 15: Ne. Please update soon authornim. Asdfghjkl. <3
Chapter 15: idiot chanyeol xD
Chapter 15: Writerniiiiimmmm~~ update soon! Please~