Part 5




Tiffany hates it when she is woken up abruptly from a pleasant dream, but she didn’t even feel like frowning this morning when Jessica roused her from her sleep as she shifted to adjust her hold around the younger girl. It wasn’t unpleasant at all when Tiffany opened her eyes to Jessica’s wide-awake, grinning face looming right above hers and began her day with a soft “Good morning, love” from Jessica.

“That’s a lovely thing to hear first thing in the morning,” Tiffany giggled, turning to face her lover who she usually has to wake every morning. She reached up a hand to Jessica’s forehead, measuring the temperature. “You’re still hot.”

“I know I am.”

Tiffany narrowed her eyes down at the snickering girl and ended up blushing when Jessica raised a cocky knowing eyebrow.

“Whatever you cute hot melted ice princess.”

Your princess?”

Tiffany rolled her eyes, chuckling as she agreed. “Yes, happily mine, your highness.”

“Your highness demands a morning greeting.” Jessica ordered with a childish smile and twinkling eyes. She pouted her lips and closed her eyes, waiting for her love to fulfill her wish.

“Muah!” Tiffany exaggeratedly placed a big wet smooch on the pouty lips. “Good morning baby!”

Satisfaction brightened up Jessica’s grin. Her pale face, flushed from her sickness, regained liveliness and shone with delight. The bliss emitted from the older girl was so tangible and contagious that Tiffany found herself smiling along, mouth stretched wide, eyes curved shut.



“I love you.”

Jessica snuggled closer into Tiffany’s chest. Tiffany could feel a shy smile growing on Jessica’s face as she encased herself in her arms. Her heart went doogeun doogeun when Jessica looked up at her, lifted her chin to place a chaste kiss on her jaw, and whispered against her neck.

“I love you too.”


“So, what do you want for breakfast, my princess, your highness?” Tiffany asked, adding a low curtsy at the end, cheekily.

“Hmmm,” Jessica played along and her chin like a Chinese Emperor. “Chicken broth porridge sounds delicious and healthy. Perfect for an amazing person like me!”

“Your wish is my demand,” Tiffany pulled the grinning girl forward by her hands and dragged her out of bed. “But first your majesty needs to wash your beautiful face, brush your perfect teeth, and shower your y body.”

She sent her giggling girlfriend into the bathroom with a slap on her bum before skipping away into the kitchen to make her the desired breakfast. Well, at least to attempt to. Humming a little cheerful tone to herself, Tiffany pranced around the small area with spoons, knifes, pots, and ingredients flying around her in a little whirlwind. Just when something decent-looking began boiling on the stove, a disoriented little kid walked into the kitchen, rubbing sleep out of her eyes cutely, awakened by the commotion caused by SNSD’s new masterchef.

“Fany-ah, what are you doing?” Taeyeon asked, sleepy eyes widened in shock and fear.

“Morning Taetae!” Tiffany swirled around, almost knocking the bottle of sesame oil into the fire. She grinned happily, unaware of the state of terror that her poor observer was in.

“Uh, what are you doing?” Taeyeon cautiously walked over to the taller girl with hands outstretched in front of her, demanding the cooking utensils in the latter’s hands.

“Cooking!” Confused, Tiffany pouted and lifted her hands above her head so that her possessions will be out of Taeyeon’s reach. “What are you doing?”

“I’ll help you cook. You must be tired of taking care of both of us so why don’t you go sit down for a while?”

“Are you trying to kick me out of the kitchen again? Taetae, I thought out of everyone you would understand! I just wanted to cook something for Jessi and you to make you feel better.”

Taeyeon furiously denied the correct accusation and reached up to caress Tiffany’s face soothingly. “No sweetie, I was just concerned for my love.”

Tiffany remained with narrowed eyes.

“Let me cook?” Taeyeon asked again, aegyo-implied in an attempt to successfully persuade Tiffany.

Tiffany inwardly squealed at the rare display of cuteness but she was resolute on cooking for Jessica.


“Come on baby? Bbuing bbuing?”

Tiffany turned around, back to the stove, to hide the smile growing on her face. Her girlfriend was such a cutie, well both of them were: one a cute dork and another a cute princess.

“No, but you can help me out?”

“Yay!” Taeyeon cheered and jumped up to press a big smooch on Tiffany’s cheek.

“You little dork,” Tiffany grinned affectionately.

“I’m older than you!” Taeyeon defiantly pulled her vertically challenged body up straight, as tall as she can.

“Neh ajumma.”

“Yah!” Taeyeon slapped her favorite part of Tiffany. Actually, it’s her third favorite part, first being her heart although it didn’t belong to her, and second being her plump yummy lips.

“Byuntaeng ajumma.”

“YAH!” This time Taeyeon gave Tiffany’s round firm buttocks a little squeeze.

Tiffany squealed and pushed her away. “Stop! Why don’t you make yourself useful by getting me more of this instant porridge so that I can make you some too?"

Taeyeon turned away and walked towards the shelves, frowning slightly. She hadn’t known that Tiffany was cooking only for Jessica. Her hopeful heart had wished for too much again. Stuck in her thoughts, Taeyeon stalled her steps.

“Ajumma, can you move a little bit after?” The playful snicker brought her back out of her gloomy mind. Pushing away her heavy heart, Taeyeon told herself, “Well, at least now she’s also going to make me some.”

She grabbed the porridge packet and went back with a smile plastered on her face. Tiffany, being preoccupied with the boiling pot, did not look past the tight curve of the lips.

With Taeyeon’s help, the porridge was done in a few minutes with all disaster evaded. Tiffany carefully scooped the aromatic food into two bowls and clapped her hands in victory.

“Let’s go eat in Jessi’s room,” she suggested.

“You should wash the pot first before the porridge dries up and becomes crusty. I’ll take this into her room,” Taeyeon directed, taking the bowls from Tiffany’s hand.

Tiffany looked troubled and unsure about leaving her two girlfriends together in one room. Taeyeon sensed the hesitation and gave a slight smile of reassurance.

“Don’t worry, Fany. We’re not going to kill each other. We’re still friends, bandmates, and sisters.”

“Alright,” Tiffany beamed the most confident smile she could to hide the uncertainty. “I’ll finish up quick here.”

Taeyeon nodded as she walked away, slowly to prevent any hot liquid from spilling. She pushed through the open door and stepped into the room that she hadn’t been to in a few weeks.

Jessica immediately sat up from where she was slouching on her bed with a book in hand when the least expected person barged unannounced into her bedroom.

“Taeyeon…” It sounded almost like a gasp.

“Jessica.” Taeyeon placed the bowls down on the small bed-side table before sitting on the edge of Jessica’s bed. “Are you feeling better?”

Jessica looked away from the concerned eyes, feeling suddenly guilty at having Tiffany by her side the previous night.

“Yes, are you?”

The question held many implications, so Taeyeon refused to answer it, not willing to leave her heart bare and vulnerable in front of her sister, her competitor.

“You must be hungry. Let’s eat.” Instead of giving the expected answer to Jessica’s question, Taeyeon brought one of the bowls of porridge closer. She picked up a spoonful, blew on the hot food to cool it down, and then raised the spoon to Jessica’s gaping mouth. Jessica stared in surprise, not making any movement to eat.

“Shika…” Upon hearing the old nickname, the said girl finally responded, gulping down the porridge that Taeyeon had placed in . Taeyeon giggled at the zoned out expression of their residential princess. “You still living in your own world, aren’t you?”

“And you’re still the ever caring leader, sacrificing herself for us.” Jessica mumbled, taking the bowl from Taeyeon and taking hold of Taeyeon’s hand with her other free hand. She gently kissed Taeyeon’s fingers that were reddened from holding the hot food.

“I’m sorry.”

“Why are you sorry, you dumbdumb?” Jessica asked quietly, releasing Taeyeon’s hand to caress the older girl’s face affectionately instead, wiping away the single tear that had escaped. “I’m sorry.”

Taeyeon closed her eyes and leaned into the soft touch. Her heart felt at peace at last. A genuine content smile grew on her lips, drawing out wider when she opened her eyes to see Jessica also smiling back at her with her heart.

Jessica took the spoon from Taeyeon’s hold and scooped up more porridge to feed her after making sure that the food wasn’t too hot for consumption. Taeyeon opened widely to accept it. She reached up to hold the bowl as well, sharing the warmth with Jessica.

Porridge has never tasted this good.


Needless to say, Tiffany was very surprised to see her girlfriends sitting together on Jessica’s bed, holding a bowl of porridge together, sharing the food, and even sharing a spoon! She almost dropped the pills and bottle of water that she was holding. Walking without a sound to Sooyoung’s bed, she sat down and remained quiet and unmoving. The moment was one that she shouldn’t and couldn’t intrude into. She suddenly felt like a third wheel in the peaceful, loving scene. So she just sat there, slightly uncomfortable, yet unable to leave.

Only when all the food was well eaten did the two girls break their eye contact, giggling, and turned to face Tiffany with flushed cheeks.

“Hi Tiff.” “Hey Fany.” They greeted simultaneously and broke out into laughter again. It was a beautiful melody that made Tiffany’s heart soar. How could she ever take this music away from the world? It was a song that should be sung forever.

Tiffany didn’t dare say anything that would break the sacred atmosphere so she just handed the girls their medicine and water without a word. Jessica and Taeyeon took their pills and after exchanging looks of understanding, tuck each other into bed. Tiffany stood up, unsure of whether to remain in the room until they fell asleep or to leave. The two girls made the decision for her, patting the empty space in between them, inviting her to join them. With a smile of relief and discomfort, Tiffany climbed into bed and settle herself in the middle. Taeyeon and Jessica immediately snuggled up to her, each hugging an arm, and sighed in content. Tiffany felt her mind and body relax slowly. This was perfect.

“I love you,” Taeyeon and Jessica both said at the same time, their hands entwining from where they were lying on Tiffany’s waist. It was a statement meant for Tiffany, but also for each other, an answer to the other’s confession. It was a promise of love, and more.

Tiffany remained still, without a word, wide awake, as her two girls succumbed to sleep once again, deciding to relish in the moment of paradise that seemed as if it would disintegrate the moment an intervention of reality occurs.




A/N: merry christmas!!! and here's a light hearted, fluffy, moment filled update for my dear readers <3

hope you guys liked it cuz i found it particularly fun and confusing to write this chapter. now my jeti and taengsic feels are all jumbled up and all over the place! did u guys see those byuntaengsic moments in marchen fantasy, i couldn't stop giggling!

if this chapter made you guys confused, i'm glad! :D and for those who are here for angst, sorry for the fluff, but oh well im originally a fluff writer so i cant help it *squeals excitedly*

i seriously don't know where i am going with this or which pairing this is gonna end up with anymore :S i'll b honest, i started with a plan to end with jeti but now that taengsic's alive ehhhhhhh mehhhhh ;) my mind's actually telling me not to post this up yet cuz i hav nothing else written :S but i wanted to give u guys a christmas gift ^^

hope you guys have a splendid extraordinary merry christmas and a great and fulfilling new year!




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Chapter 9: R.I.P
Chapter 9: a good plot, but abandoned.. I’m sad :<
Iriseapril #3
Chapter 9: Authornim.can u update...i just found this story
Go jetii.sunyeon tooo
taengolden_star #4
Author-nim,,please update this story.. r u abandoning this fic??the story plot is too good to be abandon.please continue writing.
taengolden_star #5
Chapter 9: Author,,please continue this story..i love the angsty plot u did here...where tiffany is being unfair to taeyeon...plz add more drama between them...dont mind about the nikon n fany, taeyeon n baekhyun thing...ignore them..make fany jealous n hope tae realize something..but at the end,,its always taeny!!
jetitaeny #6
Chapter 9: All my Fany ships sank. My heart broken into pieces T___T
taengolden_star #7
Chapter 9: Oh no...i w ant to be happy for tiffany but i just cant..oh my taeny's heart~~
taengolden_star #8
Chapter 8: Please update....n make it more dramatic..taeny all the way..
Chapter 8: It seems like Tiff l0ves Jessi m0re than Taeye0n but like Soo said she's scared to lose Taeye0n. I w0uld l0ve it if its Jeti and Sunyeon. I think Taeye0n w0uld be happier with Sunny.
JETI and SUNYE0N!! :-D
milkymilk19 #10
Chapter 8: Still hoping that author-ssi will update this :( please.