
「 Different 」
I had to bring him back in his bed so he could be comfortable. He still didn't open his eyes. I was worried, I had no idea what was going on. Luhan told me he once had to live the exact same situation with Sehun and when the maknae had woken up, he wasn't the same. What did this mean? I didn't know. Will Baekhyun still be the same? I wondered. As I passed my hand on his soft yet sweaty face, he slowly opened his eyes and looked at me. He quickly grabbed my hand and threw it away. My eyes widened, without me understanding why he reacted that way.
''Don't touch me. I'm fine.'' he deadpanned before getting up and leaving the room.
I stayed in the bed, staring at the door. Maybe he was going to come back and act as if all of this was a joke. But I kept waiting and never did I see him enter the room again. I sighed, not really knowing what was going on. I got up and left the room as well. I passed by Luhan's and decided to knock.
''M'yeah?'' he answered.
''C- Can I come in? I have something to ask you.''
The door opened on a curious red headed boy and he stepped aside, letting me enter. I sat on the small couch next to his bed and sighed.
''When you said Sehun changed when all of this happened, was it in a good, or bad way?'' I suddenly asked, looking up to him.
''Did something happen with the kid?''
''Just answer.'' I briefly said.
''Sehun was no longer laughing along with me after the incident happened. He didn't even dare look at me. If I tried touching him, he would slap me or yell at me.'' he started before looking down and sitting on his bed. ''It was as if he had forgotten about everything I had done to help him.''
I listened to every word the oldest said to me and without knowing it, I began to blink a lot, trying to stop water from accumulating in my eyes. Does this means Baekhyun will also forget about what I did to help him? Will he forget about the way I tried to ease his pain when he had nightmares? I quietly thought to myself. I felt a hand on my shoulder and as I lifted my hand, I saw Luhan's sad eyes looking at me.
''Everything will get better in time, don't worry Chanyeol-ah.''
I thanked him and walked out of his room to go downstairs. I got into the kitchen and as soon as my eyes met Baekhyun's, he sighed and turned around. I lightly bit my lower lip and looked at the floor. Even if he was acting distant now, I still felt like hugging him and telling him that, I was that person who was happy because he didn't jump that day. But instead of annoying him even more, I left the kitchen to go sit on the couch, next to Sehun, in the living room.
''Why were you distant with Luhan when it happened? Why is Baekhyun like this as well? Is there a reason?'' I asked, as soon as I sat by his side.
''Yes there is. His inner wolf is slowly coming out. He has to be able to deal with the anger inside of him. Once he does, it means he's ready to show his true identity without having difficulties. The only thing I can't be sure of is how much time he'll stay that way. For me, it lasted about two weeks.'' he explained.
I nodded, while playing nervously with my fingers. I was hoping that Baekhyun would last less than a week this way. I already missed having him by my side at night. Even if it only was while he was shaking and crying, feeling him close to me was perfect.
Days passed, and I still didn't get the chance to see him smile. Slowly, the days turned into weeks and he was still not the same as before. It felt like if he was so far away, when he was yet so close.
Sorry for the delayyyyy T.T please forgive me~
Finally, chapter 9 is done! Fewww >o< Did you like it?
Poor little Channie bby, right? Huhu. Please comment ^____^
Can't wait to see what you thought of this chapter, gomawo!
Park TaeHyo ~ xo
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Chapter 9: awww T^T This was kind of heart breaking... Please turn back to normal soon! Aish.. I'm so worried!! > <

THIS WAS FREAKING AWESOME! You get my feels to a whole new level with this fic!! Thank you! ♥
Chapter 9: Yes poor little channie :C I hope bacon will be nice and kiss tha outta him LOL JOKE so not romantic hereee BUT STILL I want bacon to slap channie LOL WHAT AM I SAYING HAHAHAA just kidding omo I need sleep u.u anyways I LOVED THE IDEA U GOT! IT IS AMAZING! You have such good ideas u.u I envy you are the author of this storyyyy! But I'm happy u are the one who wrote it HEHEHEHE great story ^^ Jeongmal ^______^ Saranghaae unnie <3 :D
Chapter 8: Oh NO!! You can fight it Baekhyun!! YOU CAN DO IT! > < This is freaking awesome Author-nim!! ^^ I LOVE THIS! ♥
Chapter 8: ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh Cuteness&Fluff >///< I wonder what's gonna happen next, can't wait for the next update Author-nim! :)
Chapter 8: omfg unnie. I KNEW IT I kneeeeeeew it would be ing goood when u said you weren't sure.. I LOVE IT! I laughed I smiled I worried I LOVE IT! looooooove the effin FF T____T I wanna die it's soooo good! T_____T Seriously not just saying it. I ing love it.
Chapter 7: omg omg omg omg... Cuteness overload! >///< Just Kiss already! JK xD This is really awesome!! ♥
Chapter 7: omg unnie I LOVE IT SO MUCH! IT'S SO PERFECT! PERFECTOSSSS! PARFAIIIIIT! 완벽한! 完美的。! FOIRFE! PERPEKTO!! PERFETTO! LOOOOOOL okay enough. but seriously NO NOT ENOUGH IT'S SO GOOD I LOVE IT MY FEELS AT EVERY LITTLE GESTURES AAAAAAH fight unnie! you are really good at this ^_______^
Chapter 6: KYAAA!! This was so cute.. ! >///< okay I know I said I liked this story... I'm changing that.. I LOVE THIS STORY! Thank you very Much! ♥