Change of plans

「 Different 」
Baekhyun's pov
This will probably be the last time I'll feel the cold wind brushing against my skin. It will also probably be the last time I'll see the sun hiding behind the clouds. As rain is slowly starting to fall, I bite my lower lip, trying to convince myself that everything will be better once I jump. I had no doubt that hell was surely better than the life I lived. One last deep breath and I looked up to the sky. Goodbye cruel world, I thought before hearing someone scream behind me. My heart was racing as I backed off from where I was standing.
''Yah! Are you crazy? Were you about to jump?'' the stranger asked, taking my arm.
''Who told you to stop me?'' I said, dryly.
''Well, I am a normal human being and I think it's pretty normal for me to stop someone from committing suicide.''
''What if that's what I really wanted? What if I didn't see it as a suicide, but as a new start? Maybe I would come back as another person, a better one. I could finally be someone else and I could enjoy life. People would enjoy being by my side. Everything would be better. What if this is what's waiting for me after I jump?'' I explained, not being able to hide my tears.
''Who told you you weren't good enough? Let's face it, if you're alive right now, there must be a reason. You only have to find that reason, and stick to it. I'm sure someone out there is happy you're not dead by now. Stop crying.''
The tall boy in front of me wipped away the water on my cheeks, slowly, with his thumb. He was looking at me as if he didn't understand my pain. I lowered my head, looking at my feet.
''If you were me, you'd understand why I wanted to end everything.'' I admitted, as I walked past my life saver.
''Baekhyun, I know more about you than you might think.'' he calmy said, slightly turning his head to see me. ''By the way, I'm Chanyeol.''
Here's the first chapter! I know, it's really small but it's only the start.
I will make longer chapters from now on ^___^ Did you like it?
Why do you think Chanyeol knows Baekhyun, tun tun tun? Huhu~
Please tell me what you thought about it and thank you for reading c:
Park TaeHyo ~ xo
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Chapter 9: awww T^T This was kind of heart breaking... Please turn back to normal soon! Aish.. I'm so worried!! > <

THIS WAS FREAKING AWESOME! You get my feels to a whole new level with this fic!! Thank you! ♥
Chapter 9: Yes poor little channie :C I hope bacon will be nice and kiss tha outta him LOL JOKE so not romantic hereee BUT STILL I want bacon to slap channie LOL WHAT AM I SAYING HAHAHAA just kidding omo I need sleep u.u anyways I LOVED THE IDEA U GOT! IT IS AMAZING! You have such good ideas u.u I envy you are the author of this storyyyy! But I'm happy u are the one who wrote it HEHEHEHE great story ^^ Jeongmal ^______^ Saranghaae unnie <3 :D
Chapter 8: Oh NO!! You can fight it Baekhyun!! YOU CAN DO IT! > < This is freaking awesome Author-nim!! ^^ I LOVE THIS! ♥
Chapter 8: ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh Cuteness&Fluff >///< I wonder what's gonna happen next, can't wait for the next update Author-nim! :)
Chapter 8: omfg unnie. I KNEW IT I kneeeeeeew it would be ing goood when u said you weren't sure.. I LOVE IT! I laughed I smiled I worried I LOVE IT! looooooove the effin FF T____T I wanna die it's soooo good! T_____T Seriously not just saying it. I ing love it.
Chapter 7: omg omg omg omg... Cuteness overload! >///< Just Kiss already! JK xD This is really awesome!! ♥
Chapter 7: omg unnie I LOVE IT SO MUCH! IT'S SO PERFECT! PERFECTOSSSS! PARFAIIIIIT! 완벽한! 完美的。! FOIRFE! PERPEKTO!! PERFETTO! LOOOOOOL okay enough. but seriously NO NOT ENOUGH IT'S SO GOOD I LOVE IT MY FEELS AT EVERY LITTLE GESTURES AAAAAAH fight unnie! you are really good at this ^_______^
Chapter 6: KYAAA!! This was so cute.. ! >///< okay I know I said I liked this story... I'm changing that.. I LOVE THIS STORY! Thank you very Much! ♥