Like a brother

「 Different 」
I stayed speechless for the rest of the dinner. As soon as we got out of the restaurant, I was about to leave to go back home but his hand grabbed my wrist and he pulled me closer.
''Don't think I'll let you go now that I know you want to end your life. You're staying with me, also, I need to make sure of something. Follow me.'' he blurted.
We started walking and I had no idea where he was taking me. The sky was now completely gray, with not even a single sign of the sun. Since it was also kinda late, it was darker and there were less people walking outside. He suddenly stopped walking. As I looked around, I noticed we were in an alley, all alone.
''Show me.'' Chanyeol said, looking at me with those big brown eyes.
''S- Show you what?'' I gasped, bitting my lower lip.
''Show me your true form.''
''I can't. I can't do it.'' I admitted, watching my hands nervously playing together.
''That's what I thought.'' he started before taking a short pause. ''You always ran away from school when other kids made you angry. You had to hide your true idendity, am I right?''
I gulped since I knew he was right. Then, I nodded slowly and he got closer so he could put a hand on my shoulder.
''You have to be able to control it, Baekhyun. It is possible that one day, something might happen and you'll have nowhere left to run. And in the end, everyone will find out what you really are. You also have to be able to transform into that form whenever you feel like it.'' the tall boy explained.
''Why? Why would I want to turn into an ugly beast?'' I pointed out. ''I'm ugly enough the way I am right now.''
My eyes started getting teary as I thought about all the insults I have ever received. From my parents, from other kids in school, from everyone. I never was able to live a normal life. I didn't know what love was. With shaky hands, I covered my face so I could hide the tears that were starting to run on my cheeks. Without knowing it, Chanyeol brought my body closer to his and held me tightly.
''Please forget about everything you once heard that made you sad. The new life you wanted, you're having it right now. You won't be living alone anymore.'' he softly said, letting me go. ''I'll be by your side.''
I looked up to him with sad eyes and as my lower lip was lightly shaking, I thanked him. Never did I have someone be there for me like Chanyeol was right now. I barely knew him, but he was already taking care of me as if he was my brother. A brother I never even had.
''I can't let you go back home since your thoughts are still all mixed up. Is it okay if you come to my place for tonight?'' he gently asked, looking down at me.
I wasn't sure what my answer should be. Even if he was being nice, I didn't want to be a burden by going to his house. I looked away awkwardly and his voice was heard, once again.
''We won't be all alone, if that's what you're scared of. I have two friends who live with me.'' he added.
''F- Fine, I'll go. But only for tonight.'' I answered, turning around to start walking.
I heard him laugh a little behind me. Not knowing why, I turned around to look at him and as he saw me, he opened his mouth.
''Since you don't know where I live, it's better if you follow me.'' he said, pointing the opposite direction of where I was going.
My face turned red automatically as I growled quietly to walk towards where he was going. The only light that was guiding us tonight was the moon. My heart pinched lightly as I thought about earlier. If I had jumped, never would I have seen that beautiful moonlight. And the most important part, never would I have met a boy like Chanyeol.
Chapter 3, a bit longer! I like it, it's my favourite one for now ^.^
Did you enjoy it? Isn't Channie a cutie, awwww huhuhu
I'm guessing you know what they are from what I wrote in this chapter, right?
AWWWOOOO, AY SARANGHAEYO~ kekeke ^_____^ I love that song hehe.
Please comment what you thought of this chapter, thank you so much!
Park TaeHyo ~ xo
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Chapter 9: awww T^T This was kind of heart breaking... Please turn back to normal soon! Aish.. I'm so worried!! > <

THIS WAS FREAKING AWESOME! You get my feels to a whole new level with this fic!! Thank you! ♥
Chapter 9: Yes poor little channie :C I hope bacon will be nice and kiss tha outta him LOL JOKE so not romantic hereee BUT STILL I want bacon to slap channie LOL WHAT AM I SAYING HAHAHAA just kidding omo I need sleep u.u anyways I LOVED THE IDEA U GOT! IT IS AMAZING! You have such good ideas u.u I envy you are the author of this storyyyy! But I'm happy u are the one who wrote it HEHEHEHE great story ^^ Jeongmal ^______^ Saranghaae unnie <3 :D
Chapter 8: Oh NO!! You can fight it Baekhyun!! YOU CAN DO IT! > < This is freaking awesome Author-nim!! ^^ I LOVE THIS! ♥
Chapter 8: ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh Cuteness&Fluff >///< I wonder what's gonna happen next, can't wait for the next update Author-nim! :)
Chapter 8: omfg unnie. I KNEW IT I kneeeeeeew it would be ing goood when u said you weren't sure.. I LOVE IT! I laughed I smiled I worried I LOVE IT! looooooove the effin FF T____T I wanna die it's soooo good! T_____T Seriously not just saying it. I ing love it.
Chapter 7: omg omg omg omg... Cuteness overload! >///< Just Kiss already! JK xD This is really awesome!! ♥
Chapter 7: omg unnie I LOVE IT SO MUCH! IT'S SO PERFECT! PERFECTOSSSS! PARFAIIIIIT! 완벽한! 完美的。! FOIRFE! PERPEKTO!! PERFETTO! LOOOOOOL okay enough. but seriously NO NOT ENOUGH IT'S SO GOOD I LOVE IT MY FEELS AT EVERY LITTLE GESTURES AAAAAAH fight unnie! you are really good at this ^_______^
Chapter 6: KYAAA!! This was so cute.. ! >///< okay I know I said I liked this story... I'm changing that.. I LOVE THIS STORY! Thank you very Much! ♥