The explanation

「 Different 」
I stopped walking, not really understanding what he meant.
''What do you mean, you know me?'' I asked, turning around to look at him.
Instead of answering my question, he passed his arm around my shoulders and brought me inside the building so we could go somewhere else. As soon as we got back outside, people stared at me like if I was some kind of freak. They were probably there staring at me when I was waiting for the right time to jump. The tall boy by my side leaned closer and whispered something in my ear.
''Ignore them. Also, let me buy you lunch and I'll explain myself.''
We entered a small restaurant not too far from where we were and we took place at a little table in the back. I was impatient to know how this boy could know me. I had never seen his face before and neither did his name ring a bell in my head.
''So, who are you?'' I quickly asked, curiously.
''I told you, I'm Chanyeol.'' he simply responded as a waitress came to our table.
I sighed, thinking this dinner would take way more time than a usual dinner would. After ordering our plates, we finally got them and as I started eating, the curly boy in front of me started talking.
''I know what you are, Baekhyun.''
I choked on my bread as I was taking a bite into it.
''W- What do you mean by that?'' I asked, nervously.
''You know what I mean, I know you do. Let's not talk about it here.''
He stopped talking as if he thought everything was now clear to me. He ate his chicken without adding anything else. I was sitting there, looking at him, waiting for something else to come out of his mouth. I wanted to know more about how he knew what I really was.
''How did you find out about me? Are you a stalker or something?'' I spat out.
He giggled, taking a sip of his water before he answered me.
''A stalker? If that's what you want me to be, fine. But it's more than that. I am what you are.''
My eyes widened as my mouth dropped open. This was impossible. I was the only one like this, that's why people rejected me. That's why I made my parent's life harder than it should've been. Still not saying anything, I looked down at my plate. Suddenly, I wasn't hungry anymore.
''Wait, are you saying.. y- you're a-''
He quickly placed his hand on my mouth as he looked around us. When his eyes got back on me, he took his hand off.
''You can't just say it whenever you feel like it. Yes, I am, and we aren't the only ones. Also, never mention that word when there is people around. This is something serious, Baekhyun.'' he explained, as I listened carefully.
What was this all about? He didn't look like if he was playing with me, so it must be true. He really was like me, but how was this even possible? And there were more? Why am I only knowing about this now?
''I'm kinda surprised to see that you don't recognize me. I am in all of your classes at school. I've been told to watch over you, so that nothing can happen to you.'' Chanyeol said, scratching his nape.
''Why would something happen to me? And it's not like if it would've been something big since I'm already living hell.''
''You're wrong, you don't know nothing about hell. And now that I've found you, you don't have to worry about it anymore.'' he stated, without speaking too loudly.
Chapter 2 is a bit longer than the first one, right? Huhuhu~
Is it good, did you like it? I really hope so! ^____^
What are they? What are they trying to hide?  ; A ;
Once again, thank you for reading, it means a lot. Please leave some comments 
Park TaeHyo ~ xo
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Chapter 9: awww T^T This was kind of heart breaking... Please turn back to normal soon! Aish.. I'm so worried!! > <

THIS WAS FREAKING AWESOME! You get my feels to a whole new level with this fic!! Thank you! ♥
Chapter 9: Yes poor little channie :C I hope bacon will be nice and kiss tha outta him LOL JOKE so not romantic hereee BUT STILL I want bacon to slap channie LOL WHAT AM I SAYING HAHAHAA just kidding omo I need sleep u.u anyways I LOVED THE IDEA U GOT! IT IS AMAZING! You have such good ideas u.u I envy you are the author of this storyyyy! But I'm happy u are the one who wrote it HEHEHEHE great story ^^ Jeongmal ^______^ Saranghaae unnie <3 :D
Chapter 8: Oh NO!! You can fight it Baekhyun!! YOU CAN DO IT! > < This is freaking awesome Author-nim!! ^^ I LOVE THIS! ♥
Chapter 8: ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh Cuteness&Fluff >///< I wonder what's gonna happen next, can't wait for the next update Author-nim! :)
Chapter 8: omfg unnie. I KNEW IT I kneeeeeeew it would be ing goood when u said you weren't sure.. I LOVE IT! I laughed I smiled I worried I LOVE IT! looooooove the effin FF T____T I wanna die it's soooo good! T_____T Seriously not just saying it. I ing love it.
Chapter 7: omg omg omg omg... Cuteness overload! >///< Just Kiss already! JK xD This is really awesome!! ♥
Chapter 7: omg unnie I LOVE IT SO MUCH! IT'S SO PERFECT! PERFECTOSSSS! PARFAIIIIIT! 완벽한! 完美的。! FOIRFE! PERPEKTO!! PERFETTO! LOOOOOOL okay enough. but seriously NO NOT ENOUGH IT'S SO GOOD I LOVE IT MY FEELS AT EVERY LITTLE GESTURES AAAAAAH fight unnie! you are really good at this ^_______^
Chapter 6: KYAAA!! This was so cute.. ! >///< okay I know I said I liked this story... I'm changing that.. I LOVE THIS STORY! Thank you very Much! ♥