Second night

「 Different 」
Since it was a quiet and hot night, we decided to make a fire in our backyard. Sehun, Luhan, Baekhyun and me were sitting around it, not having anything to say. The maknae was looking at his Lulu with big bright eyes which made the other one laugh, also staring at him. As Baekhyun was looking up at the stars, I had my eyes glued on him. When he decided to glance at me, I turned my head quickly to act as if I was watching the fire burn in front of us. But as if my eyes didn't want to lie, they looked back up to the brown headed boy and they automatically met his. Even if I wanted to look away, I couldn't. As Sehun and Luhan got up to go back inside, I felt like they knew something was going on between me and Baekhyun at the moment. Not that he made my heart race a thousand times faster than usual, but it pretty much seemed like it. I saw him shiver slightly, even though there was a big fire burning in front of him.
''Are you cold?'' I asked him.
''Oh, no. It's fine.'' he answered, not sounding too sure.
''Are you sure? We can go back inside if yo-''
''I want to stay here. You can go if you want.'' he whispered.
''Why would I leave you alone?''
It took a few seconds before he answered. It seemed like he was thinking about something that was bothering him.
''Because, people usually don't enjoy being with me.''
I stood up, which made him jump a little. He tilted his head slighty on the side when he saw me getting closer. I offered him my hand and as soon as he placed his own hand in mine, I made him get up and brought his body closer to mine. I wrapped his body with my arms, trying to make him understand that I enjoyed being with him.
''Never, ever, say these kinda things again, do you hear me?'' I softly said, placing my head on his.
He only burried his head in my neck as an answer. I knew he was older than I was, but I still felt like I should protect him and never let him go.
After a few more minutes of being outside, we walked in the house and went to his room. He changed quickly, without me looking, and he went in bed. I closed the light and as I was about to go change in my room, his voice stopped me from moving.
''A- Aren't you gonna stay?''
I turned around to look at him and smiled softly.
''I was only going to change my clothes. Can I?'' I said, playing with him.
He blushed and hid his face with the blanket. I giggled a little and left his room to go in mine. Since I wasn't really cold, I only put a tank top on and kept my boxers. I walked back to his room and when I entered, he was already sleeping. I walked over to his bed, quietly and sat beside him. I did my best not to wake him up, I only wanted to look at him for a while.
''Why are you so precious?'' I whispered with a tired voice.
He slowly opened one of his eyes and when I noticed he wasn't sleeping, I got back up and coughed a little, trying to hide how nervous I was.
''G- Good night, Baek.. hyunnie.'' I quickly said, laying on the couch next to the window.
I heard him laugh lightly, which made me hide my face with both hands.
''Good night, Channie.'' he responded with a lovely tone.
Still with my hands hiding my blushing face, I heard footsteps coming towards me. I peeked through my fingers to see Baekhyun standing next to the couch. He gently took one of my hands off of my face and kissed my cheek, shyly.
''Sweet dreams.'' he added before smiling and going back to bed.
Yay, it's finally done! I had a lot of trouble writing this chapter, omo >w<
I'm tired and omg, I'm sorry if there are mistakes T.T ~
I hope you'll enjoy it though ^___^ Please comment, thank youuuu <3
Park TaeHyo ~ xo
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Chapter 9: awww T^T This was kind of heart breaking... Please turn back to normal soon! Aish.. I'm so worried!! > <

THIS WAS FREAKING AWESOME! You get my feels to a whole new level with this fic!! Thank you! ♥
Chapter 9: Yes poor little channie :C I hope bacon will be nice and kiss tha outta him LOL JOKE so not romantic hereee BUT STILL I want bacon to slap channie LOL WHAT AM I SAYING HAHAHAA just kidding omo I need sleep u.u anyways I LOVED THE IDEA U GOT! IT IS AMAZING! You have such good ideas u.u I envy you are the author of this storyyyy! But I'm happy u are the one who wrote it HEHEHEHE great story ^^ Jeongmal ^______^ Saranghaae unnie <3 :D
Chapter 8: Oh NO!! You can fight it Baekhyun!! YOU CAN DO IT! > < This is freaking awesome Author-nim!! ^^ I LOVE THIS! ♥
Chapter 8: ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh Cuteness&Fluff >///< I wonder what's gonna happen next, can't wait for the next update Author-nim! :)
Chapter 8: omfg unnie. I KNEW IT I kneeeeeeew it would be ing goood when u said you weren't sure.. I LOVE IT! I laughed I smiled I worried I LOVE IT! looooooove the effin FF T____T I wanna die it's soooo good! T_____T Seriously not just saying it. I ing love it.
Chapter 7: omg omg omg omg... Cuteness overload! >///< Just Kiss already! JK xD This is really awesome!! ♥
Chapter 7: omg unnie I LOVE IT SO MUCH! IT'S SO PERFECT! PERFECTOSSSS! PARFAIIIIIT! 완벽한! 完美的。! FOIRFE! PERPEKTO!! PERFETTO! LOOOOOOL okay enough. but seriously NO NOT ENOUGH IT'S SO GOOD I LOVE IT MY FEELS AT EVERY LITTLE GESTURES AAAAAAH fight unnie! you are really good at this ^_______^
Chapter 6: KYAAA!! This was so cute.. ! >///< okay I know I said I liked this story... I'm changing that.. I LOVE THIS STORY! Thank you very Much! ♥