The Promise We Made

“I wonder why you hadn’t yet confessed your feeling to me, when I’ve been, obviously, showing you mine. But, well, I just figured it out myself. Now, I wonder why you don’t just tell me and stop making me keep hoping that you feel the same toward me. I’m so stupid…” Sunghee said, lowering her head. A teardrop fell from her eyes.

“That promise…I’m not even sure anymore if you still remember, but I guess it’s off, then.” And with that said she left the room, not even glancing back.


Myungsoo is shook awake. His eyes are wide opened and sweat is all around his body even though the room is filled with cold air from the AC. His heart is beating so fast that it is hard for him to breath. He feels suffocated in his big room.

“That dream again.” He mumbled to himself as he gets himself to sit upright. This has, somehow, become a predicted incident. Almost every night, in the past two years, he will dream of that dream. It’s haunting him every night that he has started to become afraid of sleeping. Sunghee’s eyes – teary, full of hurt and hatred, and the feeling of betrayed, and that drop of tear that escaped her eyes a moment before she left him in that room, without giving him any chance to explain.

“It’s your fault! Stupid girl!” Myungsoo said, ruffling his hair. A drop of tear escapes his eyes but he quickly blinks that away. This, too, has become a usual thing in his sleepless night. He never lets himself cry even in front of himself. He never lets himself see how broken he is, even if himself knows that he is broken and helpless. His world has crashed down since two years ago. Sunghee, his whole world, has left him two years ago, because he was so stupid to let his guard down. His life now is meaningless. The only thing that keeps him living is the thought that he still can see Sunghee even from afar. Even if he can’t touch her anymore, he can’t bring smile to her face anymore, but he is happy as long as he can still see her and her beautiful smile.

Myungsoo sighs, frustrated as ever. He is tired and depressed, and really wants to end everything, his life. He tried to kill himself several times but the thoughts of Sunghee’s smile always wreck his attempts. Another teardrop falls but this time he lets it flow down his cheeks. He cries again after he promised himself not to cry anymore, 3 months after that incident happened. He is at fault, he knows it. And it breaks him even more. Knowing that everything was his fault kills him even more.

“AAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Myungsoo screamed, in the middle of the night, letting all his frustrations out. He doesn’t care if he will wake the whole neighborhood. He just doesn’t care about anything anymore, even himself.

A knock on his door is suddenly heard. “Myungsoo-ah, are you okay?” Myungsoo sighs hearing his umma’s worried voice. He wipes all his tears away and settles his breath. “I’m okay, umma. Just go back to sleep. It was just a nightmare.” He said calmly.

“Well, if you say so. I’m here if you need anything, okay?” Woori said worriedly, but she shook it off. As worried as she is, she is not the type to interfere. She prefers to stay at the side and wait for Myungsoo to tell her everything. Besides, her son is big enough to think of what is best for him.

Myungsoo sighs as he hears his umma walks away. He throws himself back to his bed and stares at the ceiling. “Sunghee-ah, are you hurting, too? Can you feel my pain, too? Do you ever even think about me after what happened? I know I still do. I think about you everyday. I’m sorry I hurt you.” Myungsoo said with tears flowing, but he wipes it away every time it falls. He promised himself to never cry again.


∞ SHINee ∞ SHINee ∞ SHINee


“Myungsoo oppaaaaa~ are you in…..there?" Sunghee froze when she saw what was in front of her. Myungsoo pushed the girl in front of him and stared at Sunghee in horror. He tried to say something but nothing came out. His voice seemed to have betrayed and left him.

“Myungsoo oppa, what are you doing?” Sunghee asked again, still trying to process what actually was happening. Tears started to form in her eyes as everything started to make sense. Myungsoo, the love of her life, was kissing another girl.

“Oppa, why are you kissing her? I thought…I thought you like me…” tears finally rolled down her cheeks when Sunghee said those words, a very hurtful fact that torn her heart apart. Myungsoo took small steps toward Sunghee, trying to reach her as no word had yet come out. He was trembling, his whole body was trembling.

“Sunghee-ah, it’s not like what you saw it.” Myungsoo was finally able to let his voice out. “It’s a misunderstanding, Sunghee-ah.” He said again as Sunghee kept silent and stayed still, not moving. And tears finally flowed down his cheeks when Sunghee said those cursed words.

“That promise…I’m not even sure anymore if you still remember, but I guess it’s off, then.”


“Sunghee-ah…wake up! You’re dreaming!” Taeyeon shakes her cousin to wake her up. Sunghee is full of tears and sobbing in her sleep, which woke Taeyeon up. Sunghee opens her eyes and her sobs just suddenly stopped. She stares at her, obviously, worried cousin.

“Did I cry again?” She asked, receiving a nod from Taeyeon. “It’s harder this time, I guess.” Taeyeon said, and pulls her beloved cousin in her arms, hugging her. Sunghee cries again in Taeyeon’s arms as the painful memory creeps up her mind again.

They are having a sleepover at Taeyeon’s house, something that they would always do only on weekend. But it became more frequent since the past two years, since that day Sunghee came to her house, crying and wept until she fell asleep in her arms. Only Taeyeon knows, as far as she concerns, beside the people involved in that incident. The two cousins never really keep anything from each other.

“It’s been two years, Taeyeon-ah. But it never leaves my mind. It never stops hurting me.” Sunghee said as she keeps crying and crying. Taeyeon her back, trying to calm her down.

“Maybe it’s time to let him explain Sunghee-ah. Like you said, it’s been two years. Maybe, hearing his explanation will lighten the pain. It’s never wrong to try, you know.” Taeyeon said, letting go of her hug and wipes away the tears from Sunghee’s face.

“I know, Taeyeon-ah. You always say that, but I’m just not ready, yet. I’m afraid that what I expect is not the real truth, and I think I’m not brave enough to face it.” Sunghee said, getting a nod from Taeyeon.

“I know. But it’s been two years, Sunghee-ah. And you have to face it. I don’t want you to regret anything.” Taeyeon said, eyes staring seriously into Sunghee’s and her hands resting on her cousin’s shoulders. She then smiles. “Now let’s get back to sleep, we still have school tomorrow.” Sunghee nods and lay back down followed by Taeyeon by her side. Taeyeon hugs Sunghee to calm her down and let her sleep comfortably, one thing Sunghee loves about Taeyeon, and she is happy that she has Taeyeon as her cousin and best friend.








so, that is basically what happened 2 years back..

and I feel like updating, so yeah, I did..hehe

hope you like this update..comments are loved!!^^


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it seems like I won't be able to update for some time..the internet connection really , I can only go online through my handphone..I'm really sorry guys~~


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Chapter 8: Waaa so cute! !!
I really love it !!
Chapter 8: Well, I'm kinda..late, right? xD I'm sorry, school is making my life miserable xD
Oh, I hope you don't mind if I make a long comment :3
First of all, I like your writing style, is very clean and correct, I mean, no typos or grammar mistakes (which I surely have to improve in my stories because my english still improving~ lol)...I really enjoyed it ^^
Also, you include some of my fav couples (2Min, YaDong, GyuHyun and of course MyungJong!) and the way you make them so sweet and emotional it's simply wonderful.
I love the song you included, The Voice of My Heart is a very soft and meaningful song which fits perfectly to the story and completes the whole romantic scene.
Summarizing, this is a very well done story, one that I surely would read more than just once and would recommend to my friends ^^
Thank you so much and sorry for the space I've took here xDD I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate stories like this one ^^
Also, thank you for your support to "What Is Love?" and for your comments~ XOXO!
I'm gonna go and check your other stories~
infinity_dreamLOL #3
Chapter 8: Funny ending.love it!!!
infinity_dreamLOL #4
Chapter 7: Sweet!!!!cant wait 4 the next chap!!:)
Chapter 7: eyy finally they've made up hahahaha!
infinity_dreamLOL #6
Chapter 6: Keep updating!!!i ll be waiting~mind me asking what song r i talking bout
infinity_dreamLOL #7
Chapter 2: Yay!!! 2 of my fay pairing is in this story...it is cute how taeyeon comfort sunghee.keep updating author-nim
Chapter 2: aish ><! who is that b**ch that dare to ruin my lovely myungjong!!!
Chapter 1: curious of what happened to them ><!!!!