Chapter four: Accept?

Such a prayer

 Chapter three of Such a Prayer By: Geekygurl13 

Chapter four: Accept?

Sehun was eating the food that Daeho gave him. He smiled at the fact that he was eating something really good. He wasn't eating something from the trashcans. Then Miyoung's mother came into the kitchen. 

"Sehun's your name right?" Miyoung's mother asked. Sehun nodded.

"Alright Sehun. Call me Mrs. Kim," Miyoung's mother told Sehun. Sehun nodded again.

"By the way, where did you live before you became like this?" Mrs. Kim asked. Sehun didn't want to answer. But he did.

"I lived in an orphanage," Sehun told her. Mrs. Kim looked at him.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Uhh... tomorrow, may you take me to the orphanage you lived in?" Mrs. Kim asked. Sehun was scared but he nodded. 

"If you're hungry, just tell me, alright? I will cook some more for you," Mrs. Kim told Sehun. Sehun noddded. After 3 bowls of eating, Sehun got full.

"T-thank you, Mrs. Kim," Sehun said quietly. 

"Your welcome, sit on the chair and I'll get you some clothes," Mrs. Kim told Sehun. Sehun nodded and sat on the chair while Mrs. Kim went to Miyoung's room.

"Miyoung-sshi?" Mrs. Kim said as she knocked on her daughter's door.

"Ne, umma?" Miyoung said, inside of her room. Her mother entered her room and then closed the door.

"Honey," Mrs. Kim said as she walked up to Miyoung, who was doing her homework,"do want Sehun to wear Wonshik's clothes?" Miyoung stopped doing her homework and looked at her mother.

"If you don't want to, I--"

"Ani, umma. Let him, he needs to wear something warm other than those clothes," Miyoung told her mother. 

"Are you sure?" Miyoung's mother asked. Miyoung smiled and nodded. 

"I should go ask Daeho-sshi, too," Mrs. Kim said before she left Miyoung's room. Miyoug sighed and looked at her homework. After doing the last problem, Miyoung walked out of her room and looked for her mother. She found her mother in one of the rooms. It was kind of where Wonshik's and her father's things were. It looked like a room but instead there was a few boxes around. Miyoung saw her mother looking through boxes.

"Umma, can you find the clothes?" Miyoung asked her mother.

"Ani, but I'll find it," her mother said. Miyoung could tell that her mother's back was starting to hurt.

"Umma, I'll look for it. You should rest," Miyoung told her mther.

"Are you sure?" her mother asked. Miyoung nodded. Her mother smiled and got up then went to her room. Miyoung looked in the drawers and found some clothes for Sehun. She stared at the clothing and sighed. She stared at the shirt. She had some memories of her and Wonshik. She shook her head and stood up then closed the drawer.

She walked downstairs to the kitchen. She saw Sehun looking around the kitchen and sitting on a chair.

"Sehun?" Miyoung said. Sehun looked at her. 

"Come with me, please," Miyoung told Sehun. Sehun nodded and followed her. Miyoung took him to the bathroom.

"Uhh... you can take a shower. Here's your towel and here's your clothes," Miyoung told Seun as she placed it on the counter. Sehun nodded. 

"Knock on my door when you're done. My door is 2 doors down from here," Miyoung told him. Sehun nodded again. Miyoung left the bathroom. Sehun looked at the shower. He the shower and took off his clothes. He got in the shower and felt the hot water on him. Sehun smiled. It has been so long since he felt hot water on him. Sehun washed his body and his hair, cleanly.

After he was done, He got out of the shower and dried himself. He wore the clothes that Miyoung have him. He walked out of the bathroom and walked down 2 doors down. He knocked on the door and then the door opened. 

"You're done," Miyoung said," come with me." Sehun followed her and they went inside a room. 

"You can sleep here for tonight," Miyoung told Sehun as she the light. 

"My mom will wake you up tomorrow morning, so get a good night rest, alright?" Miyoung told Sehun. Sehun walked to the bed and sat on it. He nodded. Miyoung smiled.

"If you need anything, just knock on my door," Miyoung told him. Sehun nodded again. Miyoung then left the room. Sehun smiled and laid down. He closed his eyes and fell asleep.


The next morning, Miyoung woke up. She got ready for school then went downstairs. She saw Daeho and her mother.

"Miyoung, I'm taking Sehun to the orphange so I might come home late," her mother told her. 

"The orphange?" Miyoung asked. 

"That's where Sehun was before he became homeless," her mother explained. Miyoung nodded and sat on the chair.

"Umma, I'll be coming home late too. I have soccer practice tonight" Daeho told his mother.

"Ne, be careful when you come home, alright?" their might said. Daeho nodded. 

"Umma, can you tell me what orphanage you guys are at, later on?" Miyoung asked her mother. Her mother nodded. About 30 minutes later, Miyoung and Daeho went to school.


"Miyoung!" someone shouted. Miyoung turned around and saw Baekhyun. 

"What is it, oppa?" Miyoung asked. 

"So who's that kid from yesterday?" Baekhyun asked. 

"His name is Sehun. He was th--"

"Who's Sehun? Your boyfriend?" Chanyeol asked. 

"No, she doesn't have one and will never have one," Kai joked. His others friends came as well. 

"So who is he?" Luhan asked.

"Do you want to tell oppa?," Miyoung asked Baekhyun.

"Okay. So yesterday, this homeless boy came inside our bubble tea shop. My father kicked him out after scolding and Miyoung got mad so she went after the homeless boy," Baekhyun explained. 

"Your father scolded someone? That's the first," Suho said. Baekhyun sighed and nodded. It was very rare for his father to scold someone.

"You went after that boy? Is he mean? Ru--"

"Oppa, he's very harmless. He doesn't even talk much," Miyoung told Kai.

"Are you sure?" Kai asked. Miyoung nodded. 

"So what's his name?" Chen asked.

"Sehun. He's older than me but younger than all of you," Miyoung said as she pointed to them all.

"Aww, I always feel old around younger people," Xiumin pouted. Miyoung chuckled and ruffled his hair. 

"But you act younger!" Miyoung said.

"And  you're shorter," Kris snorted. The other members hid their giggles.

"Hmm... that's true," Xiumin said earning laughter from the others.

"We should go to class Kai," Miyoung said.

"Alright, see you guys later," Kai said as he and Miyoung walked off. The others waved goodbye.

"Are you sure he's harmless? He could be act--"

"Oppa, he is harmless. You should have seen him yesterday. He was crying is heart out," Miyoung told Kai. Kai sighed and nodded. Then they both went to class since they were both in the same class.


"Sehun..." Mrs. Kim said as she gently shook Sehun. Sehun opened his eyes and saw Mrs. Kim. 

"Good morning Sehun," Mrs. Kim said with a smile," go use the bathroom and wash up. Then come downstairs for breakfast," Mrs. Kim told Sehun. Sehun nodded and stood up. Mrs. Kim gave Sehun some clothes and then gave him a toothbrush. Sehun washed up then went downstairs and was greeted with food.

"Eat up, Sehun!" Mrs. Kim said with a huge smile. She placed a plate of 5 pancakes and a bottle of syrup on the table. Sehun walked up to the table and sat down. He grabbed the fork and cut the pancake. He took a bite and smiled. 

"Tastes good," Sehun thought. Mrs. Kim smiled as she saw Sehun smile. Soon, Sehun finished the pancakes. 

"Sehun, in a bit, can you tell me where the orphange you used to go to?" Mrs. Kim asked as she gave him a cup of orange juice. Sehun nodded. 

"So tell me about yourself, Sehun?" Mrs. Kim told Sehun. Sehun didn't know what to say. He didn't want people to know about his past. Mrs. Kim noticed that Sehun didn't want to reveal his past so she changed the subject,

"What's your favorite color?" Mrs. Kim adked. 

"White," Sehun told her, quietly. Mrs. Kim didn't got overboard with questions. She just asked him simple questions that people normanly would ask. Then Mrs. Kim took Sehun to where he used to live, the orphanage.


"Miyoung, are you leaving?" Kai asked. Miyoung nodded. 

"May I go with you?" Kai asked. 

"Why is that?" Miyoung asked as she was opening her locker.

"I don't know, I just don't want to hang out with the hyungs today! They are too nosy!" Kai complained. Miyoung laughed and nodded.

"We are not that nosy," Luhan said as he appeared behind Kai. Kai jumped and Miyoung laughed, once again.

"So where are you guys going?"Luhan asked. 

"My mother is taking Sehun to the orphange and--"

"Woah, you're mother is taking Sehun to the orphange?" Chanyeol said as he popped behind Luhan.

"Well, it's not like that. He came from the orphange and I guess he ran away so my mother is going to see his background," Miyoung explained as she closed her locker.

"Ahhh, I wish I could go. But I promised D.O, Baekhyun and Lay that I would rap in their song," Chanyeol said.

"Why don't Kris do it?" Miyoung asked.

"Kris is writing his own song wih Suho," Chanyeol explained. Miyoung's mouth formed and "O" and she nodded.

"I should go, see you guys tomorrow!" Chanyeol said as he started to run. Miyoung smiled and waved goodbye.

"Should I go with you guys?" Luhan asked.

"Uhhh... if you want to," Miyoung told him. Luhan smiled and nodded. then they went off.


"He was abused my his parents and then he ran away from he orphange, I guess. That's what the orphans told me," the owner told Mrs. Kim. Mrs. Kim looked at Sehun. He was sitting on a chair looking around. 

"So can you give me his files just to look at?" Mrs. Kim asked. The orphanage lady nodded and gave it to her. Mrs. Kim took it and sat beside Sehun. She started to look through it. 

"Mrs. Kim," Sehun whispered. 

"Yes?" Mrs. Kim asked as she looked at him. 

"May I use the bathroom?" Sehun asked. Mrs. Kim nodded at him. Sehun then walked to the bathroom. After using the bathroom, he walked out and saw a boy. He noticed that boy was one of his old bullies from that orphanage. The boy looked at Sehun.

"Hey, aren't you Sehun?" the boy asked. Sehun didn't say anything. The boy's name was Hansoo.

"He is," the other bully said. 

"I was wondering where you went. I guess you came back," Hansoo said while he walked towards Sehun. Sehun was scared, he didn't know what to do. 

"I guess nobody liked him so they took him back here," one of Hansoo's friend said. They laughed. Sehun looked down. 

"Says the boys who is still here," a male voice said, behind Sehun. Sehun turned around and saw Miyoung and 2 boys with Miyoung.

"And who are you?" Hansoo asked. 

"I am--" Someone cut off Kai.

"Miyoung! You're here!" Miyoung looked up and saw her mother.

"Umma!" Miyoung said.

"Anneyonghaesyo, Mrs. Kim," Luhan said with a bow. 

"Annyeong, auntie," Kai said.

"Hi, boys," Mrs. Kim greeted, "Miyoung, guess what?" Miyoung looked at her mother, curious. 

"Sehun is now going to be living with us," Mrs. Kim told Miyoung. Sehun's eyes lit up. Hansoo had walked away after hearing that with his friends following. 

"Really?" Miyoung asked. Her mother nodded, "all we need to do is pay and sign these papers then he can live with us." Miyoung nodded. Miyoung looked at Sehun who looked really happy but he wasn't smiling but you could tell by his eyes. 

"Sehun-sshi, meet my cousin, Kai or Jong In and my friend, Luhan," Miyoung introduced. 

"Excuse but Luhan is my friend as well," Kai told Miyoung with a little attitude voice. Miyoung rolled her eyes. 

"Just please be nice to Sehun while I go help my mom," Miyoung said, before leaving. Luhan and Kai nodded. Luhan looked at Sehun. Sehun was a very shy boy so he didn't look at Luhan or Kai.

"Sehun," Luhan said. Sehun looked up. 

"What's your favorite food?" Luhan asked, trying to start a conversation. 

"Bubble tea," Sehun told Luhan. 

"Like Miyoung," Kai said, 

"Your favorite flavor?" Kai asked. 

"Chocalate flaver," Sehun told them.

"Wow, you and Miyoung have a lot of things in common," Luhan said, "let's go sit over there and start to get to know each other," Luhan told sehun as he pointed to a table. Sehun nodded and the three boys want to that table.

New chracter, my ultimate bias! Our deer, Luhan!

Luhan is a cute boy who is one of Kai's and Miyoung's friends. He is easy-going, kind, gentle sweet everything that a girl wants. He doesn't get mad often. He is popular but he doesn't want to. He never had a girlfriend before. He is told to be very cute. He cares about people a lot. He loves to joke around. He's from China. He is one of the people that Sehun trusts the most.


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Chapter 7: Awwwe, I love this! Please update soon. ♥
Unoulov #2
More people need to read this story and up vote it it's amazing!!
this is such a good story!!:)
Chapter 2: cool, i'm definitely subbing :)