Chapter one: Her past

Such a prayer

 Chapter one of Such a Prayer By: Geekygurl13  

Chapter one: Her past

"Go home you witch! We don't want you here!" a classmate of Kim Miyoung told Miyoung. The eight year old, Miyoung was pushed by her classmate when she was walking home from school. Miyoung stood up and dusted herself. She watched as her classmate walked away with her friend while laughing. Miyoung sighed and walked home.

"Umma! Appa! I'm home!" Miyoung said as she walked inisde her house.

"Noona!" the 4 year old brother of Miyoung, Daeho said as he ran to her. He then hugged her. Miyoung hugged him back. 

"No hug for me?" she heard someone say. She looked up and saw her older brother, Kim Wonshik. Miyoung gestured him to come over. He smiled and walked over to her. He then hugged them both. Then they broke the hug.

"Omo, Miyoung-sshi, why is your clothes so dirty?" her mother said as she came down the stairs. Miyoung bit her lip.

"Umma, she must have fallen down," Wonshik told their mother. Their father came beside her. Miyoung nodded.

"Be careful next time, alright?" their father said. Miyoung nodded.

"Wonshik, take care of them, alright? Your umma and I are going to your cousin's party. Make sure they go to sleep at 8 and there's dinner in the microwave," their father told them. Their kids nodded. The parents smiled and kissed their kids on the forehead then they left.

"Miyoung, let me see your leg," Wonshik told Miyoung. Miyoung nodded and she sat on the coush in the living room. Wonshik was 13 years old. He loved his family very much. He was very caring, kind and very sweet. He listened to his family very well. He knew that Miyoung was being bullied but he never told his parents. Daeho knew it as well but never told. They never told because Miyoung told them not to. Well, Miyoung sat on the couch. Wonshik kneeled down in front of her and looked at her knee. 

"Miyoung, you're bleeding again," Wonshik said, "Daeho, can you bring the first aid kit?" Daeho nodded then ran to get the first aid kit. A minute later, he came back with the kit. He gave it to Wonshik and opened it. He then put ointmint on Miyoung then a bandage on her. Wonshik then smiled.

As two years passed by, Miyoung was still being bullied. But she still haven't told her parents. 

"Miyoung, you need to tell them," Wonshik told her. Miyoung shook her head. 

"Come on, Miyoung. Ju--"

"Oppa, I don't want to tell them," Miyoung interrupted.

"Tell us what?" their appa said as he came inside the living room. He and his wife just got home from a dinner party that ended early. Wonshik looked at Miyoung. Miyoung wanted to cry so bad here. She started to hiccup and some tears flowed down.

"Honey, what's wrong?" her mother asked as she ran to Miyoung. Miyoung didn't answer. 

"Son, what's going on?" their father asked. Wonshik was about to speak but Miyoung interrupted.

"I'll tell," Miyoung said. Wonshik nodded and sat down on the couch.

"Umma... appa... I'm being bullied at school," Miyoung told them. 

"I'm sorry.... for not telling you," Miyoung said as she started to cry. Her parents kneeled down in front of her and wiped her tears.

"Why didn't you tell us?" her appa asked.

"You could have told us. We would ha--"

"She couldn't say it," Wonshik interrupted his mother. His parents looked at him. 

"To tell someone who cares about you that you're being bullied.... is really hard to do. I couldn't say it as well.... do you guys remember?" Wonhik asked. His parents remembered. It was when he was seven. He was being bullied and his parents found out.

"I would apologize to you guys like as if I was stupid. I would feel so pathetic. I was ashamed when you guys found out. I would starte thinking 'what would you guys do if you guys started t hate me.' I was scared," Wonshik told them, "I didn't want anyone to know I was like that. I would make up stories to try to hide it but I'll feel even more patheticSo when you told me 'it's okay,' When appa told me that there was nothing to be ashamed of, I was so relieved. Miyoung-sshi, might feel that same way. She didn't want to you to hate her. She loves you, that's because she couldn't tell you." Miyoung started to cry again. 

"I'm sorry..." Miyoung started, "I'm sorry.... but please... don't hate me. Tell me, everything's okay. I was ashamed of being weak. But I want you to say it, just once. Even if it was just a lie," Miyoung said. Her parents looked at her.

"Don't say sorry. Everything will be okay, and we're not lying," her father started.

"Don't be ashamed. Don't feel pathetic. We will never, ever hate you. Please do tell us when you get bullied, alright?" her mother said. Miyoung nodded and wiped her tears. Her parents smiled and hugged her. Wonshik smiled. His father smiled at him and gestured him to come. Wonshik walked up to them and they all hugged each other. Then they all felt someone poking them.

"Let's all be happy and play in the backyard!" Daeho said as he shook them. His mother smiled and pulled him in for a hug with them, After that, they broke the hug.

"Let's go play the in backyard," their father suggested. The three kids nodded and ran outside while their parents follwed.

A few weeks later, there was a storm. Wonshi had gone with their father to go buy some groceries. There was heavy rain and thunder. Then there was loud thunder. Daeho started to cry. Miyoung ran to him and strated to comfort him. 

"Umma!" the siblings yelled.

"Shh, I'm right here," their mother said as she went up to them and covered them with a blankte. 

"I'm going to find some candles, alright?" their mother said. 

"Umma, take this with you," Miyoung siad as she looked through a table lapm and found a flashlight. She gave it to her mother.

"Thank you, sweety. You two stay here, wait until I get back," their mother said. the kids nodded and waited till their mother came back. When their mother came back, she lit up the candles. She then sat down beside her kids. 

"Should we listen the radio?" their mother asked. The kids nodded. She the radio that was not connected to electricity. 

"Right now, many cars have been into car accidents due to the heavy rain. Many drivers could not see where they were going. Some drivers had gotten into really bad accidents. They are now being transferred to the hospital. After the power is back on, we will call the families of those drivers."

Miyoung's mother turned off the radio and looked at her childern. They were fast asleep. she sighed and put her hands togther. She started to pray.

"Please, may my husband and Wonshik get home safely." She sighed and fell asleep. The next morning, the power went back on. Miyoung's mother had been woken up by her phone ringing. She woke up and walked to the phone. Miyoung and Daeho woke up as well. 

"Yeoboseso?" their mother said. Her mother listened and covered . Then she hung up. She walked back to her kids and knneled down in front of them. She started to cry.

"Umma... why are you crying?" Miyoung asked. Daeho was wonderng as well then he looked around.

"Where's hyung and appa?" Daeho asked. Their mother stopped crying and wiped her tears.

"Wonshik and your appa.... got into a accident yesterday and.... they are gone..." their mother told them. Daeho looked confused. 

"Like a bad accident?" Miyoung asked. Her mother nodded.

"And they.... die?" Miyoung asked. Her mother nodded. Daeho understood now. He looked down on his lap and didn't say anythong. Miyoung wiped her mother's tears and hugged her mother. She soon started to cry with her. A week later, the funeral happened. Everybody was dressed in black. Miyoung, Daeho and their mother was crying.

"Miyoung!" Miyoung looked up and saw her cousin, Kim Jong In or what his friends call him, Kai. She ran up to him and hugged him. 

"Miyoung... are you alright?" her uncle asked. Miyoung nodded. Her uncle, aunt and Kai satyed there until everybody left the furneral. Then they went home with Miyoung, Daeho and their mother.

"Eunji *Miyoung's mother*, if you ever want to anything, just tell us, alright?" Kai's mother said. Miyoung's mother nodded. 

"Jong In! Time to go!" Kai's father yelled. 

"I have to go now," Kai said. Miyoung and Darho nodded. Kai was comforting Miyoung and Daeho. 

"Bye *sniff* oppa," Miyoung said between her tears. Daeho was crying too much to say anything. That night, Miyoung and Daeho didn't say much. They rarely smiled for that whole day. The next day, was school.

"Get out of here you witch!" a classmate of Miyoung said. They were chasing after Miyoung and throwing paper at her. Miyoung kept running. But then she felt pain in her chest. She stopped running and started coughing. Her classmates pushed her down, not knowing what was going on. Miyoung was having a hard time breathing. She was taking deep breathes but that didn't work.

"Yah, something's wrong with her," her classmate said. They all stopped and looked at her. 

"Miss Park! Something's wrong with Miyoung!" her classmate said. The teacher came and saw the pale face Miyoung.

"Miyoug!" the teacher said as she gently shook Miyoung. Miyoung was still having a hard time breathing. Miss Park carried her to the nurse's office. The nurse then called Miyoung's mother.

"She seems to be having the same breathing problem you have Mrs. Kim," the nurse told Miyoung's mother.

"Really? H-how?" Miyoung's mother asked. 

"It may have been passed down," the nurse told her, "you should see the doctor to get the information." Miyoung's mother nodded. Then she called the doctor. Daeho, who ended school early was beside Miyoung who was awake. 

"Why did this happen?" Daeho suddeny asked. Miyoung looked at him. 

"Why did this happen to you?" Daeho asked. Miyoung stared at the ceiling.

"Maybe it's a punishment," Miyoung said. Daeho looked at her then put his hands together and closed his eyes.

"I will pray that one day, you will find a person who will care for you and love you. There's no way that noona is meant to alone her whole life, in this world that's full with people. I can't beilieve that there's not one person out there in the world who wouldn't love noona. Woever you war, please come to noona. If you car far away then please come to her, as fast as you can. Please..." Daeho stated. Myoung stared at him. She smiled and her hair. 

"Such.... a... prayer...."Miyoung said. Then her mother had taken her to the hospital. It turns out that Miyoung had the same lung problem as her mother but it wasn't as strong. Miyoung went back to her school the next day. Nothing changed.

"Go home, witch!" her classmates told Miyoung as they pushed her in a puddle of mud. Then they walked away. Miyoung stood up and fixed her clothes. She looked at the sky.

"I thought that some prayers could never be answered," Miyoung thought. Then she walked home. 

"Miyoung!" someone shouted and saw Kai.

"Oppa, what are you doing here?" she asked. 

"You're moving to a cooler place! Near me!" Kai said as he looked at Miyoung, "why are your clotes so dirty?" Miyoung sighed.

"I'll go change," Miyoung said. Then she went to her room and changed. 

"Umma, why are we moving?" Miyoung asked her mother. It was the day before they were moving. They were livng a mile away from Kai.

"I want us to start a new life," Miyoung's mother told her. Miyoung knew there was more to why er mother would want to move.

"And I want you to be happier. Due to the bullying at your school, you haven't been to happy so I decided we move. But if you're no--" 

"Ani umma, let's move out of here," Miyoung interrupted her mother with smile. It was one of the realist smiles that Miyoung had on. Miyoung's mother noddedThe next day, they moved. Daeho and Miyoung wanted to keep her father's and brothers belongings. Miyoung had transferred to Kai's school. She had met his friends Kyungsoo or his friends call him D.O. He had 2 other friends Park Chanyeol and Byun Baekhyun. When it was lunch, Miyoung didn't see Kai so she ate alone. 

"Uhhh... may I sit here?" a girl asked Miyoung. Miyoung looked at her then nodded. The girl sat down and started to eat lunch. 

"So, what's your name?" the girl asked. Miyoung.

"K-Kim Miyoung," Miyoung stuttered, "your's?"

"Park Minji," the girl told her. Miyoung nodded and continued eating her food. Since that day, Miyoung and Minji became friends. Best friends. It was Miyoung's first friend. 

"Maybe prayers do get answered," Miyoung thought. Minji and Miyoung had a playdate at Miyoung's house. It was going to be the first time that Daeho will meet Minji. When Minji and Daeho met, Daeho never smiled at her. 

"Noona..." Daeho said to Miyoung. Miyoung looked at him.

"Noona, I don't like Minji," Daeho told Miyoung. 

"Why?" Miyoung asked, making sure Minji isn't listening. 

"She doesn't look like a good person," Daeho told Miyoung. Miyoung sighed and kneeled down in front of Daeho.

"She is a good person, she was the first friend I made. Maybe your praying helped me," Miyoung told Daeho. Daeho sighed and went to his room. 

Years later, Miyoung had gotten older. Minji was the type who wanted to be popualr. But she would bring Miyoung into the popularity. Miyoung agreed since she didn't want to loose her best frined. But then she met someone. She met him at the bubble tea shop. That's when her life changed.

Annyeonghaseyo! It's me Geekygurl13! You guys like the first chapter? I hope it's good! Please do comment and subscribe!

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Chapter 7: Awwwe, I love this! Please update soon. ♥
Unoulov #2
More people need to read this story and up vote it it's amazing!!
this is such a good story!!:)
Chapter 2: cool, i'm definitely subbing :)