Chapter 4

My secret admirer's diary

At night

"Ugh~ My head spinning like crazy." I pinched my forehead.

My mother patted your head softly and sighed."Alright then,sleep and rest your body.I bet you're too tired.We'll be home tomorrow ,so take care of yourself"

My mother closed the door behind her and left me alone at the living room.Then I heard their car left my house compound.


I was all alone now.My family were going to my cousin's house for helped him as he wanted to move out.

 I reached for my beg and my jacket. I put on my headphone on my head and went off the road.

At a park, I sat on the stairs below the street lamp.I took out the diary from my beg.

With the dim light of the street lamp,I read the next entrance of the diary.


        I saw her again.

        She sat on the bench at the bus station.Alone.

        She had her headphone on her head.

        Her left hand was on her left headphone.

       Her eyes closed.

       She looked ...lonely.

        Can I accompany her?




I couldn't help but smile.



Onew's POV

"Hey,look at there." Minho whispered at my left ear.

I looked up at the stairs.Ha?! What she's doing here?

MInho,Jonghyun,Key and I were hung out together at the park when suddenly we saw her.

Taemin's crush.

Taemin never told us about her.I knew it when.....


 After school, Taemin and Onew walked together.

Taemin saw _____ at the bus station..

     She looked...lonely.

     Can I accompany her?

 At the same time Onew started babbling "After this,we'll go to Key's house to finish our homeworks there.Then,we'll watch some movies.He already bought new CDs.I can't wait for it.He bought  horror movies,you know.Yaa!! Taemin,do you hear me?"

Taemin stared the bus station without blinking.

Onew looked at the bus station curiously. "Taemin,why do you look at the bus station?"

 Taemin snapped to the reality and started blushed.Oh,no!  

" Nothing.I noticed that the bus station look so bad and old.The government should renovate the bus station quickly." Taemin said and walked faster.

Onew  frowned weirdly. "This boy is crazy or what?! The bus station still look fine and good." Then,he noticed something..oh,no,someone..

There's a girl.The girl was listening to her headphone.Her left hand was on her left headphone and her eyes closed.

Onew looked at the girl.Then he looked at Taemin who suddenly walked faster. Onew looked at the girl back.

 Does he likes the girl?    

Onew looked at Taemin back.Taemin blushed.

Yes,he likes the girl.

*the flashbacks end* 

End of Onew's POV.



Your POV.

This boy is so sweet.


I open another page.Its a short entry.





          Cotton candy?


           Ferrero Rocher?


          AGRHH..Its so HARD to find another thing that sweet as ____________.




Oh,he said I'm sweet.

he's wrong.

He's sweeter.






This is chapter 4.

Sorry if this story is boring and not interesting.

I'll try harder for the next chapter.

Sorry for the bad grammar.

will update soon. Comments are <3..subscribes are super <3.

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Chapter 12: wohoo~ a very big applause.. i love the story~
Chapter 13: I love your the plot of your storyyy!! <33
CubeLoverNaeun #3
Chapter 12: Cool story~I like it^^
CubeLoverNaeun #4
Chapter 9: I like your story but I wonder where is Taemin....
Chapter 9: annyeong~ i'm a new reader. i love it. i reade it to chapter 9 so far. and i want to say something.
why did they said that they miss him? did he move away? or did he---.
oh no please not that.
I LOVE this~! It's really good haha I LOVE Taemin too he's my bias in SHINee so I'm loving this~^^ I'm new btw :') haha~~
@kaykeating98 Haha~Its okay~thanks for your honest comments,I love you~!!