Chapter 11

My secret admirer's diary

 Rrring !!!

Recess time.

I sat on a bench and looked at the diary in my hand.I remembered the last page I'd read.He said he got bruises because of me.I didn't know why but..

I  felt soooo in love right now. I didn't care if this boy was not good-looking..

..or not cute...

...or nerd...

...or has a fully-pimpled face..

what I know,I was totally fell in love with him.Once I got  knew who was this boy,I would hug him ! 

I hugged the diary and closed my eyes.I could feel my lips formed a wide smile.What a good feeling !

" ______-ah ,why you're smiling to yourself like that? Are you okey ?"

A familliar voice.I abruyptly opened my eyes.

"Seohyun-ah ! " I gulped.Am I dreaming ?

" Neh,its me.Here,I buy a drink for you.Take it.Sorry for left yo..." 

" You don't have to be sorry.I understand.By the way,thank for this drink." I managed to give her my best smile,so she wouldn't be guilty anymore.

" You're too nice,you know.Eh,it's Taemin's book ,right? How the book end up with you ?" Seohyun pointed at the diary.

" Tae..Taemin ? Lee Taemin?! are you sure !? " My eyes opened widened brightly.

"Yes,I'm sure.He's always bring the book everywhere and sometimes he opens the book secretly in class.He's the only boy who has a white book like that."

I looked at the diary again.Taemin ?!The cute Taemin !?

" AHHHHH ! " I held Seohyun's hands and started jumping happily.

" Are you sure ?!" I asked Seohyun again as we jumping together. "Yes,I'm SURE! Why do you jumping like a clown ?? You make me jumping,too !! Stop it, everyone  is looking at us now!! "

I stopped."Sorry,but I'm so happy right now ! " So,the boy that liked me was Taemin.He was totally cute !

.....and good-looking..

.....and smart...

.....and has no pimples at all !


"Seohyun-ah,do you still remember when you broke my pen at the library ?" She nodded slowly

"Who was the boy that sat beside of me and then I borrowed his pen ?? "

She's trying to remember."If I'm not mistaken,it's Taemin.Why??"

I was about to scream again when suddenly Seohyun said " Talking about Taemin,it had been two weeks he didn't came to school." Then she drinks her drink.

My widened-smile vanished suddenly." Why he didn't came to school?" I asked her curiously. " She lifts her shoulders,shrugged " I don't know.I wonder why."

Yeah,I wondered why,too.



After school..

Key was the last person who left the class.Before he left, I could see he glanced at me.

..and now, I was alone in the class.I looked at the white diary on my desk.

So,this was Taemin's diary?

I really couldn't help but smiled.

I really did not expect that Taemin liked me.

I opened the diary.




       I fainted again today.

      ahh..I hate it when I fainted.




 Faint ??

I opened another page.




           Guess what,I fainted again.

           haha..I'm so weak.




Huh? Hhy he's always faints?

I opened another page. 




       Fainted again.

       hmm..I think it'd became serious now.




       What did he mean??! I opened another page quickly.




          I feel bad now.

          If something happen to me..

          I hope one day she will know about my feeling toward her.

          ..and the feeling will never gone..

          until  forever.




   what he was talking--I mean,writing about? Something happened to him?


            Its already two week he doesn't came to school..


I remembered what Seohyun said..what..aha! Maybe this was the best time to talk to Key.

I quickly ran out from the class.I was sure that Key must didn't went far yet.

..and at the moment,I saw Key and the other. "Key !! Wait !!"

He turned around and looked panic for a while.I must to talk to him even he ended up hit me.

"Key! I must to talk to you..about Taemin ! "

Key looked at Minho,Minho looked at Jonghyun,Jonghyun looked at Onew,Onew looked at me.

" So,you've already knew the writer of the diary,huh?" Onew said.

I blinked." Ye..Yes..You know about the diary,too? but I want to ask you.Where's Taemin ? Where's him?! "

" Sit here and we'll tell you everything."

So,I sat on the bench, between Key and Minho.Onew and Jonghyun still standing and looking at me like I was the poorest girl in this world.

" We are the person who put the diary into your locker." Onew started first.

" you can read it and know how much Taemin loves you." Jonghyun continued Onew's words.

" but why..and where is he now ?? " I said as my eyes suddenly felt hot.They heaved a deep sigh.

" Taemin is in hospital right now.He's coma due to his head injuries." 

WHAT !? My tears already rolling down my cheeks.My heart's pounding badly..and it felt pain..and hurt..

So hurt.

As Minho looked me crying,he quickly said " but you don't worry..he's..."

I interrupted him. "Where's *sob* he *sob* now..??I mean..*sob* which hospital? *sob*.."

"The hospital that nearby the bus station.I think you must  know the hospital and...Hey !! wait !!!"

Before he finished his word I had already ran to the hospital.I'd bumped into peoples several times,but I didn't care about that.

I could hear Key called my name.I knew they were following me.I didn't care about that .My tears already watered the whole face.

My hair was waving like crazy,I didn't care about that,too.

What in my mind now is Taemin.

Wait for me,Taemin.. I would come.


I went to the counter." Where's Taemin ?! I mean,where is the room that placed a patient named Taemin? "

The nurse frwoened " Room No.224,level 2".

I climbed the stairs and the other(Jonghyun,Key,Onew and Minho) were still following me too.

I arrived at the room.I opened the door slowly...

...and there was Taemin,lying unconsciously on the bed..

My tears bursted out again.I walked slowly and sat beside him.

" Taemin,wake up ! it's me.Do you recognise me?" I started talk to him while sobbing hard.

"Hey,wake up ! Please wake up ! it's me,,please,wake up.." I stiffened as Minho arrived at Taemin's room.

" Taemin-ah! Do you remember that you wrrote in your diary that you want to sit beside me and hear my favourite song? and

do you remember you wrote in your diary that you want to eat  ice-cream with me at the park? And do you remember that you wrote

on your diary that you'll never left me?? So,wake up now ! Please wake up now...."  I cried softly beside him,hoping he'll hear me and wake up.

..but he's still lying unconsciously on the bed.



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Chapter 12: wohoo~ a very big applause.. i love the story~
Chapter 13: I love your the plot of your storyyy!! <33
CubeLoverNaeun #3
Chapter 12: Cool story~I like it^^
CubeLoverNaeun #4
Chapter 9: I like your story but I wonder where is Taemin....
Chapter 9: annyeong~ i'm a new reader. i love it. i reade it to chapter 9 so far. and i want to say something.
why did they said that they miss him? did he move away? or did he---.
oh no please not that.
I LOVE this~! It's really good haha I LOVE Taemin too he's my bias in SHINee so I'm loving this~^^ I'm new btw :') haha~~
@kaykeating98 Haha~Its okay~thanks for your honest comments,I love you~!!