03. applicants.

と き め きmemorial - apply open !



character's name | plotline


[ulzzang - link - love interest - review]



kang jin hee | ms. artsy


yu rim - link - aron kwak - your apps are always so detailed, it's awesome. i really like the ulzzang you chose, she fits the plotline~. ;u; she's really tall, whoa. her entire personality, it's like...awesome. thumbs up. the whole visual four thing almost made me break out in to the boys over flowers theme song, orz. and the way she interacts with aron, omg. i can picture some awesome stuff with those two~ ^^ all in all, absolutely fantastic app ouo, and thanks for applying~!



lee jin ju | ms. gangster


girim - link - jung daehyun - holy crap, the style section. that really made me happy, it's so detailed ;u; oh gosh, her personality, too. that's really awesome, how she acts all tough so people don't worry about her. her background and home life is really nice, too. i love her goal - i can seriously imagine scenes with that. that's awesome. daehyun as mr. rockstar is a nice choice; he can be the lead singer and the guitarist~ all in all it's a good app, thanks for applying ^^



im yoo kyung| ms. artsy


sin bi - link - the personality section is pretty short, but it's also really descriptive. me personally, i don't have the talent to make short = descriptive, so props to you. i adore her background, especially the way france changed her and her relationships with people. that's awesome. the part time jobs section made me lol.  yoo kyung's goal is nice too ^^.  ermahgerd, eric nam. he's adorable isn't he?! sobs.  their relationship is adorable. good app all in all, and thanks for applying~^^



bang rae jae| ms. manager


jung min hee - link - her name, omg. i just...really like her name. orz. her style is really nice for the plotline and the links are great~ouo.  her personality is done well, and i love her background. 3 brothers, perfect. random question: is sehun tall? the only exo i know well is exo-m and like...suho.  sobs. the way she interacts with sehun is fitting, and the reason he's not on the team is up to you~! good app overall, and thanks for applying ^^



yang ye jin| ms. flower


kim shin yeong- link - first off, no worries about the ulzzang - i've actually never seen her used, haha, and she's fitting for the plotline anyways, so. the personality and background...i just want more of it. :c  it's so short and not very descriptive. but the last sentence in her personality made me laugh a lot.  sobs forever because jeongmin as mr. president, that's perfect. (i had no clue  who people would choose.) your app is making me laugh, but there's just not a lot of detail. i want moar.



min ye seul| ms. average


gam da in- link - i loved your app as soon as i read the nickname section. that...that was awesome. her style is really good for the plotline too. the "sizzled out flame" thing - that was really...just...thumbs up. the background was really nice too - i like the relationship she has with her parents especially. no worries about jongin for mr. perfect, it's...surprisingly fitting. but you'd still need to help me because i only know exo-m and suho. you made jongin's section as detailed as yeseul's, which...props. tamaki is wonderful but mori-senpai will always, always, always be my favorite host. and if this review doesn't make sense, forgive me, i'm tired ;A;



shim kae li| ms. artsy


kim seuk hye- link - didn't expect this plotline to be as popular as it is. her skinship-lovingness, omg. that's awesome. you really emphasized kae li's artsiness, which is really nice~ ouo. i didn't exactly think of key as mr. foreigner, but he's pretty fitting, surprisingly. and the way they interact is pretty cute~ pretty good app, and thanks for applying!



hwang mi rae| ms. internet


miri- link - yay for ms. internet! this is the plotline i was afraid would be horribly neglected, so props for applying for it in the first place~ tbh i have a better image of what kpop merch looks like than i should. infinite water bottle, what what?  the personality made me lol AND it's detailed, which, awesome. she sounds legitly like a fangirl, and it's perfect~♥ agoraphobia!chanyeol is great, he's tall (if i remember correctly?) and i always associate tall with awkward, so. your app is really adorable and i liked it tons ;u; thanks for applying!



jung ji hyun| ms. big sister


baek su min - link - okay, her personality. she just seems cold-but-trying-to-care-y, and characters like that are fun to write~ o u o. i see you made her daehyun's sister. ohohoho. and, because i'm dumb...what's the WE day club? omg, luhan for mr. youngster, that's perfect. his face, it's just - good stuff, good stuff. the way they met was so cute, as is their entire relationship. really good app, and thanks for applying ;u;



zhang yixian| ms. internet


yi yi - link - yi yi is so cute god dangit ;A; cough. anyways. her clothes are so casual and fitting for that plotline, props~ her personality is really nice, i especially like her ettiquite-y parents. so she's lay's sister, huh? awesome. leo as mr. mystery is perfcct since he's so cute and shy anyways~ i really like how you explained why he is the way he is, too. the band that ms. internet and mr. mystery end up spazzing over is just going to be one where no love interest is from, so.

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と き め きmemorial - second character going to be revealed a bit later today, watch out for her ♥ ...and him


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Chapter 3: hi! (: i've edited my app a little at the part-time jobs part, because i found it was really contradicting to what i wrote in her personality and background ><
and yup, yiyi's really cute! haha xD
Chapter 2: asdfgh-- would I still be able to apply for this? ;u;
Chapter 6: congrats to jinju~ xD
and omfg daehyun as mr rockstar<3
Chapter 6: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-/slapped
thank you for choosing me really /sobs and why is daehyun so hot in the pic /dies
i'm so happy happy happy. thank you very much ; v ;
have some hersheys because you're lovely <3
Chapter 6: congrats to jinju! c:
AteNa-Na #6
Chapter 6: congrats to ms.gangster, jinju! ^^
Chapter 6: ooooh hello ms gangster! ^^
Chapter 6: congrats to jinju :3
Chapter 6: Congratulations Jinju! Ms. Artsy does indeed have a lot of applicants. o/ c:
Chapter 6: Congratulations to Lee Jinju c;