と き め きmemorial - Jung Jihyun



Jung Jihyun | Ms. Big Sister


character's name: Jung Jihyun

nicknames: Ji

age + birthday: 16, May 8

ethnicity: Korean

languages: Korean [fluent], English [learning] and Satoori [fluent] (btw, this is Busan accent)


ulzzang: Baek Sumin

gallery: here

backup ulzzang: Byeon Seo Eun

gallery: here

description: Although people may call her y and mature, her outfits tell a different story.
Sure, she's stuck in her uniform all day, she likes to wear a lot of shirts with cute designs on it.
[ 1 2 3 4 ] Pretty simple, right? Well, when she finally decides to put an effot into it,
she'll wear skirts or shorts with simple designed shirts. [ 1 2 3 4 ]
Most of the time, she'll wear flats or heels with most outfits, but if she had to
pick, she'd choose these shoes over heels.

character traits: caring, positive yet cold, straightforward, stubborn, honest

expansion: Since she already survived one year of high school, gals come to her for advice.
Though she may get tired of all the questions, she's still willing to help. She cares for the
girls, like their her very own yet they're not. Her positive personality comes in handy,
making sure the girls down feel down about themselves. She tries brightening up the mood
by making short jokes or just laughing lightly. Her answers for their question come off a bit cold,
even though she doesn't mean to.
She can be pretty straightforward. If there's something she has to say, she'll say it right off
the bat, not really caring if she just interrupted. But hey, it's a pretty good thing.
If it's a bad thing, she'll say it right there, because she knows it'll just hurt later.
But if it's a good thing, of course she'll have to say, it's good!
She is such a stubborn girl. Once her mind is set on it, there's no turning back.
When arguing, she usually wins, if she doesn't, the whole argument might go on forever.
No joke. She's a stubborn, yeah, but she's at least honest. She doesn't like lying,
knowing that it'll never help anyone anyways.
background: Jihyun was only 6 when her mother cheated on her father for another man,
for money and for lust. Something her father wasn't able to provide for her.
Everyday, he'd work overtime, just to bring food to the table every night.
As a 6 year old girl, Jihyun only saw this as mommy is a very bad person and
poor daddy. Being the mature one, she took very good care of Daehyun, as
if her life depended on it. Just as she turned 10, her father couldn't take it anymore.
He couldn't support his family, and soon they were kicked out of their own home.
He decided to leave them, for good. Leaving them at an orphanage home.
Good news though. Someone saw the gift in these two children. Ms. Yang.
Their stepmother, the one who took them in when they need help the most.
When Jihyun was finally 14, she helped out by getting part-time jobs everywhere.
By that time, they were finally happy. Finally.

friends: Gong Chansik - 15 - grade 1 - happy-go-lucky, loyal, easygoing, playful, friendly - 5
Shin Yoonjo - 17 - grade 2 - loud, outgoing, stubborn, confident, overprotective - 5
family: Kang Yuri - 32 - unknown - mother - unknown - cold, lazy, ignorant, unorganized, selfish - Jihyun
doesn't know much about her mother, just that she abandoned them when they need help the most.
Jung Minhyun - 35 - alive - father - unknown - outgoing, happy-go-lucky, calm, loveable, modest - It was like
Father like Daughter. Jihyun was always closer to her dad. He was like her best friend.
Yang Minyoung - 38 - alive - stepmother - owner of a small shop - wise, witty, blunt, caring, loving - Ms. Yang
was a good replacement for Jihyun's mother. It was like Ms. Yang was always her mother in the first place.
Jung Daehyun - 16 - younger brother - student - lazy, straightforward, playful, witty, caring - As Jihyun's younger
brother, she always took take of him, though, he'd be embarrassed by it. But when it comes to his love life,
she's really overprotective because of what happened to her parents, she doesn't want that happening to Daehyun.

grades: Her grades? There okay, i guess? She mostly tries to stay in the A and B range but if it's C, no problem.

clubs: WE day club.

part-time jobs: She doesn't get paid but, she volunteers at the same orphanage home she grew up in.

lifestyle: When she arrives at home, she usually takes a short nap before grabbing a snack.
After that, she'll do chores and homework. Pretty boring? I know. But hey, that's
her own life. Only on special days, will she do something different.
school life: She maybe in her second year of high school but she has nothing planned yet.
She just wants to live her life to the fullest.



Xi Luhan | Mr. Youngster


name: Xi Luhan

age + birthday: 16, April 20

character traits: playful, shy, stubborn, overprotective, go-with-the-flow

personality: Luhan can be really playful at times, he's like a kid sometimes. He likes to
whine a lot. There are times where he'll tease you about the most weirdest things ever!
No joke. And it's not even funny..sometimes. Although he may be that teasing little boy,
he can get pretty shy easily. Usually, people compliment him, and he'll answer back with a small "thank you."
It's pretty cute though. :3
Just like Jihyun, he's really stubborn, I repeat, really stubborn. No matter what,
he'll try and argue about how he's not cute, he's manly. "Manly. Not cute." It's like his
everyday saying. Or his very own motto. He's stubborn and overprotective.
Wow. What a great combo. not really. Usually, when it's his stuff, he'll be very
overprotective and makes sure no one touches it, maybe Jihyun is an exception.
Although he may be stubborn and overprotective, he's a go-with-the-flow kind
of guy. Which is a bonus, I hope? But sometimes, he can't usually decided on stuff.
He'll go with someone's opinion, most of the time.

clubs: Soccer Team

part-time jobs: not at the moment.

how they met: Suprisingly, they met in dettention. As they were cleaning, both of them had the same feelings.
They didn't want to be here. No, scratch that, no one would ever want to be there.
Yet, at the same time, both of them, sorta felt happy being together.
While they were cleaning the art room, Jihyun accidently got paint on Luhan's face.
Or what Luhan calls it, "Messing with the baby-faced."
They ended up painting on each other's faces before getting back to work.
After that day, their friendship had blossomed.
how they treat each other: Luhan and Jihyun treat each other well. He likes to tease
her a lot. And I mean, a lot. While Jihyun likes to mess with him and other girls.
Yet she still has to find out about how Luhan feels. But at the end of the day,
they like to end it with meeting up with each other and sharing a laugh or two.
Both of them act like a couple but they don't at the same time. :D

comments: Err, thank you for making such a lovely idea, I think it's wonderful. <3

questions: Mmm, not yet. I hope.

scene requests: When I think of any, I'll tell you. My mind is pretty mindblown. Blame Wolf.

password: clickhereiknowyouwantto


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