と き め きmemorial - shim kaeli



shim kaeli | ms. artsy



character's name: shim kaeli

nicknames: dog (only her brother calls her this since the first syllable of her name, kae, means dog in korean); kaelynn (her english name and how people addressed her in france)

age + birthday: 27 January 1998 + 15

ethnicity: korean

languages: korean - fluent, french, english - basic, mandarin chinese - conversational

ulzzang: kim seuk hye

gallery: 1 | 2

backup ulzzang: park hwan hui

gallery: 1 | 2

description: kaeli's always seen in something more than a normal t-shirt and shorts. she's stylish, and loves wearing dresses or anything made of chiffon material. kaeli's wardrobe is very cheerful; her clothes are often bright-coloured like pink or yellow. she's the type who would choose her outfits a few days in advance. although not extremely rich, kaeli tries her best not to wear the same outfits more than once in a month, and would often find ways to recreate outfits from the same clothes. she absolutely detests uniforms because she thinks that they're boring and ugly, and would always try to find ways to make her uniform more stylish.

character traits: snobbish, enthusiastic, insensitive, headstrong, artistic

expansion: kaeli's someone whom many people in her grade adore. most of them look up to her like she's an idol, because of her confidence and the way she carries herself. she's a headstrong girl, and never settles for less than perfection. she always seems to know what she wants and would always strive to get it achieved. kaeli's quite a party girl, and is considerably loud in her actions. she's very comfortable with skinship, and often has the habit of hugging her friends etc. she's pretty enthusiastic when it comes to things she likes (eg. art, organizing a party), and can often ramble on for hours about them. kaeli's also extremely artistic, and it's like she has magic hands, where everything which goes through her, no matter how shabby, can always come out looking pretty. she's talented not only in the visual arts area, but also in dance, in which kaeli's really passionate about ballet.

she knows that people look up to her, and because of this, would often unintentionally throw her weight around. although she's a generally nice girl, kaeli sometimes tries too hard to play hard to get and would often come across as stuck-up. a little snobbish, kaeli tends to think her ideas are the best and would sulk if things don't go her way. she's confident and wouldn't care about how others think of her. some of her ideas are often out of the box and a little out of the world, but she enjoys doing things her way and would unintentionally brag if she succeeds in something. kaeli can be quite an airhead as well, and can also be quite dense or naive when it comes to the people around her.

 kaeli would never let someone make decisions for her, and she also believes that others have to seek her opinion before making a decision involving her. kaeli's very straightforward in her words, and would always say what's on her mind without bothering to sugarcoat her words. her insensitivity hurts most of the times, and although kaeli regrets it sometimes, she enjoys being able to be honest with the people around her.  however, kaeli's an extremely loyal friend as well. call her for help and she'd fly to your rescue if she could. she also doesn't mind using her artistic talent to help others, as long as you approach her for help first.


background: kaeli was born into an upper-middle class family, and she used to be a reserved, insecure girl who was hardly involved in school activities. since she was young, she's never liked the idea of going to school and having to study subjects she's not interested in. she hated having a boring, routine life and would often procrastinate and dream about the day where she could be free from the academics. so, when her father received the offer of going to france to work for a couple of years, kaeli had begged him to accept it and jumped at the chance to change her lifestyle.

in france, kaeli was enrolled into an international school which was really less academic than korean schools. there was much school spirit, and under the influence of her newfound friends, kaeli found herself getting more and more involved in her school, and there discovered her talent for both dance and the visual arts. soon after, kaeli could hardly be seen anywhere else other than the dance practice room or the art room if she's not at home, and she'd be sketching or painting whenever she has time on her hands.


krystal jung soojung - 15 - 9 - chic, adventurous, outgoing, quick-minded, fun-loving - one of kaeli's best friends when she was in france. both coming from korea, they were two peas in a pod and could always be seen together. she's still in france so kaeli and krystal only can communicate through the internet or letters.

choi jinri sulli - 15 - 9 - sweet, chirpy, confident, understanding, friendly - kaeli's best friend ever since kindergarten. before kaeli moved to france, they did everything together, and although sulli is elated that kaeli is back, she's the one most surprised by kaeli's change of character after returning from france.

kwon yoohyun - 15 - 9 - studious, responsible, bubbly, friendly, other-centred - yoohyun's always the one who helps sulli and kaeli with their weaker subjects. she's a bit appalled by kaeli's change in character, but thinks that it's good that kaeli's gotten more confident of herself and is learning to accept it.

im jaeyoung - 16 - 9 - playful, sporty, outgoing, fun-loving, wacky - the class clown ever since middle school, jaeyoung was one of kaeli's closer guy friends before she moved to france. the two shared a very friendly relationship where they would always tease each other. now that kaeli is back, although he welcomes her back, jaeyoung finds it absolutely hilarious that kaeli's changed. no one knows it, but he's actually has a teeny weeny crush on kaeli since forever.


shim yonghyun - 45 - alive - father - accountant - introverted, open-minded, strict, responsible, straightforward - kaeli is quite a daddy's girl, where her father dotes on her and would usually give her whatever she wants. however, he's also quite strict in his discipline and often nags kaeli about her academics.

song minrin - 45 - mother - interior designer - friendly, open-minded, outgoing, sociable, creative - her mother is probably where kaeli inherited her artistic skills from. they share quite a close relationship, where kaeli and her mother would often go out together, be it for shopping or for meals. kaeli's mother also supports kaeli's involvement in the arts and would often encourage her.

shim changmin - 18 - brother - wacky, protective, charming, mature, responsible - almost the opposite of kaeli character-wise, changmin's like kaeli's unofficial appointed guardian angel. he's protective of her, and changmin is kaeli's constant go-to whenever she needs help. the two are quite friendly with each another and are able to express their thoughts honestly to each other.

grades: kaeli's grades are never consistent. she can score well in one test but in the next, there's a possibility that she might hit rock-bottom. she does fairly well in her languages and humanities, usually scoring mroe than a B, but kaeli absolutely hates math and rarely passes her sciences. her grade used to be average in elementary and middle school, but she's dropped to below average when she entered high school because of her art and dance as distractions.

clubs: dance, art

part-time jobs: none, but kaeli is a regular perfomer for her dance school

lifestyle: kaeli's daily routine includes her going to school, then dancing, drawing or painting after school. on weekends, kaeli's often either somewhere sketching or in her dance school. she usually studies an hour plus a day, but would always end up getting distracted and then started on her art again.

school life: although it seems almost impossible to her now, kaeli hopes to graduate high school with a decent grade and be an full-time, all-rounded dancer, and have her artworks on display at exhibitions one day.



kim kibum (key) | mr. foreigner



name: kim kibum / key - what people called him when he was in america since they could hardly pronounce his name

age + birthday: 23 September 1997 + 16

character traits: bubbly, out-going, blunt, childlike, responsible

personality: bubbly, talkative and a huge prankster, it's almost impossible to be bored around kibum. he moved back to south korean because his grandmother fell ill and his parents felt a need to take care of her, and having grown up in a western environment, kibum can get quite insecure about his behavious and cultural differences at times, and hence often finds it hard fitting in. however, his outgoing personality often draws attention to himself, and although he's the type to make friends fast, he doesn't trust people easily. he loves teasing people he's comfortable with, and his childlike personality will come out, so it's quite easy to see if he trusts you or not.

kibum can be very blunt in his words, both consciously and unconsciously. this brings him across as arrogant and rude, which usually shatters other's first and good impression of him. while he is generally humble and down-to-earth, kibum has those moments where he can also get annoyingly narcissistic. he kicks up a fuss whenever things don't go his way, and although playful, kibum can actually be rather mature when he wants to be. kibum can have a motherly vibe to him too, where he'd always nag his friends or take care of them. he's also quite caring and considerate, to both friends and strangers. he's also filial and would always put the people dearest to him first.

clubs: art

part-time jobs: none but he's a competitive water-skiier

how they met: kibum and kaeli first met at the airport, where their flights had coincidentally landed in the same hour. when they went for lunch, their tables were next to each other's in the same restaurant, and although they didn't realise it then, they both carried the same luggage and had accidentally taken each other's. when kaeli had realised that kibum had taken her luggage, she had run after him with his luggage and luckily was able to catch his attention and get her luggage bag. kibum apologised profusely with his accented korean since he was still unfamiliar with speaking in korean, but kaeli just laughed it off and spoke to kibum in english before they went their separate ways.

they met again in the school office on the first day of school, where kibum and kaeli found out that they were classmates. the two soon quickly forged a friendship.

how they treat each other: they're quite friendly with each other, and kibum is fond of kaeli, although she just treats him as a normal friend. they're not extremely close, seeing how they met in the airport, but they're quite comfortable with each other and often have hurricane english conversations which will leave their other friends out. there are times when kaeli gets irked about how kibum always sticks to her, but would eventually understand whenever she witnessed kibum's language barrier with the rest of the boys. she finds it hilarious that he was transferred to a korean school without even knowing the language, so she took it upon herself to coach kibum in korean. kibum isn't particular sure if he has a crush on kaeli, so he'd always just deny it whenever people ask him about it.

comments: i hope i'm not too late in applying for this!!!

questions: err i didn't know if you meant grade or year in the friends section (i took a peek at the other apps and they all put the year) but i just put 9th grade hahaa tell me if you need me to change it!

scene requests: i'd get back to you if i think of any

password: jia!!!


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