と き め きmemorial - lee jinju.



Lee Jinju | Ms. Gangster



character's name: Lee Jinju 

nicknames: Boss

age + birthday: 15, 14 November.

ethnicity: Korean

languages: Korean [fluent], English [curses]

ulzzang: Girim

gallery: here and here

backup ulzzang: Park Sora

gallery: here

description: She has bleached blonde short hair that's usually brushed away messily from her face.  Her skirt is shorter that her classmates and she usually wears stockings that are more often than not, torn and tattered instead of socks. She also wears a jacket with her gang's emblem. Outside of school; she usually opted for grunge style as she doesn't have that much money to begin with. Most of her clothes are ripped and tattered and she wears a lot of layers. Her style is kind of "messy" in a way. She usually wears a lot of jackets and oversized shirts to layer up and oversized altered tshirts or anything else she can find underneath. Her bottom of preference is shorts and stockings or knee high socks and she wears  lot of boots. 1 2 3 4 5

character traits: hot headed, stubborn, proud, loyal, outspoken, crude, protective.

expansion: Jinju is a firework, a big scary one that stings and burns you. Most of the words that come out of have to be censored but unfortunately she doesn't censor herself for anyone's convenience or comfort. She has a very short temper and is easily agitated and angered, which makes it even more difficult for people to approach her. She is feisty and she won't back down before she gets what she wants. her tenacity is something that's both admirable and annoying. She doesn't know when to stop or how to stop. She is also very strong and tough and can beat anyone that stands in her way. But that's all to hide the vulnerability she has inside. She tends to hide her real emotion with her attitude. She is very insecure and is nothing more but a hurt child inside her tough exterior.

She is very honest, brutally so, that she is often said to have a sharp tongue. She believes that people are better off being told what they're mistakes are so they can improve rather than being belied to. She would tell them with a straight face without feeling an ounce of guilt although she usually apologize when she saw the other party's face changed from her comment. This and her crude language makes her seem like she's always going around looking for trouble when she's honestly just saying what's on her mind. She also has a very big pride and will get really butthurt when people doubt her and criticize her and will try to hide this "weak" feeling by acting out violently or threaten the person.

Despite all this, she is fiercely loyal and is willing to do anything for her friends. She will sacrifice anything, including herself if it means keeping them safe and happy. One of the reason she keeps up a tough exterior is also because she doesn't want her friends to worry about her. She treasures them so much, she doesn't even tell them about the things that happen in her family.

background: Lee Jinju was born a mistake, her parents were nothing more but highschool students when it happened. But they decided to get married and take care of Jinju. With that resolve in mind, her father quitted high school to work in order to support the family and her mother stayed behind to study as long as she can until she got expelled. They managed to rent a small apartment and lived happily for some time until suddenly the father left home because he couldn't take living like this anymore. This broke her mother's heart and even though she wanted to love Jinju, her daughter and her pearl, she couldn't help but saw her husband's face whenever she saw her. After all, Minji was nothing but a girl and having to give birth at such a young age, she was ripped out of her innocent teenage years and forced to mature up as soon as she could. She began to hate Minji more and more as she grows up and would drink herself to stupor. Her parents have to come to protect of Jinju from her mother's anger at times. Jinju was but a little girl but she already has to learn how to fend for herself.

Now, her mother has invited her boyfriend to live with the two of them and Jinju is very upset about it for in her heart she's still waiting for her real dad to come back. She doesn't like her mother's boyfriend, he seems like a nice person during the day but he turns really mean once he get drunk and one day he even tried to touch her when she was sleeping. Her mother also told her not to come back home at times so she and her boyfriend can spend some time together.


Woo Jiho - 17 - 2nd - loud, funny, reckless, strong, blockhead - 4

Lee Byungun - 15 - 1st - impish, mischievous, brave, willful, brusque - 5


Lee Minji - 32 - Alive - Mother - Bar owner - ignorant, stubborn, indecisive, emotional, immature - Her mother's not a bad person; she's just a bit childish and selfish because she didn't get the chance to developed well cognitively.  That being said, they really don't get a long well with each other.

Park Heejun - 35 - Alive - Mother's boyfriend - Construction worker - kind, hard-working, altruistic, compliant, mean when drunk - He tries to get along with Jinju but she doesn't even want to see his face. And he'd be really mean when he's drunk.

Lee Jiwon - 33 - Alive - Father - Unknown - funny, coward, generous, family-oriented, indolent - He still sends Jinju some letters every now and then but they're all untraceable. They used to be really close back then and she always favored him more than her mother.

grades: Average grade is C. Never really make an effort at class, never really care either. The only class she excels in is P.E

clubs: go-home club.

part-time jobs: none.

lifestyle: She goes out everyday after school and only come back at night. Sometimes, she doesn't even go home and stays over at a friend's place.

school life: She does not have any plans. As of now she s just floating about, enjoying every day as if it's her last, living like a wild child with no boundaries. She doesn't listen to her teachers and act out at them, skipping classes to hang around at the rooftop with her gang or runnin away from school altogether. Fighting with other gangs from different school to expand their territory. As of now, the only thing she wants is to conquer the whole city. Call it childish but it's the only thing she thinks she's good at.



Jung Daehyun | Mr. Rockstar



name: Jung Daehyun

age + birthday: 16 ; 28 June

character traits: Charismatic, teasing, straightforward, witty, charming.

personality: This guy is a charismatic figure that makes girls fall over his feet just by walking pass them. That is until he opened his mouth. His mouth is always so busy, if it's not eating non-stop, it's sprouting whatever's on his mind without paying any heed to the atmosphere. He's straighforward and a bit tactless and may unintentionally hurt people with his careless remarks. But that foible is balanced with his wit, charm and hood sense of humor. He can always get people to laugh along with him. Although he believes in a no-nonsense way, he also keeps some of his secrets. His actions usually gives away what he's feeling though.

There is a certain light-hearted quality about him but underestimating him will be a grave mistake. Even though he looks very laid back and easy going, he actually works just as hard, if not harder, than anyone else. But instead of complaining about how difficult it is, he simply get on with it and "effortlessly" generate quality results. He also doesn't lose his temper easily as he rarely take things seriously. He's patient and can even laugh at himself when the joke's on him. It's not easy to frustrate him. Despite this, he can be very stubborn and hates to be proven wrong.

clubs: School band.

part-time jobs: Plays at clubs from time to time.

how they met: He met Jinju on his first day of school. He was walking towards the school, about to enter it when she suddenly fell on top of him from the school fence. Apparently her friends and her was planning to skip the orientation and agreed to meet up at a snack shop near school and she was on her way there.

how they treat each other: She always tries to push him away and tells him to scram but he keeps pestering her. He also likes teasing her because he claims that she has the most amusing reactions ever. He also figures out that she would never really harm him and he knows that she knows that he is more than able to fend for himself from her. It's a love-hate relationship.

comments: Ah! This is so hard but I worked hard on her, i hope you like Jinju! And I'm sorry for the sob story, I'm trying to make her fit the plot >.>

questions: none c:

scene requests: I think it would be fun if he somehow makes her show her vulnerable side. Oh, and maybe she can stay at his house one day because she doesn't have anywhere else to go and her family is being...themselves. :c

password: dgm


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