と き め きmemorial - zhang yixian.



zhang yixian | ms. internet



character's name:  zhang yixian (birthname: zhang jiamei)

nicknames: xian, xianxian (by her brother)

age + birthday: 15 + 3 june

ethnicity: chinese

languages: mandarin chinese - fluent |  korean - in between fluent and basic | changsha dialect - understands, but doesn't speak it | english - basic

ulzzang: wang yiyi


backup ulzzang: ne rou


description: yixian is someone that doens't really care too much about the clothes she wears - she usually just picks the first thing she sees in her wardrobe. but if she had to choose, she will usually wear a plain or striped shirt (with a  long necklace) and a pair of shorts or jeans. yixian also feels cold really easily, so she usually has a cardigan or jacket with her, or she wears a long sleeved shirt. she doesn't like to wear skirts and dresses much, because she's a little bit of a tomboy and doesn't exactly sit in a very girly manner. also, she finds it really restricting to wear them. as for her shoes, yixian either wears slippers or sneakers - no heels for her, she's happy with her height. from time to time, she wears platforms.

a few examples: 1 2 3 4 5 6 

her favourite shoes/necklaces: 1 2 3 / 1 2 3

character traits: polite, impatient, talkative, sarcastic, anti-social

expansion: ever since she was a child, yixan's parents have always stressed on their childrens' social ettiquette, and how they should always respect the person they're talking to under all conditions. hence, yixian is always polite and respectful to the people around her - even when she's frustrated, irritated, angry or impatient. having only one sibling meant that her parents constantly had time for the both of them, and coming from a wealthy family also means that they have many domestic helpers around the house. hence, yixian is very used to being served, and can sometimes act like a spoilt brat. also, the domestic helpers in her house are expected to deliever what she wants in the shortest amount of time possible, and this has made yixian a very impatient girl that gets fed up and bored easily. she usually doesn't like waiting for more than ten minutes. 

to the people she's close to, yixian is an extremely talkative girl - no reason for that; she just loves talking. whenver she's out with her friends, she'd always be the one that talks the most. also, she enjoys chatting with her brother about anything. yixian is also a rather sarcastic person. sometimes to the extent where she may seem rude to others, but they know that she means no harm, and she's usually joking. yixian likes to link her sarcastic nature with her impatient nature, claiming that 'sarcasm is the body's natural defence to stupid'. 

because she spent most of her time at home playing with her toys when she was young, she never really learnt how to interact with others; she's really socially awkward. also, she usually talked to her brother, or the domestic helpers that she was close to in her house, hence she's an anti-social person. yixian prefers to sit in the corner of the class and do her own things (most probably listening to her favourite band's songs or watching their shows) than to participate in group discussions with her friends. whenever she's forced into doing project work, she just does everything and puts her teammate's names on it - not that they complain. yixian sometimes links her anti-social nature to her rather weak korean, since she's unable to communicate well with her fellow classmates.

background: yixian and her twin brother with the name of zhang jiamei and zhang jiashuai respectively. however, their names were changed when they were three, but they don't know why. they just took it that their parents had decided on another name instead. they were born in an extremely well-to-do family in changsha, hunan, china. she's not one to flaunt about her wealth, but she doesn't donate regularly to charities either - she lets her parents handle that. because her parents are usually really busy, they don't meet face-to-face very often. but they still make an effort to bond with her and find out about the new things happening in her life. sometimes they'd make up for their absence by giving their children what they want. her grandparents also visited often and spoke to the twins in the changsha dialect, hence yixian understands what they're saying but is unable to reply.

when yixian was seven, her mother was sent to korea to teach mandarin in a university. she had found the environment there really nice, and brought the rest of the family along with her. at first, yixian was really reluctant to go, because she didn't want to leave her friends and family in china. moreover, she had made a really good friend at that time. however, they don't contact each other anymore and probably wouldn't recognise each other now. when she had first went to korea, yixian's grasp of the korean language was really weak and she didn't talk at all in class. her parents were often called and asked if yixian has a speaking problem, to which they would just laugh it off and say that she was probably shy. whenever yixian tried speaking in class, she was often teased for her accent and mispronouncations of various words. until today, she still has a slight accent and mispronounces quite a number of words. 

yixian had found out about her favourite band one day when she was flipping through tv channels, and stopped at a channel which was screening a music show. at that time, the band was having their debut performance. after the music show was the band's first reality show, and yixian got hooked. she searches up many things about the band, tries to go to their fansigns/concerts, getting the official merchandise, watching their shows, etc. from there, she also started to pick up dance as she found it really interesting and fun. her parents didn't have any objections to it, and sent both her and her brother to a prestigious dance school.

yixian speaks basic english because her father's books about dentistry are mostly written in english (which she likes to read from time to time), and also because her father is fluent in english and teaches her a few sentences from time to time. 

friendslee taemin - 16 - 10 - shy, cute, tries to act manly, kind, blur - really close, they often hang out together with their other friends

choi sooyoung - 15 - 9 - prankster, loud, little bit of an attention seeker, caring, childish - really close, they often hang out together either alone or with other friends

yook sungjae - 18 - 12 - humorous, mischievous, can be mature when the situation calls for it, outgoing, talkative - they're pretty awkward with each other, just a senior and junior relationship

jung "leo" taekwoon - 16 - 10 - introvert, shy, quiet, shikshin, emotional - they've never met, but they chat alot through email and yixian claims that he's her cloest friend.

family:  zhang yiqiang - 42 - alive - father - dentist - attentive, understanding, helpful,  kind, lenient - close

xiao jiaqing - 42 - alive - mother - university professor - determined, strict, perfectionist,  patient, humourless - not very close, but they do talk once in a while

zhang yixing (birthname: zhang jiashuai) - 15 - alive - older twin brother - student - funny, caring, intelligent, sensitive, emotional - extremely close; it's like they're the same person

gradesbest in chemistry and biology (usually an a, she doesn't take physics). she likes geography, but she can't score well for it.  she pretty much fails at all other subjects. well, not really, but her marks are either not consistent at all, like scoring the highest in class one moment then failing the subject the next, or they're constient, but it's just a b or c.

clubs: dance, but she's pretty much a wallflower there

part-time jobs: none. she doesn't need more money anyway.

lifestyle: her father is lenient and lets her do anything she wants, as long as it's not destructive or illegal. her mother, however, is quite strict and doesn't really approve of her being a fangirl of her band, and would rather she puts in effort to study and do well academically. but she feels bad about how she can't often spend time with her - which has caused them to be somewhat awkward with each other - and lets her do what she wants as well. her parents always let her buy the merchandises that she wants. 

school life: yixian doesn't really have any academic goals, since she finds no interest in studying. although she does expect an a from her two sciences in every exam. as stupid and ridiculous as it sounds, yixian wants to be an entertainer. it doesn't matter if she becomes an idol or actress, as long as it's in the entetainment industry. she doesn't share this information with many people though, just her brother and taekwoon. 



jung "leo" taekwoon | mr. mystery



name: jung "leo" taekwoon

age + birthday: 16 + 10 november

character traits: introvert, shy, quiet, shikshin, emotional

personality: taekwoon has the introverted and shy personality mostly because of his older sisters. his sisters are about a decade older than him. when he was young, his sisters often brought their friends home. because he was such a young child at that time, he was often afraid of his sisters' friends, and would hide in his room, where he'd listen (and sometimes sing/dance along) to music. his sisters' friends also often cooed at how cute and pretty he was, making him rather scared of them - he did not enjoy the skinship that they initiated, like pinching his cheeks, hugging him, or picking him up. because he was such a young child at that time, he had the mental impression that everyone outside was that big and much older than him. he also doesn't make friends easily and is really shy because of his mental impression of others.

taekwoon's older sisters were often very talkative, hence he rarely ever had the chance to speak at home. if their parents asked him about something, his sisters would voluntarily answer the questions, since they pretty much know everything about their 'baby brother'. whenever his sisters were not in the mood, they'd take their anger out on him, snapping at him about every noise he makes. this also led to him being quiet, and also emotional - he often took what they said to heart, and would feel bad about it for the next few days. regardless of what movies taekwoon watches, he'd always cry at  at least one part of the show. 

as taekwoon's parents are both chefs, they often cooked michelin-star worthy meals at home, leading to taekwoon being a shikshin. they always cooked anything that he wanted, and they usually made him test out any new recipes they've created. hence, he's grown up loving food and it's his first priority - disturb him when he's eating, and he'll get extremely annoyed at you. even though taekwoon loves to eat, he still excercises alot, mostly following those health/excercise shows on television, or dancing along to his favourite songs.

clubs: none - he takes his classes online

part-time jobs: none - rarely ever leaves the house

how they met: while taekwoon was on his favoruite band's fanboard, which had recently received some negative comments about their current concept and constant lipsyncs on stage, and saw yixian's comments regarding the insults. he thought that she was a very interesting person, as most fans would lash out at the antis on their fanboards but yixian replied them in a polite manner, and sufficient evidence to justify their actions. he decided to chat with her via the private messenger on the fanboard, which eventually led to them emailling each other.

how they treat each other: they constantly email each other back and forth, mostly discussing about the recent events that their favourite band has taken part in, or about the band's curernt activities. soemtimes, they would spazz together about the band's comeback, and would share their thoughts on the music video and song. once in a while, they would add in personal information about themselves, like their birthday, age, hobbies, etc. 

comments: i hope it's ohkay that i chose taekwoon as the love interest, i thought he fit the mr. mystery plotline perfectly. hehe. but if you're not familiar with him, then maybe i can change it to another person (:  

questions: i'm not sure if this is an au fic, so i didn't provide a name of their favourite band ><

scene requests: when they're studying about teeth in biology class, yixian and yixing fall asleep (which is a first, since they love biology) because they already know everything. thinking that they weren't paying attention, her teacher called both of them, and asked thema few questions about teeth and stuff. yixian and yixing then give a detailed and rather complicated answer, to prove to the teacher that they do know what she's teaching. the teacher is taken aback and awkwardly tells them to sit back down,  earning a few snickers from their classmates. 

password: jia ^~^


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