You? AGAIN?!


"Sohyun!!" you shouted to your bestfriend, who was talking to her boyfriend, at the back of the class.

'Aish, this girl. So busy with her boyfriend!' you mumbled.

"Yah Kwon So Hyun !!" you shouted once again to her.

Sohyun finally turned around to look at you. The second she saw you, she ran to you like crazy and jumped all around you. From left to right, back to front, left to back, right to front and all other directions.

"Where have you been?" she asked.

"What a stupid question," you replied, putting on a straight face.

"Okay, okay, fine..  Hey, have you seen the cute guy from the class next door?" she asked, again.

"What guy?" you asked her, not even caring.

"It's who, dear. I said it's a cute boy, not a thing!" she scolded you for calling a cute boy 'what'.

"Whatever, who is it? I met a stupid dude who made me trip and caused my brand new converse to be like this, and he paid it back with some stupid chuckle," you said, showing Sohyun your converse which was stepped on and paid back with a stupid chuckle.

"It's still pretty, don't worry," she comforted you who started to stomp your feet on the floor angrily.

"Proceed with your story about that cute thing next door," you said to Sohyun after you've calmed down.

"It's a person, hon. Anyways, his name is Kai, and he's kinda tanned, and his eyes, are, very, ... CHARMING!" she told you excitedly.

"You are exactly describing that stupid dude," you said, unimpressed with the description of that guy.

"Whatever, he's cute and I think he's your type," Sohyun said with a wink.


You walked out of the class with Sohyun and put away your books in your locker. You guys headed to the canteen to eat. Unfortunately, you didn't bring your lunch and had to eat someone else's.


"What?" Sohyun replied with full.

"Can I have some?" you asked with puppy dog eyes.

"Okay, just because you're my best friend! NOT because of your aegyo!" she said while handing the lunchbox to you.

"I'm pretty sure it worked on you," you said, taking a spoonful of rice into your mouth.

"Just shut up," Sohyun said.

You got up to get to your locker, you forgot your water bottle. You already told Sohyun, so you went there as soon as possible as you didn't want Sohyun to finish her lunch all by herself, and you were hungry, too!

"Stupid lock, on this stupid locker," you cursed because the lock on your locker refused to cooperate.

"Yes, finally! Stupid lock,"

Too bad, your water bottle was behind all the stacks of books in your locker.

"AAAAARRRGRGGHHHHHHH!!! CBNEQFBHLKHIQEGFFBQERIGQIEOR!" as you looked at all the stacks of books.

You carefully lifted the stacks of books and carefully went to the side of the locker. When you were about to put them down, suddenly, someone came running and then hit your back. Your books were all scattered on the floor.

"YAH!" you yelled angrily.

You turned around to see who hit you and,

"YOU AGAIN?!" you both exclaimed at the same time.

"I'm sorry, I was trying to chase that dog, it's so cute!" he said, rubbing the back of his neck. He just smiled awkwardly to you.

"Uhm, my name is Kai," he said, offering his hand.

"Thought so, you're the cute guy Sohyun was talking about..," you said picking up the books.

He kneeled down and helped.

"You think I'm cute?" he asked, smirking.

"Yes," you mumbled quietly.

"And stupid," you continued.

"Gah, leave me alone! You better get this all cleaned up before recess ends!!" you yelled at him while walking away.

"I'm angry, you know!!" you yelled again.

"Geez..  She's so cute," Kai mumbled to himself.

"I have a mission," he continued talking to himself.

Suddenly, the teacher walks by.

"Are you talking to yourself, young man?" he said with a chuckle.

"Uhh, no-no-n-no, NO!" Kai stuttered.

"Okay," the teacher walked away, chuckling like crazy.


LOL, I think this and the next chapter will be my favourite chapters ;D


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Zahidah03 #1
Fanficmaniac12 #2
Chapter 7: Cute story. I love Kai so much. He's just adorable>.<
Its awesome!! Keep writing author-nim!! :D. Would you mind checking out my fanfic? Once again sorry for advertising :DD