\(^0^*)/ Blushing!


"Yah! Wake up! Don't you remember, sweety? You're supposed to help me with the cake," your Omma said.

"Ah.. What?" you said as you rubbed your eyes while getting up and sat on the bed.

"Wash up and come down, help me with Sohyun's cake," your Omma said as she went downstairs.

"Mmmhhmm,, okay," you said as you lied in bed, again.

You went to the bathroom then washed your face. You went downstairs and helped your Omma make the cake for Sohyun's birthday tomorrow.

"Omma, I'm going to the park," you said as you went to grab a pair of converse.

"At night, dear?" she asked as she wiped her hands on the apron she was wearing.

"Star-gazing, fresh air, that's what I need..," you said to her as you put them on.

"And because I keep bumping into him," you mumbled quietly.

"Sweety, please put on some long pants, it's cold outside. And don't wear those studded converse! You might hurt someone!"


"I'll be fine, don't you know I like cold weathers? My favourite season is winter, Omma," you replied.

"And, these converse are for my own safety," you said, smiling brightly, proud of yourself for choosing the greatest pair of converse that has ever been created, as that's what YOU think.

"How will it ensure your safety?"

"Well, let's say there's a bad guy, planning to kidnap me when he sees me alone at the park. Then when he comes close, I can hit him with this awesome studs! Get it, Omma?" you explained to her all happy and excited.

"Okay, fine then. Stay safe!" She said as you walked to the front door.

"Mmkayy, bye Omma!" you said as you got out of the house.

You walked quietly to the park. You just hummed B1A4's new comeback song, "What's Happening?" along the way. You were quite bored since Sohyun wasn't there to cheer you up. But for your peace of mind's sake, you had to go. As you got to the park, you went to an empty bench near a streetlight , in front of the jogging path. (you can picture that, can you? I know you can!)

"Haii," someone said from the back of the bench.

You were startled.

"What do you want?" you asked him.

"I just want to sit with you," Kai said, smiling.

"Can I?"

"Yeah, sure, if you want to get hit with ma awesome converse!" you said as you moved a little to the right, giving him space to sit and extending your leg, making sure it will hit him when he sits.

"Thanks," he said as he sat down next to you.

"Hayaa!" you yelled as you hit him with your studs.

The atmosphere there became really awkward and the both of you just kept quiet. Kai tried to brighten up the atmosphere,

"Can't we at least talk?"

"Aren't we doing it right now?" you asked.

"Hm, okay then,"

Everything became awkward, again. It's all because of his stupid confession at your favourite spot, the ice cream parlour. Is he a stalker or something? -_-

Kai's P.O.V (Point Of View)

'Aish, what am I supposed to do?! She's so cold to me,'

'Should I try it? No? Try it? No?'

'Aish I'll just do it!'

Nobody's P.O.V (It's much easier!)

Kai tried to hold your hand. Just to make you look at him, because all this time, you've been avoiding him and you didn't want to look at him, not even once.

"W-W-What are  you doing?!" you asked, shocked. But your hand didn't move or get away from his hand that's trying to hold yours.

"I want to hold your hand," Kai said, smiling.

"No," your hand still didn't move even though you were saying no to him.

"Please," he said.


"Pretty please," he said with puppy dog eyes and a pout.

Now, who could say no to that?

You just kept quiet and looked at other places, avoiding his gaze. He held onto your hand tightly.

"Your hands are so cold," he said, still holding on to it.

"I like being cold and I enjoy winter and air conditioning. My best friend is Sohyun, my pack and ice cream. It's no surprise if you find every part of me cold," you replied coldly to him.

"I'll make you warm!" he said as he hugged you.

'Oh my GOD!!! OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!!' only those words were going around in your head.

"A lot warmer now?" he asked.

You just nodded slowly.

Surprisingly, he planted a warm kiss on your forehead.

You blushed on the spot like crazy.

Kai chuckled and ruffled your hair.

"You look so cute when you blush," he said.

It seems like, you are blushing, AGAIN. Your cheeks were burning and they were red like Cherry Tomatoes!

"Mmmwwaaahhh," he planted a kiss on your red hot cheeks.

You were really embarassed so you just looked at the ground at scratched your nose a little.

Kai held your chin and made you face him. Still holding your chin, he trailed little kisses from your forehead, to your nose, and he stopped right above your lips. Your mouth opened a little, as you wanted him to kiss you, really bad.

Kai just smirked at your action.

He finally kissed you on the lips.

When he pulled away, he said,

"I love you, and I don't even know your name," he said with a smirk.

He got up and left.

You sat on the bench, alone and you were touching your lips with your fingers, not believing what happened.

You walked home, still touching your lips. When you got inside, you went straight up, didn't even greet your Omma.





Then you went to bed ;)


LOL, what a weird little ending. This may be the funniest or the one that you'll enjoy the most, that's what I think. If you don't think so, maybe the next or last or the past ones? Molla~ Hope you likey likey! ;D


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Zahidah03 #1
Fanficmaniac12 #2
Chapter 7: Cute story. I love Kai so much. He's just adorable>.<
Its awesome!! Keep writing author-nim!! :D. Would you mind checking out my fanfic? Once again sorry for advertising :DD