
Our Drifting Love Story

I was walking into a cafe to escape the cold air since it was once again the middle of December. Sunggyu was busy with his new up coming album and I decided to take a break from mine. It's been a while since I saw him as I was waiting for my order, I saw a familiar glimpse of eyes and a nose. His hair was a different style and a different color than before, maybe because it has been quite a while. While in line to pick up my warm coffee I was waiting for...

I fiddled with the ring on my finger, it was an engagement ring. I was happy when I recieved it, but it wasn't from him. It was from Sunggyu after all. I wonder how he is holding up since I said goodbye and left the house. I wonder how he felt when I said those words. I still remember after all this time... I wonder if he remembers me. 

I go and pick up my coffee, just a simple cappicino with creme. I then wasn't paying attention and bumped into someone, luckliy no accident happened with spilt coffee like ti does in dramas. 

I look up to see him and saw him smile as he recongnized me, I mumble an apology and tried to step to the side to move. But he grabbed onto my wrist lighting signaling me to stop and have a small chat with him.

As we sat down at a table. He smiled again and we talked about what's going on now. To find him married now and me engaged. It was like an old reunion of friends, but it was a bit more comfortable to be with him and to see him again. Just this one time.

"Myungsoo," He says as he reaches for my hand and holds it in his like it is a fragile flower. "You know it's not over between us."

"I know," I say "Nothing's Over, Just not yet." I finish with smile as I put my other hand on top of his.

Even though we said our goodbyes, went our separate ways, and are now with different people. Nothing's Over, just not yet.

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Chapter 7: awwww nothing's over OwO hey hey 24 December is my birthday xD lmao author-nim,please make a sequel. Omg omg omg
Chapter 7: Yes. It's not over yet, nothing's over. That's why you have to make a sequel aaaaa.
Omg my myungyeol heart ;A;
I might be doing a one-shot sequel if that's what you guys want.
Chapter 7: /Sobs/ pleeaaaase a sequeeeeeeellll TT
Chapter 7: This is not the end. Please update. I want Myungyeol! "cries as much as Han River*
crossing_by #6
Chapter 1: Wuoaaa... relationship turn bad
Because they dont got time for each other?
Seems interesting! Keep writing author-nim!! would you mind checking out my fanfic? Sorry for advertising :D