By The Han River #6

By the Han River

It's Yesung, smiling brightly and holding a paper bag.


You: Sunbae~nim. What are you doing here

Yesung: I told you. I'll see you more of you right?

Y: Ne. But why are you here?

YS: Will you not let me in? *eyes asking*


You widened your door and gestured him to go inside.


YS: I just arrived from our practice and wasn't able to eat. So I bought some food on my way here and thinking you're not eating dinner yet so I went here to share it with you. I asked the guard where your room is so here I am.

Y: wow. thank you sunbae~nim. *bows*


You prepared the folding table for you to eat. Yesung bought japanese food, 4 slices of pizza, chips, a liter of Pepsi and a bottle of soju.


You were amazed with the food. Just then you realized that you haven't eaten anything yet ever since you came there. You swallowed hard while looking at the table.


Y:woah..why so many sunbae~nim?

YS: I don't know what you like. So I bought these for you to have choices.

Y: But all of these look delicious. And I'm..hungry..

YS: very well, so let's eat?

Y:ne..i'll eat well.


You ate and silence filled the air. Until you broke it.


Y: sunbae~nim, why did you bring me food?

YS: why? you don't like it?

Y: no! i mean i'm just new here and why did you think i'm not eating my dinner yet?

YS: i just trust my instincts. *winks* and I just want us to celebrate.

Y: celebrate what? You asked puzzled.

YS: you! being an official trainee! I'm happy..


He stopped himself from talking too much. You blushed and for a while engaged yourself on eating. Nt looking at Yesung.


YS: I told you, I'll see more of you right?

Y: *surprised* ehh?

YS: By the way, do you know that every morning, trainees must exercise?

Y: ha? No. Ms. Kim didn't tell me that.

YS: It's to keep you fit.


He smiled at you and that made you startled.

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It so cute and cool how yesung has like the same half smile as sungmin and kyuhyun its so cute ^_^
jaeeun #2
thank you readers!
wahh this story is so cute~!!<br />
Neomu neomu kyEopta..<br />
I <3 it..
Great story! Like it! <3
. .wow. . yiur story is good but could be better if its longer. . aniway, , i luv yiur story. . <3
Wow!!! Your story was great..i really love so much...
jaeeun #7
<br />
if you have time, please read this. you'll surely relate to this one.:)<br />
jaeeun #8
eunjinah! gomawo! update more on temptation island!