By The Han River #11

By the Han River

You didn't notice that tears are starting to dominate your eyes.


You: oppa..

Yesung: from the very first time that i met you, there's something in you that made me to be attached. i don't know what, but since then, my thoughts are filled with you. and only you. I'm not asking you to like me. But I want you to know my feelings. I'll wait until you can give me an answer.


Tears started to fall down from your eyes. Yesung touched your face and wiped your tears away. You closed your eyes. Feeling his soft hands against your skin. You were so happy. Like this could be the best night ever. You were thinking of what's the best thing to say. But you're blocked. Before opening your eyes, you decided to let your heart be your master over your mind. You'd just go with whatever your mouth would say.


Y: don't have to wait.


Yesung put down his hands. He wanted to hear more about your feelings. he looked at you sincerely. You were shocked too with what you said. Then you inhaled deeply first before you continued talking. Deal is a deal.


Y: Ever since i saw you on tv. The first time I saw you dancing on stage, you captured me from within. Right then and there, i became your fan, and i promised myself that I will love and support you no matter what. And you. You are the very reason why I'm here.


He smiled. You love it when he smiles like that. It never fails to melt your heart.


Y: But I think not now. *you said, making his smiling face turned into a confuse one*

YS: Wae?

Y: Because you're a superstar. Being with me will just cause you trouble. I can be a distraction--

YS: Ani! You will never be a distraction. I've never felt so inspired in my years of being a singer. Knowing that I can see you everyday, it keeps me energized.

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It so cute and cool how yesung has like the same half smile as sungmin and kyuhyun its so cute ^_^
jaeeun #2
thank you readers!
wahh this story is so cute~!!<br />
Neomu neomu kyEopta..<br />
I <3 it..
Great story! Like it! <3
. .wow. . yiur story is good but could be better if its longer. . aniway, , i luv yiur story. . <3
Wow!!! Your story was great..i really love so much...
jaeeun #7
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if you have time, please read this. you'll surely relate to this one.:)<br />
jaeeun #8
eunjinah! gomawo! update more on temptation island!