Getting Cozy

Second Chances - A new Beginning

I knock on the door at precisely 5 pm and the manager opens the door.  He smiles and says "On time".  I smile back and he gestures me to come inside.  The bungalow is different than mine, but more spacious and cozy.  Mine looked like a mess, i was never good at keeping my room clean, much less a bungalow.


Hyun-joong was sitting on the counch with Young-Seang playing wii.  The  other members were nowhere to be found.  "Hello again" i greeted them.  Without taking their eyes off the screen, they nodded.  They were so much like little boys.  As soon as i settle myself on a sofa, the manager asks if i will have anything and i politely refuse.  "We better get started" i say as i open my tape recorder, writting pad and pen.


"Right" the Manager says and shouts "Boys" again.  When the others do not show up, he excuses himself and goes look for them.  Hyun-Joong has stopped playing and looking at me wearily. 


"What?" i asked, feeling suddenly self-conscious.  Thats a first! me and feeling self conscious!


"I googled you." he simply stated.  Not knowing how to answer that, i just stared at him.  "You're a famous lawyer" he says finally as he takes his seat on the couch opposite me. 


"Not as famous as you guys" i say.  The tabloids said he was not really talkative, much less someone to inntiate a conversation.  I was dumbfounded how he could talk to me.


"You handled the SHINee case" he says and that catches the attention of Young-Saeng who was still playing.  "You're Minho's lawyer?" he asks all of a sudden. I nod.  "You know him?" i ask.  When i was in Seoul, Minho was the only one who was nice to me and showed me around, not that other SHINee members were not.  They just seemed, aloof.  Minho was more approachable than the rest of them.


"Yeah, we were training together." young seang said and went back to his game. 


"Would you like to start telling me everything you saw?" i asked Hyun-Joong as he was doing nothing.  He seemed awkward.  "My english is not that good." he said and i nodded.  "Its still better than what i have heard from other Korean guys.  Besides, i need veery bit of information to get you guys out of this mess." he seemed to understand and started narrating what happened. 


Soon enough, the manager gathered all the members and i had to brief them again. 
"As you all know, every little detail is important.  Even the tiniest bit, even those that you think will not be important.  I need to know everything that happened that day with exact precision." i said, entering into the lawyer mode, as Cyn called it.


The manager translated for me, just in case they did not really understand what i meant.  They all nodded.  I took their group statement, and one on one statement.


  Hyun-Joong was more shy at first, but as he accounted his actions thats day, he seemed to be more at ease. 


Hyung-Jun on the other hand was more outgoing and it was easier to question him more. 


Next i questioned was Jung-Min, he seemed to take this seriously, but his funny nature surfaced every now and then and we had a good laugh. 


The last person was Kyu Jong, who was really very shy and answered my questions with straightfoward answers, no elaboration. 


By the time i finished, it was already midnight and i was horrified when i saw the time. 


"Everything alright?" Kyu Jong asked when he entered the room.  The manager was fast asleep on the couch, Jung min had retreated with his ear plugs and Hyun-Joong was still playing on wii.  The other two were nowhere to be seen. 


"I had to call my boss to tell her about my meeting with you guys" i said, i know Cyn would be worried.  He looked guilty.  "Hey, don't worry about it, it's not your fault."


When he still did not say anything, Hyun Joong said, "he feels guilty because he could not say much and you spent much time pressing him for info" and this time i felt guilty. 


"I am sorry, but i needed to make sure you were telling me everything." i said and started to pack my things.

"Thank you very much" Hyun Joong said while he and kyu joong walked me to the door.  "Oh it's my pleasure." i was stepping out when i noticed they were steping out with me.  Hyun Joong answered the question on my face "It's already so late.  We will drop you"


"No don't worry.  It's just four bungalows away."


"Its not right for a girl to be walking alone at this time of the night" Hyun Joong said, matter of factly.


"And i can take very good care of myself.  Seriously, i can go alone" i say and walked hurriedly.  I bid them goodbye and walked back to my bungalow.  I kept having the feeling of being watched again, but when i looked aound, there was no one.  I dashed and closed the door firmly behind me.


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hye miss dimple lady.. still remember me right? I just wanna advertise my shop in case if u would like to request.. And anyway.. I love the story.. Cuz I love SS501 very much!!! <3 ^-^ XD