Shifting bungalows

Second Chances - A new Beginning

Hyun-Joong's POV
"She seems weird.  Doesn't she?" i ask Kyu Jong as we walk back to the bungalow.  "She is different than us, that's why" Kyu Jong replies in a dry tone.  

"But not different from women in general.  Damn stubborn, not wanting to be escorted." i continue.  Kyu Jong smirks.  
"You're stubborn too" he states and once inside, i roll my eyes at him.  


"She should still have let us her, instead of us doing it secretly"


"In the west people do not have the same culture as we do, Hyung.  That's why Korean girls are the best" kyu JOng sais a bit harshly.  I wonder what's up with him.

Cassie's POV

I woke up the next morning very disoriented.  The nightmares again.  I sigh and sleepily walk out of bed.  After brushing my teeth, i head straight for the pool.  The swim relaxes me as nothing ever does.

 I drag myself up and sit at the side of the pool.  The sensation of being watched again arises.  I glance at the back yard, there seems nothing amiss.  I shower and hurry downstairs. 


Today i decide to have a walk at the beach.  Being from an island myself, i miss the beach so much.  Dressed in sweatpants and a polo shirt, i walk barefoot on the sand.  The salty wind brushed face.  Luckily my hair is always tied in a bun.  


After half an hour, i get a call.  "Miss Gonzalez?" ss501's lawyer asked.  "Yes, that's me" 

"This is Chun Yi Lee.  I wanted to thank you for your input on the case.  We have a substantial defance and we might win next Monday" he said and i just closed my eyes and thanked the guy.  So i will be working with them for four more days.  


Afterwards only two days will be left for my vacation, then back to globe trotting, fighting cases for celebrities, who sometimes do not deserve to be defended.

 "Penny for your thoughts" i hear Young Seang say behind me.  By now his voice is familiar.  

I give him a small smile.  "Good news for you guys. The case is ready.  You will win" i simply state and he just looks at me.  "You sound 100% sure" he says accusingly.  

I smirk.  "Its not arrogance but experience and skill talking.  The base case i prepared was good enough to grant you guys a hearing, the case i am preparing will make sure you win" i say.  And i sigh again.

"Thank you for helping" he says and i nod.  "Don't worry about it."


"But we have interrupted your vacation" he insists.  I frown.  Only Cyn and i know i was vacationing here.  

"How did you know that?" i ask, puzzled.

"Cynthia told our manager.  She's his niece" he says when i still seemed clueless.  I nod, finally understandiing why the manager called me Cassie.  

I got a call from Yi Lee again asking for my asistance and i say goodbye to Young Seang.  As i jog back to the bungalow, i see Kyu Jong jogging and we just nod at each other.


After a hard day at the lawyer's office, i drive back to my bungalow.  The Malaysian lawyers sure are competent.  I shower and prepare some salad for dinner.  However, desperatly wanting to blow off some steam, i change into my swimsuit and start swimming.


The odd sensation of being watched prickles my skin again.  Something feels wrong, like someone has been watching me ever since i got here.  In my line of work, being watched is definitely not strange.

 I have fought cases for some very powerful people and in the procesd might have made myself some enemies.  I swim a few more laps then walk back inside.

I decide i might need to brief the boys about their impending court case and how it will all play out.  I call the manager and he says only Young-Seang and Kyu Jong have gone out.  I decide to brief the others for now.  Might take some time, as i am sure they have never been in a court hearing before. 

I decide on dark green shorts and a white tank top with sandals.  It might take time and better be comfortable.  I take my bag and walk to their bungalow.

 I am greeted by the manager again and he shows me in.  When everyone are seated at the dinning table, i brief them about how it will all turn out to be.  And ofcourse, then comes the questions.  Hyung Joong seems very curious about things.

At around 8:30 pm, when i am still not done, the manager stands up and says we need a little break.  Actually i could not agree more, the swimming got me so tired.  But i need to finish this and go sleep.  Not wanting to sound impolite, i smile and nod. 


"You had dinner?" JungMin asks and i nod.  A salad can barely be called dinner but i am actually too tired to eat.  

Jung Min and the manager head towards the kitchen.  Hyung Joong and Hyun Jun both stretch on the chairs.  "Don't you guys hire a cook?" i asked and they nodded.  

"But sometimes we want Korean food" Hyung Joong says and smirked.  Hyung Jun only nodded.  "Have you ever tried Korean food?" he asks and i nod.  "I love the spicy soups" and Hyun Jun looks surprised.  

"I thought western people did not like spicy food" he comments.


I smile.  "I am not from the west, but actually Asian.  I come from an island called Mauritius. i am actually Half Spanish, Half Hindu" i explain.  "Spices form part of my Hindu culture".

"What a unique combination" Hyung Joong commented.  I decide to take that as a compliment and thank him.  Hyun Jun hides a smirk.

"Mauritius, never heard of it.  where is it?" 

"it's in the middle of the Indian Ocean, south of India and West of Madagascar...that's near Africa" i explain and they nod.  Hyung Joong excuses himself and i am left with Hyun Jun.  I sigh and he notices.

"It is kind of stuffy in here. Want to take a walk in the backyard?" he asks and i nod.  Fresh air would do me good.

The garden is beautiful.  Better than mine actually.  It has a bigger swimming pool than mine and there is more shrubbery.  I just gaze, surprised at the beauty of it.  

"You like nature?" Hyun Jun asks in his cute accent.  I nod. 

We hear a nearby alarm system sound.  "Some people must have forgotten to switch off their car alarm." Hyun Jun comments and we decide to head back in.  

The manager politely asks me to try some soup and i cannot refuse.  It was very tasty.  Hard to think they'd come on vacation and cook for themselves though.  

After dinner, i continue with the briefing and finish aroun 10 pm.  I decide it is high time i get back and wish them good night.  
"I'll you" Hyun Jun says and before i can refuse, Hyung Joong says "Might do us good a bit of walking" I shrug and nod.


Hyung Joong's POV

Thank God she accepted.  Had it been korean girls, they would have been relieved not to have to walk alone.  But western women are very different.

 She walks infront of me withg Hyun Jun at her side.  I bet they are around the same age.

 I want to be as friendly as Hyun Jun but i feel weird talking to someone so vastly different from me.  Spanish and hindu.  Thats a unique combination indeed.  

After 10 minutes walk, we arrive to see the house with lights on and police cars outside.  What the hell?

Cassie runs towards the house and talks to the police officer.  We follw right behind her.  "Someone broke it.  I am sorry" the policeman seems to say and i see Cassie's scared face.  

"Anything stolen?" i ask.  Must be, the huge glass windows are broken and the door wasnt there either.  

"Not much sir, just expensive furnitures, and Miss Gonzalez's suitcase."

As soon as she heard that, Cassie runs like mad inside.  Hyun Jun follows her in while i enquire what are the procedures to follow now.  Would do us no good if our lawyer has to go back home.

Soon enough she comes out, holding a scarf with tear strained eyes.  Hyun Jun is at her side, a hand on her shoulder.  He always changes from baby to gentleman when women are around.

"So her accomodation has been settled." the policemen asks me and i nod.  
"We will post two guards at your bungalow, just in case it was not a robbery but a threat at Miss Gonzalez's life." ha says before shifting to give out orders.

"Cassis, you will need to stay at our place for a while." i tell her and she seems lost.  She has always had that serious face but this was entirely different.  She was scared to death.

 She nods slowly and we thank the officer.  Hyun Jun walks her back with a guard, while one remains with me to get her suitcases.

At our bungalow, we tell our mnager about what happened and he hugs Cassie.  "You will stay here till your stay in Malaysia. " he says and i can see Cassie about to refuse, when manager says

"If i let you stay at a hotel, Cyn will never forgive me.  If you are worried about staying in a house full of guys, well, don't worry about that. The boys will behave" he says and she seems to calm down.  

"That's not a problem," she says trying to look normal "I know Karate" and we all laugh.

 Hyun Jun offers his room and we decide it is better indeed to let her have the second floor, with my room next to hers, in case of emergency.

Hyun Jun decides to sleep with me and we all agree.  I grab her stuff and put them all in Hyun Jun's room.  She comes in after a while,a blanket wrapped tightly around her and just sits there.


"Everything will be fine." i want to say to her, but i cannot bring myself to say it.  I notice she is still clutching the scarf.  "A present?" i ask and she nods.  

"My mum gave it to me before she died." she says and i nod.  

Before i could say anything, Kyu Jong walks in, a very wprried expression on his face.  


"Everything alright?" he asks as he steps in.  Cassie nods.  Kyu Jong then notices me sitting next to her and halts.  "Good.  Hyung Joong, don't you need to sleep?" he asks and abrubtly leaves.  What the hell is wrong with him?


Cassie's POV

I wake up again, the same nightmare.  I look around me but i notice i am not at my bungalow.  I hurried look for the lights and i remember the robbery and me shifting into ss501's bungalow.   I close my eyes and sigh.

Not feeling sleepy, i walk downstairs, wanting to go sit in the garden.  The nioght view is beautiful and always soothes me.  I sit on the bench and jus stare at the sky.

"Beautiful" i hear someone say and i stand up, startled.  It is kyu Jong who points to the sky and smiles.  A very cute smile.  

I nod.  "Beautiful indeed" i say and we just sit there, looking at the stars together.  


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hye miss dimple lady.. still remember me right? I just wanna advertise my shop in case if u would like to request.. And anyway.. I love the story.. Cuz I love SS501 very much!!! <3 ^-^ XD