Celebration and a new character!!

Second Chances - A new Beginning

"Come on.  We need to get it right." Young Seang says to Hyun Jun who was trying hard to install the fancy disco ball on the ceiling.


 The whole house was preparing for celebrations.  we won the caseand now they could continue with their visit and move out of the country.


 As for me, my vacations were coming to an end.  I decided to enjoy it while i can.  Having engulfed myself in my work, and working continuously case after case has finally taken its toll on me.


I decide to let go and enjoy myself this time.  I am writting a list of things we will need for the party and the manager sits on the couch opposite me, helping with the search for a dj.  "Jeez, quick Hyun Jun, my hands hurt" Young Seang complained as he was holding the chair.


"You need to let the expert do it" Jung Min's voice was heard and he walked, boasting his dicso light installing skills.  I hide a smile.  He climbs up the ladder and in a few seconds, it is installed.  He climbed down and admired his work.


"That's the work of an expert" he says happily.  Hyun Jun makes a face.


 "Hardly an expert to do this" he says and sticks his tongue out to Jung Min.  Young Seang politely comes to sit beside me and asks if i need any help with the shopping later.  

I shake my head.  "I'll be fine.  I'll take the car" He makes a face.

 I get that look from time to time.  Having spent so much time alone by myself, i got used to doing everything on my own and accepting help just seems weird.  

Suddenly Hyun Joong's voice comes from the backyard.  "Done" he says and we run outside.  He has expertly decorated the garden and the pool.  I notice translucent sticks in the pool.  

"What's that?" i ask, pointing towards it.  He turns and grins, "Wait and see" then leaves, all happy by himself.  

"He must be really happy that we won" Young Seang says after he's gone in a rather cheerful mood.  "Yeah, i bet he's going to sleep" Hyun Jun adds and we all laugh.  Hyun Joong really was famous for always sleeping.


I head out for the shopping and Hyun Jun insists on accompanying me.  I relent and we go together.

 I wonder why he came along, as he knows next to nothing about cooking.   He is really cheerful on the way back, looking so cute with a lolipop in his mouth and staring out the window. 


While i park, i notice a car in the garage.  Is Kyu Joong back? But then why the hell am i worried about him? 

We walk inside, hands full with grocery when i hear a familiar voice.  "Cassie!" instantly, i lower the bag which was covering my face and i smile at the sight of my best friend.


 I dump the bags on the kitchen counter and we hug.  "What are you doing here?" i ask, surprised.  Like me, Cyn could very well be a workaholic.  But she was,  afteral, l a party girl.


"The original plan was surprise you at the airport before you leave, but since you had to extend because of the case, i decided to surprise you after you won" she says and we hug again.  


The boys just stand there and make faces at our girly talks and squeal.  

She then turns and greets Hyun Jun.  "Hyun Jun sshi.  I missed you" she says and goes in for a hug.  Weird.  Since when was Cyn that close to a guy.  I shrug it off and start preparing for the party snacks.  The manager kindly decides to help.


"You need to hear what Forbes said" Cyn comes into the kitchen, holding her iPad.  She sits on the counter chair and reads "Miss Gonzalez does it again.  A case won in Malaysia within just a week of joining the team." she reads out loud and i sigh.


"Seems like you would be upgraded in the list" she says with a wink.  she knows how i feel about this, but it still does not stop her teasing.  

"What list?" Jung Min comes in, and steals a rice cake despite the manager trying to block him.  Young Seang follows and seems somewhat interested in the list.  He stands behind Cyn.  


"You're on a Forbes article" he says, the tone a little bit accusing.  I shrug it and concentrate on putting the chip dips in the large bowl.


"Yeah, she was 20th on the top 100 richest lawyers, but seems like she will be upgraded soon" Cyn said and i cringe.  

Young Seang gives me a weird look while Jun Min looks surprised.  "No one would think you are successful when you look like this" he teases.  


Because my other suitcase got stolen, i was out of shirts and dresses.  So i wore only pants, shorts with the guys' borrowed tshirts.  It was a miracle my other suitcase was fine.  No thief would be interested in professional clothing.  


I smack him lightly on the arm.  "That Hurts" Jung MIn fakes and squints at me.  "You will pay for that" he says and grabs some flour on the table and rubs it on my cheeks.


"Hey" i cry out. He likes to take advantage of his height and strength.  "Not fair" i say reproachingly.  


Cyn just looks at me.  


Hyun Joong comes in. "what's the commotion?" he stretches and yawns.  


"How did you wake up so early?" Hyun Jun asks jokingly, faking a surprised tone. We all laugh.  He then suddenly seems to notice Cyn. 

"Cyn! What a nice surprise." he says and bows to her.  She grins and bows back.


"Alright, everyone, let's start." the manager says and they all head to the garden.


 Cyn and me go change in my room which we now share.  "You seem more at ease" she says as soon as i close the door.  I shut my eyes and breath in.  The CynInquisition starts.  Drat! she can be damn perceptive.


"I decided to let go and have fun" i reply while i fish for anything suitable to wear for a pool party.  She opens her suitcase and removes her red polka dot one piece swimsuit. 


"Are you gonna wear that?" i ask.  She has beautiful translucent skin so the swimsuit which was meant to be conventional looked y and inviting.  She grins and pulls out her red/orange sarong.


 "It's nice to see you have fun" she says on a more serious note.

 She walks into the bathroom while i decicde on black shorts and white tshirt, which Hyun Joong kindly gave to me.  I sigh,  They probably would expect me to stop borrowing their shirts and use CYn's now.  Should i tell them i hate dressing up as a girl?

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hye miss dimple lady.. still remember me right? I just wanna advertise my shop in case if u would like to request.. And anyway.. I love the story.. Cuz I love SS501 very much!!! <3 ^-^ XD