Pool party and Confessions

Second Chances - A new Beginning

"Oh no.  You are so not wearing that" Cyn said as soon as she came out of the bathroom wearing her one piece with the sarong tied at her waist.  


She gestured towards my clothes with a scowl.  "I know you have been robbed, but you can't wear that" she says and looks through her suitcases.

"I like this.  Its comfy" i say, moving around to show her how comfortable normal, unclingy clothes can be.

 As usual, she totally ignores me. She fishes out a black suit swim and i just shake my head.  "You will probably be pig headed about this" she drops it and fishes out a floral dress.


"I ain't wearing a dress Cyn.  This is really fine.  I totally love it" i say and i am about to walk out went she cries "aha! found it" she says and takes out a white blouse with a cute bow at the wait.  


"This will match perfectly with your shorts" she says and i am forced to change into it.


 "That's an order from your boss, not a friend" she said. She sure knows how to boss people around.  I sigh and wear the blouse.


At the pool, the boys are having a good time.

Jun MIn done with th CD mix, was chilling on the floating lounger in the pool, while HYun Jun was on the phone.  The manager was on the lounger, sleeping.  Hyun Joong and Young Seang were talking by the pool. 


Jung Min looked up as we walked out.  "Look whose dressed up as a girl!" he exclaims, teasing me again.


 I roll my eyes at him, and i feel like getting back inside to hide my embarassment.  Hyun Joong splashes water on him.


"Hi" Cyn greets them happily and does a little run and dives into the water.  She joins Jung MIn and starts to tease me too.  "I managed to get her into that blouse.  I think that is enough for now." and they both giggle.


I glare at Cyn and walk towards the loungers.  Hyun Jun finally joins us.  "What happened? What did he say?" Young Seang asks Hyun Jun. 


"He is coming back.  Eun ah persuaded him to come back" he said and i just look between them.


 "Kyu JOng" Hyun joong says as a way of explanation.  "Eun ah has shifted from university campus to be with their mother.  Kyu Jong will be back soon"  i shrug, put on my shades and lie down.  



"Cassie" Hyun Jun calls my name after a while.  He brings me a plate of grilled beef.  "Lunch" he says in that cute accent and sits bext to me.  I thank him and look at the food.  


I glance at Cyn and she quietly takes away the plate and replaces it with chicken bbq.


 I thank her and we eat.  Soon enough, we hear a car and 10 minutes later, Kyu Jong appears.  Dressed in jeans and a tshirt, he looks just... handsome.  I realize i have been staring at him.   I quickly look away.


"Kyu Jong ah" Jung Min calls from the lunch table "Food.  There's beef bbq" he says and grins.


 Kyu Jong grins back.  "No ham?" he enquires.  "No ham" Jung Min confirms and Kyu Jong finally takes his plate.  


"Well, i guess i will go for a swim." Cyn says and takes off her sarong.  i frown.  "You don't like swimming" i remind her.  She definitely did not swim.

"i do, but not infront of an Olynpic winner" she says and i sigh.


"You know i won't judge." i reply, a bit hurt.


 "I know.  But i am taking the advantage of you not going swimming" she says and dives headfirst into the water.  I smile at the awkward way she jumps.


"You are smiling" i hear the familiar voice beside me.  I turn to my left and i see Kyu Jong is sitting on the lounger beside me.  He's not close but i can still admire his wonderful well scultped face.  He had a slight smile on those lips of his.  I nod.  "I am happy" i say and his smile grows.



"How's your mother?" i ask and soon regret asking.  He loses that beautiful smile and looks worried.  "Fine, i guess.  I was about to board when my sister called and said my mother was fine.  That i can see her afterwards.  Nothing serious" he says and still looks sad.



"Well, your sister probably means it." i say, losing my smile too.  He notices and changes the subject.  "I am sorry i was not at the courthouse.  I know you said it was important" 



"Nothing's more important than family.  So its fine" i reassure him.  He smiles at that.  I smile back and we just eat in silence while the other socialize.



At night, the sticks that Hyun Joong threw in the pool started to glow.  "Glow sticks!" Cyn squealed.  "You put glow sticks in the pool" she exclaims and looks admiringly at Hyun JOng, who smirks.



I smile at her enthusiasm.  Cyn was so unpredictable.  She could be bossy and serious and the next minute she could be a child, smilling about stupid things.  Not that this was stupid.  Glow Sticks in the pool was genius.



Hyun Jong's POV

"We leave in 2 days.  You can see her then" i reassure Kyu JOng who looked worried for a bit.  He was looking at CYn and Jung MIn playing in the water with a sad face.  Did he think this vacation was not worth it?



"I know.  We leave soon.  And this will all be over" he says, seemingly lost in his own world.  And people say am 4D!  "What's troubling you?"


"Nothing Hyung, just that, i really like Malaysia."


"That sounds like the whistful answer of someone with a crush.  Kyu looks at me, surprisingly not scowling. "Maybe" he says, so unlike him.


"Who is she?" i ask.  Not that i wanna know, but for Kyu Jong to like someone and actually look sad for leaving is a first.  Jung MIn might do that, but Kyu Jonhg?


"A beautifully dimpled girl" he says evasively and i take the hint.  Do not ask.  I drink the beer and look at Jung MIn and Cyn playing water polo against Hyun JUn and the manager.  



Was he thinking about CYn? But Cyn did not have dimpled.  I suddenly look at Cassie, sitting at the side of the pool, feet in the water.  That is Kyu Jong's choice?  But she did not have dimples, she also did not laugh much.  I shake my head, probably someone we don't know.


When we finish our beer, Cyn calls out  "Hyun Joong Oppa, Kyu Jong Oppa, jointhe match" Kyu Jong just shaked his head.  I decide to stay with him for moral support.

"Sacred you  might lose, Hyun Joong Oppa?" she asks and i smirk.  "me? lose? no chance" i say and i head for the water.  She cannot win, not against me.

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hye miss dimple lady.. still remember me right? I just wanna advertise my shop in case if u would like to request.. And anyway.. I love the story.. Cuz I love SS501 very much!!! <3 ^-^ XD