Two Days later - court case

Second Chances - A new Beginning

Cassie's POV

"Morning" i greeted the manager and Young Seang at teh breakfast table.

This has been the routine for the past two days.  Waking up, breakfast, work on the case while they were out, then lunch, work some more, then when they get back, tell themm how the case has been progressing, dinner then sleep.  


But there was something else.  Every night i when outside to watch the stars, and every night Ky Jong was there, silently watching the stars with me.  Though we never said a word to each other.  

There was some kind of friendship that formed, in just looking at the stars.  He never sat near me, but in the silence of the night, i could hear his slow breath, i could smell his after shave, i just knew deep inside that this friendship was the best.


But today the routine was different.  Today was the court case.  "Eat well Cassie, you need your strengths today" Young Seang said in his usual sweet voice.  I smile and served myself toast and peanut butter with coffee.

"Oh, Cassie, Cyn called.  She will be here by this afternoon.  She appologized she could not handle the theft earlier" the manager inforned me and i was delighted.

"That's alright.  Nothing precious was taken.  Just some money" i said and continued my breakfast.  Young Seang gave me a weird look.  Did he think that i do not care about money and do not know it's value?


"Good morning" Jung Min greeted us cheerfully as he sat next to me.

 "Tell me again" he says and i smiled.  "Namaste" he has been pestering me to teach him some hindi words.  "Namaste" he repeated and started on his breakfast.


Kyu Jong followed, grabbed his full american breakfast and walked outisde.  He never ate inside since i was here.  "I will be buying some souvenirs today" he said to the manager as he left.  

"You need to be at the court house at 1 pm" the manager reminded him.

He said something in Korean that i did not understand and left.  My korean was very basic, not really elaborate.  The guys have been really considerate, talking in english as much as posisble to include me in the conversation.


"Good for them" the manager once told me.  "Might help them improve their english.


 These times with the guys were strange.  I feel closer to them than the normal lawyer client relationship.  I shrug it off as i was living with them, which meant i was bound to know them better



"If we win today, let's celebrate" Jun MIn said suddenly after his breakfast.  Hyun Jun brightened "yeah"


The manager look forbidding but then snirked.  "If she wins" and leaves.  I look at the time and i hurry.  it is already 10 and i need to be at the court house before the case for preparations.


i stuff the last of my toast and hurry to the room for a shower.


As soon as i am done, i wrap a towel around me and walk out of the bathroom.  I take off the towel from my hair and proceed to dry them, when the door suddenly opens and Kyu Jong barges in.  


"Hyun Jun-" he said when he heard my squeal and noticed me, wrapped in a towel.  He immediately turned back while i grabbed the robe.  "I am sorry.  I need some getting used to that its your room now" and he left.


I realise i had been holding my breath and i exhaled.  I shrug it off as an honest mistake and get ready.


It was optional to dress up professional while meeting client, but i needed to be professional at the court house.  I decided to go with my white shirt, black coat and high waited skirt.  As usual i pull my hair in a tight bun and leave.


"Where are the others?" I ask Hyun Joong as i walk intot the living room 10 minutes later.  He seems to be the only one left.
"They are gone already.  You will be coming with me" he says.  I shrug and we walk to the car.


After a 10 minutes drive, Hyun Joong stops the car and i glance around.  This is not the court house.  "What the-"

Suddenly, he turns towards me, looking grave.  "I need you to tell me something with all honesty" he asks.  Still half under shock, i nod.

"Will we win this case? If not, how long will it take?" he asks and i exhale.


"You think you might not win?" i ask casually. Had they really known me, they would not be asking this question.  He seems angry somehow.  I shake my head.  

"Don't worry, you will win this case.  MOst probably today itself" and he nods, becoming more like the Hyun Joong i am becoming used to.  

"I appologize for this, but i need to know the truth to know best how to shield us from media scrutiny and so as my members won't be affected."


He starts the car again and i nod.  "That's understandable" i say and we drive to the courthouse.

Once there, i sit with the lawyers while the case unfolds infront of me.  I already know they will win this case, so i lounge back and start to fidget.


 I notice Kyu Jong is not present and i frown.  I mouth to thje manager "where is kyu JOng?" and he mouths "home".  That's weird.  He was told to be here.

After the hearing, i am surrounded by lawyers thanking me and i thank them back.  As for the members, they are elated.  As soon as we came home, i ask for Kyu JOng and the manager replies "He's gone home"


It dawns on me that he meant home, as in back in Korea.  Something to do with his mother's health.  I nod and that evening, while watching the stars, i miss the company, something i never did since the past few years. Am i......... missing Kyu Jong?

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hye miss dimple lady.. still remember me right? I just wanna advertise my shop in case if u would like to request.. And anyway.. I love the story.. Cuz I love SS501 very much!!! <3 ^-^ XD