Meeting Ss501

Second Chances - A new Beginning

"I will probably lose myself again" i complain on the phone to my friend/boss.  Being a lawyer is tough enough but a famous one is twice as hard.  Here i am, vacationing in Malaysia, when Cyn got me another case, in Malaysia itself.  She's working me too hard!  Right now i am looking for a cafe where i am supposed to meet the Korean boyband Ss501. My sense of orientation and i know i will seriously get lost, not to mention i am super late.


"Just look for the Cafe Winston" i can hear Cyn say on the phone, sounding annoyed.  "Seriously, how can you vacation alone all fine by yourself and when i ask you to go meet a client then you get lost?"


"Cafe Winston is not in the map.  And i never vacation fine by myself.  You'd know better, you had to set up search parties for me twice already Damn am gonna be late.  Usually in situations like this, when i do find my way, people tend to think i am arrogant for showing up late, not that i care much.


" And still you never listen.  Never agree for an ! Seriously Cassandra Andromeda Gonzalez, could you get more weird?" she complains and i roll my eyes.

"Jeez, stop using my full name already!" i reprimand and finnaly find the cafe infront of me.  "Listen, i think i found it.  I'll call you after the meeting. Love ya" i say and hang up.  I take a deep breath and walk in.


I find them at the far end of the cafe, which surprisingly has a bowling area. A filming crew follows their every move.  I guess they must be fimling another variety show. The boys are playing merrily but the man sitting at the table, which i guess is the manager, looks pissed.  I walk quickly and greet him.


"You are late" he says in a stern tone.  I glance at the boys, they do not seem to have noticed me.  "I got lost.  I am new here" i say as means of explanation then i remember how particular koreans can be about manners.  "I am sorry.  It will not happen again" i say with a little bow and he seems to loosen up a little.


"Boys" the manager calls and soon they are sitting down, eying me weirdly.  I frown and look down.  Crap! i forgot am still in my shorts and shirt.  They obviously expected a well dressed, very professional lawyer.


"Annyounghaseyo." i greet them all.  They smiled and greet me in turn.  "This is Cassie Gonzalez" the manager introduces me.  Its weird that he called me Cassie.  I sense Cyn's involvement in this.  But why would she tell him my nickname?  "She is our lawyer"


The boys all nod and i smile.  Seeing them up close, they are astounding.  Really unfair how they can be so bright.  Shaking my head, i take out my notepad.  "So, can you give me a brief?" i ask, ready to try my shorthand after a month of no work at all.


The manager looks surprised.  " You want to do it here?" he asks and i look around.  The cafe seems pretty alright.  Not deserted but not crowded also. Moreover, the filming has stopped. I shrug.  "Here is fine. I just need the main facts.  The indepths analysis can wait." i say and he seems doubtful.

"Are you really a lawyer?" Hyung Joong asks all of a sudden, still eyeing my appearance.  I sigh.


"I could come looking very professional and use a more business like tone, but it will feel tedious for all of us.  Isnt it better if we all make ourselves comfortable and you fill me in on what happened?" i asked and they looked convinced.


"But if it's alright with you, i'd like to do this at the bungalow.  Privacy issues" The manager said and i nod.  "Ok.  Give me the address and tell me what time should i come by" i ask and he shakes his head.


"You give me your address and i'll send someone to pick you up." he says and when i frown, he adds, "Dont want you to get lost again".  i shrug and give him my address.


Jung Min smiles and exclaims "You are staying just four bungalows after us." and we decide to meet at their bungalow at around 5 pm.  As soon as i leave the cafe, i sigh and walk to the market.  Meeting ss501, all of them at once, can have a powerful impact.


Once at my bungalow, i change into my swimsuit and go swimming.  This relaxes me and after an hour of rigorous swimming, i feel alive as i sit on the side.  I lie back, my feet still dangling in the water and look at the slowly setting sun.  I get an odd sensation of being watched.  Cautious, i hurry and close the door.


After my shower, i am dressed in a white knee length black short and a white tank and sneakers.  I grab my briefcase and head for the ss501 bungalow.

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hye miss dimple lady.. still remember me right? I just wanna advertise my shop in case if u would like to request.. And anyway.. I love the story.. Cuz I love SS501 very much!!! <3 ^-^ XD