The day after...

Why won't you love me?


Lesly's POV
After hearing zelo's words my heart couldn't take it. I ran off and didn't look back, it was too painful. I kept running down the street not caring where I was going nor where I would even end up. I just kept running but suddenly was stopped when someone grabbed my wrist and turned me around in one swift move. Because I had my head tilted down I didn't see who it was. I was too upset to even lift my head, when I felt a hand tilting my chin up. That's when with tearing eyes I saw who it was, " yongguk!!" Was all that came out before he interrupted me by saying " don't say anything else, I saw everything that happened come here" and with those words he pulled me in for one of his famous bear hugs. And all I did was continue to cry while I rested my head on yongguks chest. 
Yongguk's POV
I was still at the table with himchan when we saw lesly and Nicole get up and walk to the table across the restaurant. Maybe they knew them I thought. After I saw how the guys had reacted to the girls presence I knew something was up. And I confirmed it when I saw one of the guys pulling lesly aside and start yelling at her. I assumed that's the guy she had spoken of. When I saw that guy grabbing lesly wrist and yelling at her I felt something. I felt so much anger, how could he yell at her like that all I wanted to do was get up and go punch him in the face for making my lesly cry like that! I saw lesly turning around and starting to run off. All I could think was that I wanted to hurt that guy so badly but right now I had to go after lesly, so I did. I ran out of the restaurant a couple seconds after lesly, but wow that girl ran fast she was pretty far so I had to run really fast to catch up to her. When I did all I wanted to do was be there and hold her while she let everything out. I hated seeing her like this, I never liked seeing her sad and definitely not crying. As I held her while she cried I made a note of that guy who had hurt lesly, when I meet him again ill make sure to hurt him as much as lesly is hurting right now. 
~At the same time~
Nicole's POV
After what jongup had said to me I felt like I really couldn't handle anything else. And as he continued to yell at me with so much anger in his eyes I just could continue to listen to him so I ran. I ran as fast as I could, all I wanted to do was get away from that place and forget what jongup had just told me. When I was running I found a bench where no one was sitting at. I decided to sit on that bench while I cried and cried. I knew that what jongup had told me about Sam was true, he was really interested in her which made me even more upset. As I continued to cry on this long bench I felt someone sit next to me on the bench. I was too upset to look up I didn't want anyone to see me like this. Then I felt an arm on my shoulder so I slowly lifted my head up. It was himchan, I began to speak but all that came out was a loud sigh and more tears. Before I knew it himchan was embracing me in a warm hug telling me that everything was ok, while I continued to cry while he hugged me.
Himchan's POV
When I saw what Nicole had said to the girl who was with one of the guys at that table, I knew that had to be the guy she was falling for. But what surprised me the most was how the guy reacted. He was yelling at Nicole and it even seems like he was hurting her wrist, when I was watching this all I felt was like I should walk over there and protect Nicole from this douche who had no right to tell at her like that. As he continued to yell I noticed how Nicole started to turn away and run towards the exist of the restaurant, when I saw this I was out of the restaurant in a heartbeat chasing after Nicole to see how she was. I followed her closely behind, I saw her take a seat on a lonely bench while she continued to cry. Without her noticing I sat next to her, it broke my heart to see her like this. I was surely going to give that guy a piece of my mind about making nicole cry like this next time I saw him. I sat down and waited for her to look at me and right when she did so I hugged her and didn't let her go until she let every tear that need to be shed. All I wanted to do was to comfort her and let her know I was here for her. 
~Next day~
Narrator's POV
It was the day after Lesly and Nicole had been snapped back to reality that Zelo and jongup would never like them like they like they did. It was the worst day for the both of them. After yongguk and himchan had comforted the girls they dropped them off at Lesly house and they headed back home themselves. As Monday arrived the girls did not want to go to school that day, they knew it was going to be too painful seeing Zelo and Jongup knowing how they truly felt about them. So, the girls decided to skip that day and stay home and try not to cry. That morning himchan and yongguk texted the girls to ask how they were and found out they were going to stay home so they told the girls they were going to join them at Lesly's house.  
~A few minutes later~
Jonghyun's POV
I had seen both my sister and Nicole walk in last night after himchan and yongguk had dropped them off. I saw how their eyes were red and puffy, but I just felt like maybe it wasn't the best time to ask what was wrong. So today, when I saw that the girl were still acting all upset and had told me they were not going to school I knew it was time to ask my little sister what was going on. I asked them what was the problem and they just looked at me with teary eyes and said " Guy problems",  they said in unison. Oh I knew that I had to help them, or at least stay with them for the day to keep them company because they weren't feeling at there best, but I couldn't I had a big exam and had to go to school. I told lesly and Nicole that anything they needed to just shot me a text and I would do it. They told me to not worry to much about them cause himchan and yongguk were coming over to keep them company. When I heard that I knew they were going to be good, those guys were definitely going to bring those smiles back to my little sis and Nicole. So I left for school knowing that they would be okay.
Narrator's POV
Eventually himchan and yongguk showed up at Lesly's house and not only did they bring ice cream but they brought the girls favorite movies on DVD. They talked to the girls about how if those guys did all of those things to them in public and said all those hurtful things, that they weren't the right guys for them to fall for and that they could find better guys out there. As the day progressed they watched the movies and ate lots of ice cream but also the guys were just there for the two girl, when they started to cry again they were there to embrace them in nice tight hugs. But something unexpected seemed to happen, as the guys were just being " good friends" for being their for the girls they begun to feel something.. Something they couldn't explain but it was like all they wanted to do was make these girls the happiest girls on earth and to protect them from ever being hurt like this ever again. Both himchan and yongguk felt this feeling, but they knew that now it was more then just being the good friends that they were. As they caught themselves feeling like this they realized they couldn't tell the girls, so they continued to pamper the girls with more food and just tried to make them feel happy again. 
~ Meanwhile at School~
Zelo & Jongup POV
As we walked into our class that we regularly had with Lesly and Nicole, we noticed that they weren't sitting were they usually sat. Actually they weren't even in the class. We both felt terrible for the way we over reacted at the restaurant, but in the heat of the moment both of us said some mean things to Nicole and Lesly. We both wanted to apologize today to them and let them know that we were really sorry for hurting them the way we did and that we never intended to make them cry. But as we saw that they weren't in class we got worried, were they ok we thought. Through the whole class neither of us could focus in class, we were so worried about why the girls hasn't showed up today. Something inside us made our hearts ach and feel like we had just destroyed something that maybe could have been good but it just didn't seem like the time for it, not now not when we both had Sam and Molly. With those thoughts along with thinking about those two guys that had ran after Lesly and Nicole last night we seemed to get not only more upset but also a little jealous. But why? Why were we getting jealous, we didn't like the girls like that.. Or did we?
Hey you guys so its zelo_junhung514 and shintaenik18 ^^
We really hope you guys enjoy this chapter, we worked hard on it :D 
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Chapter 7: Ohhh I love this. Chapter! ^^ keep up the good work ^^
Chapter 7: this is like watching degrassi omg hahahaha i love it keep it up you two!!! :D
P.S. my bias is Zelo In B.A.P XD
I like it but its kinda weird cause my name's Leaky XD can't wait for the next update
waiting for the next updateeeeee keep it coming!! ◉▽◉