No No No

Why won't you love me?

Lesly's P.O.V

Waking up Sunday morning was probably one of the hardest things i've ever done in my life. I just didn't feel in the mood to do anything. 

I was hoping to see Yongguk and Himchan again today. Hanging out with them yesterday made me happy, and that is something i haven't been for a really long time. 

I was laying in bed for what seemed like forever but in reality it was just 10 minutes. I hear my phone ring on the other side of the room and get up quickly to go answer it. 

"Hello..?" I was too tired to check the caller ID. 

"Get Nicole to go to your house and dress fancy!" i pulled the phone away from my ear because of the yelling. 

"Himchan can you be any louder??" 

"Hmmm........Yes but i don't think you want to experience that" I laugh and hear in the backround Yongguk talk "Yes because i've experienced that enough times!"

"Okay okay i'll call Nicole and let her know but why are we dressing fancy?" I hear the phone make some noise and then Yongguk talks. "That my dear friend is a surprise, but we just want to celebrate the fact that Himchan and i are back and reunited with our bestfriends!" 

I chuckle and get out of bed as i talk "Alright well i'll call nicole. Oh and Yongguk...thank you" i hang up and scroll down to find Nicole's contact name (Loser#1) 

The phone rings three times and Nicole answers with the biggest groan she can let out. 

"Dude it's 10 in the morning! I'm supposed to be knocked out right now!! WHAT?" I couldn't help but laugh at Nicole's reaction. 

"Shut up! Himchan and Yongguk want to take us somewhere and told us to dress fancy, So come over so we can get ready!!" Nicole's tone of voice quickly changes

"Really? Yay! Okay i'm on my way now" she hangs up and then i walk to my closet trying to see what i should wear.

I was excited to be with Yongguk and Himchan today. If only they knew about Zelo and Jongup....even without knowing whats going one, they still manage to make both Nicole and I feel better. I'm glad i have them to lean on.

Nicole's P.O.V

Ever since Jongup agreed to go on a date with Sam, I've been isolated and shut off. But now thta Yongguk and Himchan are here, they make me happy and bring the old dorky Nicole back out. 

I wanted to get to Lesly's house as fast as possible so i grab a pair of sweatpants and put it on along with a black tank top. 

I grab my phone and purse and walk out only to get stopped by my brother.

"Nicole?" I turn around and see him all messy and his shirt off

"Before i answer any of your questions, please put on a shirt.." He rolls his eyes and goes back inside his room and comes back out,

"There. Happy?" 

"Well that's a start. Anyways what do you want Minho?" he ruffles his hair and rubs his eyes "Where are you going?" Minho asks kind of curious

"To Lesly's, i'll be back tonight don't worry"

Minho nods and waves goodbye as i turn around and walk downstairs.


At Lesly's house


I get to Lesly's house and open the door since it was already unlocked. I go to her room and see clothes all over the floor and on the bed. 

"Geez Lesly no need to fill the room entirely with clothes" Lesly comes out crawling from the closet with her hair all messy. 

"Dude i can't find anything for us to wear" 

"We can ask for advice you know, wanna ask your brother?" She widened her eyes and shakes her head quickly.

"Come on! We're on our last resort, we've got clothes everywhere!"

She rolls her eyes "Fiiiiiinnee"

I nod and scream "JONGHYUN!!!!!!"



After 5 minutes Jonghyun finally comes and when he saw all the clothes his jaw drops. 

"Whoa, what natural disaster caused this?" He trys to find his way over to us through the clothes and eventually falls. 

It was so funny how he fell i couldn't help but laugh "That would be Lesly, but anyways we need your help" 

He gets back up on his feet "With what exactly?"

Lesly throws a shirt at Jonghyun "We're going out and we dont know what to wear" 

"Ohhh okay well...hmmm.. give me a second i gotta look around"

Lesly and i back up and let Jonghyun do his thing. Within 10 minutes he brings me and Lesly a stack of clothes and tells us to put it on.

Lesly's P.O.V

I go change in Jonghyun's room while Nicole changes in the bathroom. I put on the clothes and look in the mirror. Wow Jonghyun has good taste. I was wearing blue jeans with a with tank top and a blue overshirt with a brown belt wrapped around my waste. I love it.

I walk out and see Nicole wearing black jeans with a pink shirt falling off her shoulders. 

Tonight is going to be awesome

"Thank you Jonghyun i look great" I hug him and Nicole jumps on top making us fall. Today is going great.

Zelo's P.O.V

All dressed and ready to go pick up Molly and Sam with Jongup. I can't wait any longer. I need to see Molly.

Jongup's P.O.V

Sam..Sam...Sam.. thats all that was going through my head. I can't wait any longer... 

Zelo and i finally pick up Molly and Sam and head towards the restaurant.

Nicole's P.O.V

Yongguk and Himchan came to pick us up and took us to someplace i didn't know. 

After 20 minutes of driving we pull up to a fancy restaurant "Wow we're eating here?"

Himchan nods and Lesly claps happily. I laugh as we get out. The boys already had a table reserved for us so we walk in and get seated immediatley. 

As i was walking in i see from the corner of my eye a guy that i really didn't want to see.....Jongup. He didn't even see me....he just kept talking to Sam and Molly and oh no....Zelo I look over at Lesly and she sees exactly what im seeing.

I manage to whisper so the boys dont hear "Lesly forget them being here okay we have to forget" She nods and we start talking to the boys happily.

Zelo's P.O.V

I was having a great time, talking to Molly and seeing her smile made my night. I think im falling for her. I was eating cherry tomatoes when out of the corner of my eyes i see Lesly walking in with Nicole and 2 guys. One of them being the one she was at the mall with.

Not this guy again....

Jongup's P.O.V

I was taking a sip of my water when i see Nicole walk in. I almost choke but didn't make it too obvious. 

Oh crap...she's with that same guy from the mall.

Lesly's P.O.V

"Nicole come to the bathroom with me please?" We both excuse ourselves and walk towards the bathroom.

"Nicole i can't take it we have to break them up....tonight" She nods her head

"I know, i feel the same."

Nicole and i decided to try and make fun of the girls so they'll leave.


We leave the bathroom and walk to their table

"Hi guys, weird seeing you here" I say with a fake voice

"So molly whats up with the ty dress..?"

Zelo looks at me shock but i ignore it.

Nicole's P.O.V

"Sam, whats wrong with your face? your have way too much acne" Jongup looks at me in surprise but i didnt pay attention to it. I keep making fun of Sam and Lesly does the same with Molly.

Lesly's P.O.V

Before i could finish my last insult Zelo grabs me and pulls me aside. In my head i thought we were just going to talk, thats when i realized how red Zelo had turned, not only that but he was pacing up and down the hallways of the restaurant. When he finally stopped he began to yell at me.

"Why do you have to come in here and ruin everything for me! Don't you see i want nothing to do with you!"

I couldn't manage to say anything so i just stayed quiet. 

"Zelo.... I really do like you..." everything went silent.

"Lesly, I will NEVER like you like that......." His words felt like knives stabbing my heart.

I wanted to say something back but i couldn't so i tilted my head down and let him keep yellling while tears were rolling down my cheeks. Zelo kept screaming at me saying that Molly was the one for him and not me.

After that i couldn't take it, i look up at him and see his angry expression and turn around and run out of the restaurant.

Zelo's P.O.V

Lesly looks up at me and seeing her eyes filled with tears made me stop being angry, but i couldnt erase what i had just now done because Lesly then turned around and ran out. 

I didn't want to hurt her like that, but i did...i feel awful. Maybe i shouldn't have yelled that loud.

I was deep in my thoughts when i see that same guy that was with Lesly at the mall run after her. It pissed me off but what was i supposed to do...

Nicole's P.O.V

I really wanted to finish my last insult but then Jongup grabs my arm really tight and pulls me outside. It was raining but at this point i didn't care. 

Jongup was about to explode but all i could keep in my mind was that why i wasn't the one on the date with him. My thoughts were interupted when Jongup yells.

"Why must you do this to me?!"

"H-Huh?" I was shaking a little because Jongup was scaring me. 

"I have a date Nicole, tonight the only person i wanted to see was Sam and not you!" I tilted my head down and whispered.

"Jongup, why can't you accept my feelings?" I could see the water trickling down his hair and onto his cheek

"I can't Nicole and i never will!"


"Because they mean nothing to me!!!!!" He yelled in my face

I tilted my head down and started to crying. It's not like you could tell since it was raining so hard.

I look up at Jongup who is pissed and not feeling guilty for anything he has said. I couldn't handle it anymore.. I ran away, not looking back.

Jongup's P.O.V

I saw her eyes..... Ugh i feel like a complete douche. I know about the feelings she had for me.

But then again it had to be done. Thats when i see the guy from the mall come outside and run after Nicole. He had so much concern on his face, it pissed me off. 

I let it go even though it angered me. I calm down and walk back inside to my date.


Whoa!!!! That took some time to write haha but hope you guys enjoyed!!!! Keep reading and we will have chapter 8 up sooner than you think!!!!!



P.S: Yes i put Shinee's Minho and Jonghyun in as Lesly and Nicole's brothers haha

SHINee also had their goodbye stage on mcountdown, i watched it with zelo_junhong514 we were crying hahaha





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Chapter 7: Ohhh I love this. Chapter! ^^ keep up the good work ^^
Chapter 7: this is like watching degrassi omg hahahaha i love it keep it up you two!!! :D
P.S. my bias is Zelo In B.A.P XD
I like it but its kinda weird cause my name's Leaky XD can't wait for the next update
waiting for the next updateeeeee keep it coming!! ◉▽◉