

"I said wait!" Bom shouted as she panted trying to reach for Seunghyun as he walk up further into the mountains.



"Hurry up slow poke, aish," Seunghyun rolled his eyes as he started walking again.



"I give up!" Bom hissed as she threw her hands in the air, sitting down on the floor.



"You are such a wimp and you call yourself a leader!" Seunghyun walked back down towards Bom.



"I think I have to give up being who you people call me to be," Bom faked sniffed as she wiped the non-existence tear with the side of her index finger.



"Fine, let's just walk back down again," Seunghyun sighed as he held a hand for Bom which she took.



"Wait, Seunghyun..." Bom gave Seunghyun a tighter grip.



"W-what?" Seunghyun stuttered as soon as he saw those eyes, those pleading eyes that always have a control on him.



"Give me a piggy back ride, neh?" Bom asked as she pouted.



"Aish!" Seunghyun pulled his hand away as he started walking down the mountain with his eyes closed.



"Wae?! Tabi!" Bom whined as she ran off towards Seunghyun again. "Please?! I'm really tired and I think I might as well die! Don't you care about me?!"



"This yeoja!" Seunghyun hissed to himself as he sighed, ruffling his hair. "I just wish I can tell you that I don't," he whispered as he bent over with his hands on his back.



"Saranghae Tabi!" Bom squealed as she clapped like an excited teenage girl. She then jumped on Seunghyun's back causing the latter to grunt.



"You are so heavy..." Seunghyun said through his gritted teeth.



Bom gasped loudly as she furrowed her eyebrows. "AM NOT!" She then hit the back of his head for a punishment. "Wait...am I?"













"What is this?" Dara asked as she pointed at a red vehicle in front of her.



"It's an ATV," Youngbae rolled his eyes as he got on. "Hop on."



"Me?" Dara asked pointing at herself as she stared at Youngbae with a surprised look.



"No, the ghost besides you that only I can see," Youngbae said sarcastically as she looked towards her left. "It's you! Now get on!"



"But...it's dangerous..." Dara said as she observed the vechile. "How many times have you gotten in an accident in that thing?"



"Many. Pabo, don't waste my time, I am very busy! Now just hop on so I can get back to the main HQ!" Youngbae hissed to only get even more pissed when Dara shook her head no. "And why not?!"



"You just said it's dangerous! And you are a big fat meanie and I know if I get on that thing you will find a way to hurt me!" Dara shook her head with her arms folded.



"I work for Bom, and if I did that, she would push me off the volcano at the island close by!" Youngbae assured Dara as he rolled his eyes. "Are you going to get on or what?"



"No," Dara shook her head as she swallowed the lump in .



"Fine, suit yourself," Youngbae the engine. He then looked back at the girl again. "Just follow the trail okay, remember three rights, two lefts, and then one right."



"No way!" Dara stomped her foot on the ground.



"You either ride with me or walk by yourself because I am not walking," Youngbae stated as the vehicle made a loud roar.



"This is torture," Dara mumbled as she walked over to the ATV and hopped on behind Youngbae. "You're just lucky I find you attractive..."



"What was that? Are you talking ?" Youngbae asked as he looked back.



"No!" Dara retorted as she rolled her eyes.



Phew! He didn't hear! What were you thinking you dumb ssantoki!?I



"Wrap your arms around my waist," Youngbae ordered her.



"I am not going to do that!" Dara shook her head as she stared at his broad back.



"Are you really going to be an immature teenage girl right now?" Youngbae asked as Dara pouted angrily. "Hold on or get off."



"Fine!" Dara hissed as she wrap her arms around Youngbae's waist.



"Hold on tight, I'm not going to promise that this would be a pleasant ride," Youngbae smirked as he made the engine roar again.



"I get it, you don't have---Kyaaaaaahhh!!" Dara closed her eyes as she felt the sudden rush ran through her as the ATV moved so fast making her jumped from her seat for the first milisecond of the ride. Every second that has passed the ride gotten faster and faster. "YAH!! SLOW DOWN!!"



"NO WAY! WHAT'S THE THRILL IN THAT?!" Youngbae shouted back as he laughed.















"You are just so cute, why can't I just have you?" Chaerin squealed as she ruffled Lily's head as it wagged it's tail.



Jiyong looked at the dog as if it was some kind of pest. His Gaho is so much better than that thing.



"Jagiya, I think you should leave the pup alone, it's Bom's after all," Jiyong reminded his girlfriend as he glared at the dog.



"I think she wouldn't mind," Chaerin giggled as she then pet Lily.



"I am so hungry I can eat a horse alive!" Seungri burst inside the dining room as he stretched.



"Oppa before you can eat him, he probably already kicked your face," Minzy giggled as she looked around. "Ah! Chaerin unnie! Jiyong oppa! You're here!"



"Minji, what is that?" Chaerin asked as she pointed at a bear trailing behind Minzy.



"It's Youngbae-shi's pet bear. His name is..." Minzy looked back at Daesung with her eyebrows raised.



"Dumbo," Daesung answered.



"Isn't that the name of the elephant from that one movie?" Chaerin asked as she tilted her head to the sides.



"You mean Dumbo?" Seungri mumbled to himself as he rolled his eyes.



"Youngbae hyung couldn't find a name for him so Bom named it instead," Daesung explained.



He then looked over at Jiyong who was glaring at him and for some reason, even though he believes he is a lot stronger than the latter, he gets this nervous feeling. The same feeling that he gets when he comes face to face with the trio (Bom, Seunghyun, Youngbae).



"Where are your leaders?" Jiyong asked as he narrowed his eyes at Daesung.



"Youngbae hyung will be here with Dara noona soon and--"



"Why is he with Dara?!" Jiyong stood up quickly as he slammed his hand on the table. Chaerin sadly looked up at Jiyong as she then looked away to meet eyes with Seungri.



"Ah, hyung, when we left, it has become late," Seungri tried to explain. "Maybe, it was too dark. Youngbae-shi seems like a gentleman don't you think?"



"There is no such things, a man is still a man," Jiyong hissed at the younger latter.



"Youngbae hyung is a very wise man, he knows better," Daesung also tried to explain.



"Jiyong...I'm sure Dara is okay," Chaerin said as she held onto his shoulder trying to make him sit back down. "I trust Youngbae."



"Trust?! Him?! Them?! How can you just give trust to those who has imprisoned us?" Jiyong narrowed his eyes at Chaerin.



"Excuse me, I don't mean to be rude, but have we really imprisoned anyone?" Daesung asked as he clenched his fist behind his back. "For all we know, we still haven't put you guys in dungeons or torture any of you. So please considerate your wordings before Bom noona hears anything coming out of your unpleasant mouth."



"What did you say?!" Jiyong stood up again.



"Jiyong!" Chaerin hissed at her boyfriend. "Know the people who you are talking to."



Jiyong looked at Chaerin with his teeth gritted as he sat down, glaring at Daesung who was standing there with a blank expression.



The doors opened again revealing a pale Dara and a smirking Youngbae. Everyone looked at Dara and how scared she looked with her hair being a complete wreck with her guy clothes on.



"Dara!" Chaerin walked over to the girl followed by the little brother.



"Noona are you okay? Are you sick?" Seungri asked as he bit his bottom lip in worry.



"It was just...so fast....I couldn't even catch my breath...the torture he was putting me through...he thought it was fun...and pleasant..." Dara said as she just stared at the floor with her lips parted.



Hearing this, Jiyong's ears perked up. So fast...can't catch her breath...he thought of it being fun and pleasant...torture...this only meant one think for someone like Jiyong. "What did you do to her?!"



"What does that mean?" Chaerin asked holding onto both of Dara's cheeks.



"He is so cruel, whenever I told him to stop, he just goes faster," Dara mumbled as her lips trembled.



"You bastard! If you did something to Dara, I will make sure I would be the one to bury you in your grave!" Jiyong hissed as he stomped his way to Youngbae.



"Noona, please don't tell me you did what I think you did," Seungri whispered to his sister as he looked worried.



"And how are you suppose to do that Mr. Kwon Jiyong?" Youngbae asked as he looked at the latter eye to eye. "This is my territory, your power is limited, my power is limitless."



"Have you ever ridden an ATV before? Because earlier, I just felt like it was the end of my life! He is too cruel! We almost fell off the edge! I was about to die!" Dara whined as she finally looked up at Chaerin and Seungri who's face fell into a poker face.



Of course! What else would that innocent ssantoki do with a wise man like Youngbae?!



"Huh?" Jiyong asked looking at Dara with a slight confusion. "You mean you didn't have *beep* with him?"



Dara stared at Jiyong with a blank expression or even a stupid expression before her cheeks finally had color in it and screamed in disgust. "Why would you ever think of that?! With him?!" Dara pointed at Youngbae, "Never! WHY?!"



"Yeah, me neither," Youngbae snorted as he walked pass Jiyong with a victorious smile and then towards Dumbo. He sat on the table with his feet dangling off to the sides as he fed Dumbo some berries. "Tell the chef to start serving us our breakfast, I am starving. Where's Bom?"



Dara gasped, her usual late reaction. "What is that suppose to mean?!" Dara stomped her way to Youngbae and when she got there she folded her arms.



"What?" Youngbae asked looking confuse.



"Your 'Me neither' crap!" Dara hissed.



"What? You want me to say 'Oh yeah, I am so ually attracted to you. Let's do it right here, right now'. Is that what you want me to say?" Youngbae asked as Dara bit both of her lips with her eyebrows furrowed as Youngbae watch the change of color of her face. "Besides, if I did say that, I would be lying."



"What is that suppose to mean?" Dara asked rather coldly.



"It means that I am not physically attracted to you nor ually. You are just not my type," Youngbae said with a slight shrug. He then jumped off the table as he looked over at Jiyong trying to see satisfaction in his expression but all he sees is pure anger.



What does it take to please and ease a man like Kwon Jiyong?



Dara clecnhed her fist as she looked at Youngbae completely shock and angry. How mean can he be?! "W-well...you are not my type either!"



"Good, see, now we know this crap is not going to work out," Youngbae gave Dara a sarcastic smile. "Young-deuk, go get Bom and tell her to eat lunch now, and oh hyung too."



"No need, I am here now, good morning to you all, the queen has arrived," Bom announced at everyone with her lady-like fake laugh as she entered waving like she is some kind of princess. "You may bow down."



"Eww, who would?" Seunghyun retorted as he walked pass her and towards Young-don. "Get me water, my throat hurts."



"Why?" Youngbae asked as he looked at his hyung.



"That lazybutt made me carry her for two miles," Seunghyun pointed at Bom who was smiling proudly.



"I feel your pain," Youngbae patten Seunghyun on the shoulder.


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Evil_Kitten #1
Chapter 11: nice story... cant wait for the next update:)
Evil_Kitten #2
Chapter 1: Bom's the boss... okay, loving this already... lol
Evil_Kitten #3
ooo... i can't wait to start reading this fanfic... EXCITEDDDD!!! lol
chaedony #4
Chapter 11: Yay... I'm a hardcore skydragon-shipper but originally I used to ship Chae & Don (^_^) So I'm totally happy right now lol because my bias' are in a relationship (well a rocky one as of now) & also there are interactions between chae & don! I can never really get over my first ever OTP haha
chocolakay #5
Chapter 11: kyaha... how cute you kwon twins! and an angry tabi. or should i say a jealous tabi? heol don't mess with him.

jiyooong-ah! you decided to play! yay! amf chae, i think you should listen to him.
bb2ne1fanjj #6
Chapter 10: I like all your pairings especially Darayang. You're doing great authornim.
Chapter 10: Jiyong is so cute.. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ ^^