Leader's Decisions



"Youngbae!" Bom shouted as she got tired of waiting for the others. "What is taking you guys so long?! I am getting bored!"


"They are very...tough," Youngbae said as he kicked opened the door wider, entering his boss territory or as he likes to call it her sanctuary. "They keep on resisting...quite annoying too."


"How did they get here?" Bom asked as she sat on her chair with her legs crossed.


"I guess the got stranded," Youngbae said shrugging.


"You guess?" Bom asked as she watch one of her boys walk carelessly without a care in the world in front of her. Only Youngbae and Seung-hyun are the only ones that could actually talk to her as if they were friends, and even act too.


"Hyung didn't let them to explain themselves," Youngbae said as he stood at the sides of the end of the stairs with his hands folded, waiting for the 'intruders' to come in front. "They're here."


Bom eyebrows furrowed as she looked over at him. She could not even here any footsteps or screams, how does he know? Well, duh, he has an abnormally sharp hearing. "Hurry up!"


Soon enough Seung-hyun walked inside their boss' sanctuary with his eyebrows furrowed, and cracking his head. "So bothersome, I say we kill," he spoke as he walked up the stairs and stood besides Bom's chair. "Youngbae," he said in a commanding tone.


"Neh," Youngbae turned around and walked up the stairs. He went to the other side of the boss' chair and stood there with a determine, furious look.


"Did you just say we should kill them?" Bom asked looking up at Seung-hyun. He gave her a single nod staring at the hallway where the five and his men would be coming from. "For what? Being loud."


"Ani," Seung-hyun shook his head with a smirk. "For being too annoying."


"Aish," Bom shook her head. She then looked at Youngbae. "You said they're here."


"They are," Youngbae answered with his arms now folded, again. "I didn't say they were here in front of us, did I?"


"You boys are way too complicated."


"Boss," Daesung appeared and behind him were screaming people trying to get away from Seung-hyun's men but can't. One specific blonde guy cursed and kicked everywhere, being the loudest among them all.


"Tell him to shut up, he's hurting my precious hearing," Bom looked up at Youngbae meeting eye to eye. "Now."


"Halt!" Seung-hyun ordered as the five stopped in the middle of the sanctuary.


"LET GO OF ME NOW!" Ji-yong shouted as he squirm around. "I will call my lawyers on you guys! Let go!"


"Ah, rich spoiled brat," Bom murmured as she massage the side of her head. "Youngbae."


"Neh," Youngbae grabbed his gun and pointed at Ji-yong. "I told you to shut it before boss get pissed, look at what you have done." Each of the five's eyes widen when the saw Youngbae about to pull the trigger.


"I DARE YOU!" Ji-yong taunted.


"Ji-yong! Please calm down!" Chaerin shouted as she closed her eyes not wanting to see anything.





"JI-YONG!!" all four shouted as they looked at Ji-yong.


"Anymore words?" Bom asked looking at Ji-yong who's eyes widen, completely shaken as he stared at the shot ground just right in front of his foot. "Or do we really have to break your leg...then your hips...your waist...your chest...then your head. Your choice Mister Ji-yong."


"You guys are crazy!" Dara shouted as she looked at her best friend who became way too quiet.


"Youngbae...she's too loud..." Bom said as she smiled at the tough girl.


"No please don't!" Seungri shouted as he looked at his sister, panic in his eyes. "She'll be quiet!"


"I suggest you guys be very quiet and talk when ask to," Seung-hyun said as he stared at each and everyone of them. "Let go of them. Guard every escape hole."


"Yes sir!" All twenty shouted as they bowed.


"Young-deuk, Young-don, " Seung-hyun said in a commanding tone. They both nodded as they walked towards each end of the stairs and stood there. Young-deuk on right side, Young-don on the other.


"What do you want from--"




Ji-yong backed away when Youngbae fired in front of him again. "Dude what the !? What was that--"




"Ji-yong! Shut up!" Chaerin hissed quietly.




This time the bullet landed in front of Chaerin. "Youngbae hyung, you are wasting bullets, I think they got the message...they should," Daesung spoke out as he stood behind Bom's chair.


"Where are you guys from?" Bom asked looking at Chaerin with her eyebrows raised.


"We are from Seoul, " Chaerin said, her words spoken carefully.


"What transportation did you use to get here?" Bom asked this time looking at Dara.


"A yacht," Dara answered as she swallowed the lump in .


"What were you doing with the boat?" Bom asked looking at Seungri.


"We were just cruising around for a vacation," Seungri answered as he look down.


"Who ordered you guys to be here?" Bom asked as she then looked at Minzy.


"N-no o-one. W-we only wan-wanted a vac-vacation," Minzy answered shaking from fear, hiding behind Seungri while hugging his arm.


"See, I told you, they weren't sent here. They are just merely lost...ah, how did end up here? What problem came up?" Bom asked as she sat up straight looking at Seungri again.


"We ran out of gas," Seungri said. "And also...we had technical difficulties."


"It was his fault wasn't it?" Bom asked pointing at Ji-yong. They all nodded his fault and she giggled.


"These people are threatening how?" Bom asked looking at her five boys with her eyebrows raised.


"Any intruders cannot be trusted from the very beginning," Daesung answered. "Whether they are a threat or not."


"How are you sure they are telling the truth?" Seung-hyun asked.


"Does it matter? They aren't going to get out of this island in the end anyways," Bom said with a giggle as she tilted her head to the sides. "No prisoners can ever get out." The five looked up in horror and shock. "Yes, you may not go home," Bom said as if she was reading their minds.


"Our secret base has been found out by simple strangers, it's too dangerous to release you...pests," Youngbae spoke up.


"We won't tell anyone!" Seungri said out loud, to only get laughed at.


"We don't like taking risks," Young-deuk said with a gentle smile.


"You can't do this!" Chaerin shouted.


"People know where we are," Ji-yong scoffed. "They'll find and rescue us."


Every chuckle, giggle, snickers and soft laughter came to an end hearing what he just said. Bom eyes turns into slits as he looked at each of his men. "Kill them."

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Evil_Kitten #1
Chapter 11: nice story... cant wait for the next update:)
Evil_Kitten #2
Chapter 1: Bom's the boss... okay, loving this already... lol
Evil_Kitten #3
ooo... i can't wait to start reading this fanfic... EXCITEDDDD!!! lol
chaedony #4
Chapter 11: Yay... I'm a hardcore skydragon-shipper but originally I used to ship Chae & Don (^_^) So I'm totally happy right now lol because my bias' are in a relationship (well a rocky one as of now) & also there are interactions between chae & don! I can never really get over my first ever OTP haha
chocolakay #5
Chapter 11: kyaha... how cute you kwon twins! and an angry tabi. or should i say a jealous tabi? heol don't mess with him.

jiyooong-ah! you decided to play! yay! amf chae, i think you should listen to him.
bb2ne1fanjj #6
Chapter 10: I like all your pairings especially Darayang. You're doing great authornim.
Chapter 10: Jiyong is so cute.. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ ^^