Having Lunch With "Them"



Seunghyun and Youngbae's eyes almost twitch seeing where they have ended up. They came after all in their change clothes ready to eat. What is really their fault? They always have breakfast, lunch, and dinner with Bom. They just came here without thinking about it.


"I thought I told you guys weren't invited, what are you two doing here?" Bom asked with a victorious smirk. She looked so proud of herself, knowing that's how a leader should act like. Cool and collected. But inside she was jumping around in joy knowing her boys couldn't take a day without her.


"It's dangerous to leave a careless, clumsy, no-at-all, small, fragile girl here with strangers," Seunghyun stated with a poker face. His stare boring holes in Bom's head.


"Yah!" Bom shouted once more pushing Seunghyun back, which he didn't budge. Knowing he is a lot stronger than her, she collected herself again. "Don't let this two monkeys in! They are not allowed to have lunch with me!"


Youngbae and Seunghyun made sure they glared at every men in the room. Yes, Bom is the leader who pays for them, but technically, she is just a sweetheart who thinks twice when killing someone. So when the boys wants something that Bom doesn't want, they rather follow those who can actually hurt or even kill them without mercy.


Bom started walking off to the dining room, that is until she started hearing footsteps behind her. She snapped back and saw the two wearing their usual poker face. "I said you can't have lunch with me! Go eat somewhere else!"


Seunghyun rolled his eyes once Bom turned around and started walking again. She is so vulnerable to the fact that they hardly follow her orders. The two started following behind her again.


"UGH!" Bom shrieked in frustration as she turn back around seeing her two boys still following her. "Why isn't anyone stopping them?! HUH!?"


When men were about to come forth, he got stopped by Youngbae's glare. "Mianhe ma'am. We don't want to die yet," one of the men said oh so cowardly.


"This is my men! Quit glaring and scaring them!" Bom shouted at the two who grew smirk after getting reminded of how much power they hold. "Don't follow!" Bom pointed at the two. Once again they rolled their eyes and followed.


"We are going whether you like it or not," Youngbae spoke out.


Bom just stopped walked and sighed. She then stared at the door in front of her. When she was about to turn, tricking the guys, she ran for her life to the doors of the dining room. When she was only a couple yards away, the guys' reflexes kicked in and ran after her.


But it was too late. Bom slammed the two doors closed and locked it. "HA! YES! I DID IT!! WOOOHHH!!" Bom cheered as she jumped around and dancing around. "I did it! Neh neh-neh-neh neeeeh!"


"Damn it!" Seunghyun shouted in anger as he started pounding on the door. "BOM LET US IN NOW!!"


"NO WAY!!" Bom shouted in victory.


"Bom...just one question," Youngbae said with a smirk.


"Yes?" Bom asked as she stopped her cheering. Youngbae is planning something.


"You have to let your guests in don't you? I mean it would be rude. You invited them after all to have lunch with you," Youngbae said as he stared at the five in front of him with his folded arms and grin planted on his face.


"GAAAAHH! NOOO!! DAMN IT!!" Bom stared stomping on the floor and punching everywhere. Why did she even thought she would win over those two in the first place?!


"Bommie~! They are getting impatient, they might as well leave," Seunghyun said in a sing-song voice.


"Ugh!" Bom opened the door and the first thing she saw is her boys wearing a stupid victorious grins on. So annoying. "I hate you both."






Dara stared at her food uncomfortably as she felt glares coming her way. And besides, who would trust eating food made by the people that made her into a prisoner. Under the table, she was holding onto her little brother's hand tightly, who's secretly shaking in fear.


"Why do we get this for lunch?" Youngbae spoke out looking at her unsatisfying bowl of salad with disgust. It was just basically, leaves that you find outside. He swore there is some crickets and worms inside it! There is! He then looked up to see that everyone else, but Seunghyun, has a very delicious looking food.


"This is absolute garbage," Seunghyun complained as he stared at his bowl of soggy cereal with what looks like water. "This isn't even edible!"


"Well, your presence here wasn't announced early enough, so you get those," Bom said with her sassy side showing. "Eat it or starve."


"How can you eat cereal and water?!" Seunghyun hissed as he pointed at his bowl.


"I am a growing man and I need meat!" Youngbae joined his hyung.


"Well you guys weren't invited so that is what you get!" Bom shouted back.


"What a horrible boss you are trying to poison her men with food like this," Seunghyun stated while Youngbae nodded.


Bom gasped as she placed her fingers tips on her chest, looking very much offended by his words. "I am not a horrible boss! I am one hell of a great boss! This is just your punishment!"


"For starving us?! What kind of boss does that? I thought that you need us to be strong so we can protect our land, but I guess not," Youngbae said as he looked sadly down at his salad.


"I am a great boss! The best out of the best!" Bom declared as she stood up and slamming her hands on the table. "Call the chef and give these two something to eat! And make it good!" Bom shouted to one of the servant standing near the door. "See! I told you I am a great leader!"


Seunghyun just looked back at Youngbae as they exchange smirks, knowing they have tricked their gullible leader once again.


"You have to finish those though, we don't want to waste any food," Bom pointed out at their food in front of them. Immediately their faces fell and then looked at Bom in horror, not believing what she just said. "Every bit of it!"


"No way!" Youngbae retorted as he stood up. "This has worms in it! I am not going to eat that!"


"Those worms are very healthy for your immune system," Bom answered as she ate a spoonful of corn. "We need you to be stronger, after all." Seunghyun looked at her dumbfounded. What does a bowl of water with cereal make him stronger?


"That's disgusting!" Youngbae hissed as he looked at his food with even more disgust. "And the crickets too! I am not eating this !"


"Then don't eat at all," Bom said with a smirk.


Youngbae narrowed his eyes as he stared at his food. "Fine be that way," Youngbae said as he picked up a squirming worm and flung it to Bom's corn moutain. "Have some boss, I bet it's delicious! I don't want to be selfish and get all the nutrients all to myself right?"


Bom swallowed the lump in as she slowly looked down at her corn. Her eyes widen as she saw the worm digging inside her corn mountain making her shriek in fair. "EWW!! Get it away from me! That's is just so guh-ross! KYYYAAAAHH!" Bom shouted as she stood up and ran away from her food.


"Tsk. Tsk. Tsk," Seunghyun shook his head looking disappointed. "Wouldn't it be unfair if you force us to eat all of this, every single bit, when you cannot even eat all of yours? What a horrible, irresponsible, unfair leader you are."


Minzy and Dara couldn't help but laugh at the three, while the rest just stared at the as if they were some kind of idiots, but with amuse in their eyes. Either way, they slowly felt comfortable.


"I am not! You are only describing yourselves!" Bom shouted as she point at her two men.


"Bom, be fair and eat every single thing on your food," Youngbae said pointing at Bom's food, sounding like a mother talking to her child.


"Now way!" Bom said shaking her head no.


"Does that mean we don't have to?" Seunghyun asked and Bom pouted with a nod.


"That went well," Seungri mumbled as he finally took a bit of his food without realizing that he thought it was poisoned a minute ago. 


"She is so cute," Dara said with a light smile.


"I don't get why she's the leader instead of the other two," Ji-yong whispered to Chaerin who's slowly eating her food.


"Don't question them," Chaerin said with a shrug. "It probably has something to do with their friendship. Like you know, when it comes to me, you and Seungri would do anything. Just like that."


"It's not the same thing," Ji-yong shook her head still looking at his untouched food. "You shouldn't be eating that. There might be something in it. They served it, remember?"


"Yeah and Bom is their leader," Chaerin reminded him showing the girl who's in a verge of crying as she watch the corn swim around her corn mountain. "I don't think so, just eat up so we can get over this." But Ji-yong still didn't say anything nor did he eat. "Here," Chaerin said handing her some of her food, "please?"


Ji-yong looked at Chaerin in the eyes and immediately commit in defeat. He took the food from her spoon and ate it. Nothing seem to be out of order by the taste so maybe he is just being paranoid. But then again, he is being held as a prisoner. "It taste fine," he whispered.


"Aww...how cute," Bom squealed watching the two couple gaze at each other eyes and feed each other. She then looked at her two boys with the twinkle in her eyes.


"No," Seunghyun shook his head.


"Never going to happen," Youngbae added in.


"As if!" Bom said as she gave them the hand. Seunghyun then grabbed her hand, gently, with his soft eyes and gentle smile. Bom slowly fell in his dreamy eyes and gentle touch. He then grew a devilish grin and shoved her hand in her corn mountain letting the worm squirm in her palm. "KYYYAAAAAAAHHH!!" Bom shouted as she pulled her hand away, pushing her chair back in the process. "EEEEWW!!" she then started waving her hands around in disgust. "THAT WORM TOUCHED MEEEE!!"


"You deserve it," Seunghyun said with a light chuckle. Bom then stood up and ran up to Youngbae, wiping her hand on his shirt. Which he tried to run away in disgust. Successfully doing this, Bom grabbed his 'salad' and dumped it on Seunghyun's lap. Letting the worms and crickets squirm on his lap.


"OH THAT IS IT!!" Seunghyun burst as he stood up in anger. "YOU ARE SO GOING TO GET IT!!"


"OH CRAP!!" Bom eyes widen when she met Seunghyun's deadly glare. She then turned to her guest. "Sorry, this lunch has turn to a disaster, but I have to go. BYE!" With that Bom ran away as fast as she can, following Youngbae out, while Seunghyun ran after her.

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Evil_Kitten #1
Chapter 11: nice story... cant wait for the next update:)
Evil_Kitten #2
Chapter 1: Bom's the boss... okay, loving this already... lol
Evil_Kitten #3
ooo... i can't wait to start reading this fanfic... EXCITEDDDD!!! lol
chaedony #4
Chapter 11: Yay... I'm a hardcore skydragon-shipper but originally I used to ship Chae & Don (^_^) So I'm totally happy right now lol because my bias' are in a relationship (well a rocky one as of now) & also there are interactions between chae & don! I can never really get over my first ever OTP haha
chocolakay #5
Chapter 11: kyaha... how cute you kwon twins! and an angry tabi. or should i say a jealous tabi? heol don't mess with him.

jiyooong-ah! you decided to play! yay! amf chae, i think you should listen to him.
bb2ne1fanjj #6
Chapter 10: I like all your pairings especially Darayang. You're doing great authornim.
Chapter 10: Jiyong is so cute.. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ ^^