The Pets


"Not again..." Taeyang whispered as soon as he felt something cuddling next to him.



Since Dara wouldn't get out of his bed, and he can only sleep on his bed or don't sleep at all, they made a compromise. He sleeps at the right side, Dara at the left.



Only if he knew that Dara moves around when she sleeps.



"Get your arms off of me," Youngbae hissed as he picked her arm, which was on top of his chest and then put it by her side.



He wanted to push her away, but Bom said that isn't gentleman like, so he doesn't have the guts to do so.



All of Youngbae's life, actually, is monitored by Bom, or at least he gets most of his knowledge from her.



The two have been friends since they were two, or at least that's what their parents said. Ever since then, Youngbae would always follow Bom around, and she doesn't complain.



The two became so close that Youngbae has his own personal room in the Park residence, and same goes for Bom. Everyone knew about their strong bond together, everyone.



But there is that one thing that two hid from the rest of the world.



They were together for at least one and a half years, without anyone knowing, but them. Even Seunghyun didn't know about this.



All because Bom was scared that if her father knew, he would take Youngbae away.



What broke them off is...well who broke them off is Youngbae himself. He came to a conclusion that if she wasn't confident enough to let the whole entire world know that she was his and he was hers, then what's the point?



This is also the reason to why Seunghyun won't ask Bom to be his, at least that's what Youngbae thinks.



Now, he never became jealous over the matter that his own best friend likes his own exgirlfriend, because really it was such a long time ago. It was six years ago, the two let go and came back to square one, as in close friends.



He thinks that the reason why Seunghyun isn't with Bom yet is because if Youngbae thinks of it in his hyung's perspective, it will be disrespectful and a disloyal move. Mr. Park gave him everything and as a payback he would steal his daughter? He doesn't think so.



It is a major rule that no one can make Bom theirs unless you are chosen by the father to marry of Bom.



If that is to happen, you must be wealthy, which Seunghyun is not, and so does your family, which Seunghyun doesn't have.



Youngbae can pass that test, but because the Dong are family friends, that cannot happen. He never understood why but he never questioned it.



"Mmmhhhh," Dara mumbled in her sleep as she came closer to Youngbae, almost hugging his arm.



"Dara get off this instance!" Youngbae hissed as he tried to prey his arm away. But he only made it worse, Dara came even more closer than before. She put her head on Youngbae's chest and hugged his waist. "Oh my god..." he sighed.








"Seunghyun!!" Bom jumped on his bed as she jumped up and down. "Wake up!" She jumped and landed on her and then laid her stomach on Seunghyun's back.



"Get off me," Seunghyun said, his voice deeper than usual, a reason why Bom likes to wake him up. He opened was one of his eyes and looked at the clock. He sighed seeing the time as he ruffled his hair, unable to get up due to the girl on top of him. "'s five in the morning!"



"Exactly! That's why you need to wake up!" Bom said as she stood up, bringing the covers with her and then jumped off the bed. She smirked as she observed Seunghyun's . "I want to go hiking!"



"Go ask Bae," Seunghyun grumbled as he felt the coldness hit his bare skin.



"No way!" Bom whined as she pouted. "He's always leaving me behind and everything. He doesn't listen to me either!"



"And I do?" Seunghyun asked as he yawned but still didn't want to get up or open both of his eyes at the very fact.



"Please?" Bom asked as she walked over to Seunghyun and sat next to him. He then opened his eyes and looked up, meeting eyes with her. He raised one of his eyebrows in question. "'s been long."



"What's been long?" Seunghyun asked almost like in the whisper seeing sadness in her eyes.



"Since we hang-out," Bom whispered back as she then looked down at her hands, her fingers playing with each other.



"Bom, we are always together," Seunghyun reminded her.



"I mean off work," Bom replied.



"You were never in work in the first place," Seunghyun mumbled as he wiped his eyes with the back of his hands as he turned around so he was laying on his back.



"You know what...I'll just go ask Baebear then," Bom pouted as she got up and stomped out, obviously upset. Why does he need to act so stubborn all the time? He wasn't like this before!



"Wait," Seunghyun sat up from his bed and yawned. "I'll go change."








Seungri walked around the place, since he could no longer sleep. The sun was almost up and he usually wakes up at this hour. But there is that one thing in his mind that has been bothering him since he got here.



It wasn't the fact that they were trap in an unknown island and became prisoners getting treated like tourist. believe it or not.



What was the panda thinking?



He badly wants to know what Bom does for a living. You know like what evils thing do they do.



He has to admit it, he kinda wants to be a member. Since he was little, he always dreamed of being a 'villain'. But there is something stopping him from doing so.



Not because it was just a child's dream but becase he's apparently the good guy in everyone's eyes. He was force to be that way, ever since the Parks took him in to be their son.



The only reason why Seungri became their son is because Dara wanted a little brother and he completely agreed with it. Never in a million years did he agree to having responsibility of having a share of the company with his sister at all.



"Oppa? Is that you?" Minzy rubbed her eyes as she looked down the sliding window of her tree house.



The three house contains a living room on the first floor, which also has a small kitchen containing fridge, a stove, and some cabinets. Then there is a spiral stairs to go to the second (smaller) room which is the bed room.



There is dozens of these kinds of tree houses everywhere. It's like they have their own villages or something.



The men that are working for Bom also lives in tree houses or huts. Four men per tree houses or two men per hut. Which Seungri thinks is unfair. Those men are workers, they are prisoners. So why do they have a better treatment?



"Oh Minzy, I was just walking around to observe stuff," Seungri said as he looked up.



"Really? Can I come?" Minzy asked with a bright smile.



"Sure," Seungri's eyes furrowed when she saw the sudden panic in Minzy's eyes. "W-what's wrong?"



"O-oppa, d-d-don't move," Minzy whispered but of course like Seungri would listen.



"Why?" Seungri turned around and his eyes bulge out as big as it can get. "I-i-is t-t-that...a..."



The little bear walked around in its four paws as it circled around Seungri sniffing his shoes before growling. Soon afterwards, a red fox came along and also circled the poor guy.



"O-oppa," Minzy swallowed the lump on . "Do you think it's w-wild ani-animals?"



"I...I...I d-don't know..." Seungri said as he closed his eyes. This is it. He is going to be eaten by a black bear cub and a red fox pup.






"Omo! What was that?!" Minzy asked as she looked around.



Seungri eyebrows furrowed when he notice the two animals suddenly sat in front of him as it looks far into the road as if they were expecting something. By insticts, Seungri also looked up to see two lights coming.



"Am I dieng...? Is that two angels trying to get me?" Seungri asked as he stared at the two lights.



"Ah! Minzy! Seungri! You guys are awake?!" Daesung came down to the tree houses villages to check up on their guests/prisoners.



"Oh it's only him," Seungri sadly sighed as he watch Daesung stop his green ATV in front of him. He then looked down and saw how obedient the animals that he thought would have eaten him by now.



"Found you guys," Daesung glared at the two animals sitting on the ground facing him. He then gave out a whistle and instantly the two stood up and walked over to him.



The fox hoping onto his ATV and onto his lap while the bear walked to the back and hop in for a ride. Seungri and Minzy just stared at the two animals and Daesung as if they have just seen the most amazing magic trick in the world.



"Daesung-shi, umm, the animals," Minzy scratched the side of her head in confusion.



"Oh these are Seunghyun hyung and Youngbae hyung's pets, they are only a year and a half years old," Daesung explained.



"That's....normal," Seungri commented and Daesung immediately glared at him. "Mianhe." Now he felt stupid for thinking those little things can actually devour him.







"...babe..." Chaerin shook her sleeping boyfriend as she shook in fear, staring at what seems to be a gray wolf in front of her.



The only reason why she isn't screaming is because, well it's only a puppy, but you can see it's sharp teeth. And also because the way his tongue his hanging out is cute and so is its blue eyes.



"Mmmm..." Jiyong mumbled in his sleep. With this the wolf stood up on it's four legs and walked over to the sleeping man.



The wolf growled first as it lower buddy lowered as it if was getting ready to attack or stretch. Chaerin pouted finding it super cute and then it growled louder.



Then it barked. Instead of those loud, scary bark, it gave out a small, cute, weak bark which Chaerin giggled at.



Jiyong mumbled some few words before turning to his side bringing the pup that was standing on his chest to fall back.



She then looked over at Jiyong's face and stared at it for awhile before she his cheek making Jiyong smile.



"Babe..." Chaerin shook him again trying to wake him up. "Open your eyes I have a surprise for you..."



Hearing this, Jiyong slowly open his eyes, thinking he would see a pair of brown eyes staring back at him, but instead he saw a pair of blue eyes and a long snout with a wet nose.



"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!" Jiyong shouted at the top of his lungs as he tried to back away to the point that he fell back and landed on Chaerin's lap. "What the hell is that?!"



"I think her name is Lily," Chaerin informed her boyfriend as she giggled. She remembered Bom screaming something about her pet wolf Lily being fed a bird by Youngbae.



Lily then whined as she lay down on the spot where Jiyong use to be lying on and gave the couple the puppy dog eyes as she continues to cry.



"How cute...she's even cuter that Gaho," Chaerin giggled as she pat Lily's head.



"I highly disagree."








" me...I can't breathe..." Youngbae whispered as he reached for the panda by the door who is many yards away from him.



The panda only stared at him as he tilt his head to the sides in confusion.



"Don't over think! I am your master too! Help me!" Youngbae hissed as he squirmed around, not wanting to wake up the girl hugging him to death. He then stopped as he grew a poker face. "I am going insane. I am talking to a panda like it can actually understand me!"



"Hmmm..." Dara muffled words again as she smiled a little turning her head to the other side of Youngbae and then hugging his arm. Giving up, Youngbae just placed his cheek on the top of her head and sighed.



"What should I's already six! I need to work," Youngbae sighed once more as he watch the small panda walk away from him without looking back. "You are useless Daraemon," Youngbae pretended to sniff his non-existent snot.






"Aha!" Youngbae smirked. "One...two...three....FIIIIIIIIIRRRRRRRREEEEEEEE!!!!"



"KYYYYAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!" Dara sat up immediately looking everywhere with her hair in front of her face scattered. "Where?!" She started looking around.



"I am saved!" Youngbae celebrated as he threw his fists up in the air with his eye smile.



"What?" Dara looked down at Youngbae who she thought was acting weird. "Yah! Where's the fire?!"



"Babo! There's no fire! I just need to use that as an excuse to wake you up!" Youngbae sat up as he ruffled his hair and then let his hand clasp his forehead and then run down to his chin. "Why didn't you tell me you're a cuddler?"



"....what? I'm not," Dara said as she shook her head.



"Oh really?" Youngbae asked. "Because I just felt really, really uncomfortable as my personal was invaded by you!"



"Oh!" Dara slammed her fist onto her other opened hand as if indicating that she got an idea. "Seungri said that whenever I am sleeping, if there is warmth near to me, I would move there."



"That still means you're a cuddler! Last night is probably the only night I dreamt of becoming a vampire. Curse you," Youngbae hissed. "And just to let you know, you are a hard person to wake up!"



"I get that a lot," Dara said as she smiled.



"Don't smile as if it's a good thing!"

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Evil_Kitten #1
Chapter 11: nice story... cant wait for the next update:)
Evil_Kitten #2
Chapter 1: Bom's the boss... okay, loving this already... lol
Evil_Kitten #3
ooo... i can't wait to start reading this fanfic... EXCITEDDDD!!! lol
chaedony #4
Chapter 11: Yay... I'm a hardcore skydragon-shipper but originally I used to ship Chae & Don (^_^) So I'm totally happy right now lol because my bias' are in a relationship (well a rocky one as of now) & also there are interactions between chae & don! I can never really get over my first ever OTP haha
chocolakay #5
Chapter 11: kyaha... how cute you kwon twins! and an angry tabi. or should i say a jealous tabi? heol don't mess with him.

jiyooong-ah! you decided to play! yay! amf chae, i think you should listen to him.
bb2ne1fanjj #6
Chapter 10: I like all your pairings especially Darayang. You're doing great authornim.
Chapter 10: Jiyong is so cute.. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ ^^