Heroes or Villains?


 “Get over it noona!” Seungri shouted as he stood up from his seat and then flopped down next to Jiyong as he rolled his eyes, and then Chaerin replaced his spot. “Young ruler is not that handsome...I bet.”



Don't bring that ty ruler over here, I am already tired hearing about him,” Jiyong hissed as he scooted away from the maknae with his eyebrows furrowed. Chaerin is dreaming about him instead of her dreaming about him!





I never thought I would be in love with a loving soul,” Chaerin whispered to Dara as they both giggled.



Who gave the newbies some drugs?” Seunghyun asked as he pointed at Chaerin and Dara as he passed by to go. They wouldn't stop giggling, so he thought they were bitten or ate something poisonous.



They're girls, they are always like that,” Youngbae answered Seunghyun as he trailed behind him. Hearing his voice, Dara looked up at him as she smiled a little. Youngbae notice this and gave her a wink before heading towards the seats at the front.



What are we even doing here?” Seungri asked as he turned to his left, where Minzy is seated at. She shrugged and looked around, trying her best to look nervous. Although, Seungri looked through her. There was something off and as usual, he isn't going to let it go.



Where is our so called leader?” Seunghyun hissed towards Daesung. He gave him a simple shrug as Youngbae rolled her eyes. “Why? Why did we let her be the leader?”



Hyung, you're forgetting, we didn't let her, it just happened, her family line,” Daesung said as he too rolled his eyes.



What are we doing here exactly?” Jiyong blurted out in a rather impatient, furious tone.



He has been in this island way too damn long to be waiting any longer. In fact, if they force him to be in the team, he would gladly do it. Since these past few days, the vacation he was hoping for...he had to admit, got a lot exciting.



The reason why he's pissed is because along with enjoying being on vacation, there is still that one thing that got him secretly nervous. What do they want from him? And worse, from Chaerin?



We are not letting anything out until our,” Seunghyun paused to let out a sharp sigh, “leader comes.”



What's up with you?” Youngbae whispered towards Seunghyun, as the latter glared up at him. Ever since yesterday, Youngbae has been noticing that his hyung has been giving him the cold shoulder. Why? No one knows, but Seunghyun himself.



I'm here!” Bom shouted as she walked through the doors her guards opened for her. She let out a sigh of relief as she headed towards Seunghyun and Youngbae. “Mianhe. I was practicing my shooting.”



Seunghyun nodded in understanding this. Bom then stood in between the two , just like always as she held onto her folder. Just like any other day when there is a meeting. It has always been Seunghyun on the left, Youngbae on the right.



But for some odd, unexplainable reason, Seunghyun shifted his position to get in between Bom and Youngbae. Bom gave him a confused look, missing the part where Seunghyun pushed Youngbae off to the sides, as he muffled some cursed words looking at his hyung with anger.



I want to cut this short,” Seunghyun said as he coughed to get the all full attention. “We have read through all of your information. And I must say, what important people are you all.” The four looked at each other in confusion, while Minzy looked down at her lap, since she knew what her role is. She isn't important in her act, she's just a commoner.



And?” Jiyong asked as he folded his arms.



We want all of you, to join us,” Bom said, cutting it even more shorter. Dara and Chaerin's eyes widen in shock, as Seungri wore a blank expression, while Jiyong grew a small smirk. “As you have already guess, this isn't a suggestion, this is an order.”



Either join us or we let you sink at the bottom of the ocean,” Youngbae added in as his eyes tried not to trail off to Dara's expression. “Set you free and let you drift off. As soon as you get to your destination back home, the whole entire yacht will explode. People will think that it's all just a malfunction and all they can do is pray for your souls to reach the heavens.”



That is absurd!” Chaerin hissed as she stood up while she held onto Dara's hand to feel a bit at ease, just a little bit. “You can't do this to us! Do you have any humanity in you?!”



We have been living this kind of lifestyle for decades,” Seunghyun answered. “We don't even call ourselves human beings anymore, so what else do you need to say? We are bastards? Monsters? I guess you don't quite understand our jobs. Killing a poor pitiful human is nothing to us. We have seen hundreds or even thousands die by our own eyes. Do you honestly think that once we see you five die, we would have any doubt nor guilt about it?”



Seunghyun...” Bom glared at Seunghyun as she pulled him back by the arm.



Chaerin-ah,” Jiyong whispered as he eyed his girlfriend to sit back down.



But you can't—”



This files tells us everything,” Youngbae said pointing at the file Bom gave to him earlier. “Escape from us? We know where to find you.”



Why are you guys doing this? What do you guys even need? What do you guys even exactly do?” Dara asked as she too stood up, only looking at Youngbae for any explanation. But the latter just won't look at her as if she's some kind of thin air.



Jiyong,” Bom spoke up, ignoring the two girls, as she looked at the latter silently sitting on his chair, occasionally glancing at Chaerin. “You know how corrupt the government is? Don't you? That's why you hated coming from the wealth.”



Where did you get that idea from?” Jiyong asked way too calmly to the point that it's very suspicious. Bom only gave him a knowing look as he chuckled a bit. “Yeah, I know about it. They satisfy those who have money and ignore those who are in need of help. Forces those who are helpless to the edge. But then again, which side of the government are you speaking of?”



What?” Seungri asked looking at his hyung who looked amused by this.



Is there really any need to discuss about which side are we going against with? I know very well that you know about that one secret group,” Bom folded her arms as she looked at Jiyong carefully. “You, yourself, have been fighting against them, whether by secret or not.”



How are you so sure that I'm not teaming with them?” Jiyong asked as he narrowed his eyes.



One question, Kwon Jiyong,” Bom said as she put her hand on the desk behind her. “Are you willingly to join forces?”



Depends, what does that make me?” Jiyong asked as Bom smirked. Every one of the prisoners, but Minzy, looked at Jiyong with shock and confusion.



A hero or a villain, you decide,” Bom said as she took out her gun out in her boots. She then threw it towards Jiyong, and at the same time twenty-plus different guns were grabbed on, just in case he attacks.



Which one are you on?” Jiyong asked as Bom rolled her eyes. He then admired the gun closely, as if trying to identify it, which scared his friends, and leaving Chaerin to look at her boyfriend in a whole different way. The Jiyong in front of her right now is not the Jiyong she got with a few years back. It's like a whole different person in the same body.



I'll leave it at your opinion,” Bom said as she then slowly looked over at the other three. “Joining will only do you good.”



Lies!” Dara pointed out as she glared at each and everyone of them, including Jiyong. “How is killing innocent lives ever good? And hero?! Nothing about any of you spells hero! You're all criminals!”



Be careful with your words, Dara,” Youngbae finally spoke out to her, while looking at her in the eyes. “You have no clue to what we are and what we do. You live in a pretty princess world to even realize what's going on in the real world. So if I were you, I would quiet down. We only kill those innocents when they get in our way or knows our ways. That includes you.”



Your path, your destiny,” Seunghyun said his last few words before looking sternly at Chaerin, then Seungri, and then Dara. Not even worrying about Jiyong who looked amused by his new gun given by the leaders herself.








YAH! Choi Seunghyun!!” Bom shouted, finally exploding. She has been asking about new techniques on how to use her gun and their tricks to it, like those she sees in the movies. But the only thing she has been getting back is complete silence like as if she's talking to the air.



Figure it out on your own,” Suenghyun said in the monotone voice that left Bom with agape in shock. He then flipped through another page on the document he is holding. It holds all the chemicals that has been used and experimented on their weapons.



What is wrong with you? Ever since this morning, you have been giving me the cold shoulder!” Bom hissed as she folded her arms, gun dropped to the floor. Seunghyun ignored her again and continued reading. “And not only me but the rest of the gang and Youngbae!”



Hearing his name, Seunghyun stopped his eyes from reading any further as he closed them in irritation. He clenched his hand, crumbling up the spine of the folder until he couldn't take his anger anymore and slammed the folder on the ground, startling Bom.



Yah...Tabi...” Bom's voice started becoming shaky as she saw the anger in Seunghyun's actions and expression.



Go ask Youngbae to help you with your bullsh!t,” Seunghyun growled as he walked out of the training room and into the fresh air the nature is giving out. His left hand clenched while his other hand was holding a fistful of his hair from the back with his eyes closed once more. “ ALL THIS SH!T!!” He shouted at the top of his lungs to the point that even Bom heard it through her sound proof room.








Chaerin slammed her door closed as she grabbed all her belongings in there. Once she climbed down out of her treehouse, Young-don stood not far from her tree, looking at her with an intense stare. “It isn't like I can escape this place!!” she hissed as she folded her arms.



Where are you going with all those?” Young-don asked as he pointed at her bag and suitcase.



I'm going over to my unnie, wae?” Chaerin asked as she raised her chin up, as if looking down on the latter.



What is the reason to this?” Young-don asked as he raised his eyebrows, putting both of his hands inside his sweater's front pocket, as he leaned against the side of the tree.



Because I feel more comfortable with her, why is that any of your concerns?” Chaerin hissed. “And why are you even here anyways?!”



The boss asked me to look out for you, so I am just doing what the boss tells me what to do,” Young-don answered as he yawned. “I'll just give you a ride before I pass out.”



Look out for me? Pass out?” Chaerin asked as she looked at him weirdly as he grabbed her blue small suitcase and placed it on top of his ATV.



Yes. In case somethings happen to you or you know, if you tried anything stupid,” Young-don said as he then grabbed her backpack. “Anyways, I heard your boyfriend is coming over here to talk to you.”



How do you know that?” Chaerin asked as she looked at the latter with suspicion. Young-don then showed her his left black [or is it white?] earring. “What?”



It has a microphone built inside,” Young-don informed her. “It connects to my twin's earring. Daesung hyung created it for us.”



How...cute?” Chaerin said as she looked at Young-don a little differently.



It is,” Young-don said in diva-ish tone as he rolled his eyes playfully making Chaerin chuckle a bit. “So do you want me to take these to your unnie or to your boy?”



Take these and me to unnie,” Chaerin answered as she gave out a dissatisfied look. “I am not going to talk to him!”






Just because,” Chaerin said as she folded her arms. He was acting very weird earlier with accepting the trio's request so easily, smiling all happily with it. That isn't the Jiyong she know nor loves. Until her Kwon Jiyong comes back, she isn't going to talk to him!

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Evil_Kitten #1
Chapter 11: nice story... cant wait for the next update:)
Evil_Kitten #2
Chapter 1: Bom's the boss... okay, loving this already... lol
Evil_Kitten #3
ooo... i can't wait to start reading this fanfic... EXCITEDDDD!!! lol
chaedony #4
Chapter 11: Yay... I'm a hardcore skydragon-shipper but originally I used to ship Chae & Don (^_^) So I'm totally happy right now lol because my bias' are in a relationship (well a rocky one as of now) & also there are interactions between chae & don! I can never really get over my first ever OTP haha
chocolakay #5
Chapter 11: kyaha... how cute you kwon twins! and an angry tabi. or should i say a jealous tabi? heol don't mess with him.

jiyooong-ah! you decided to play! yay! amf chae, i think you should listen to him.
bb2ne1fanjj #6
Chapter 10: I like all your pairings especially Darayang. You're doing great authornim.
Chapter 10: Jiyong is so cute.. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ ^^