Andy's Boyfriend




"Now, the wonderful, the lovely, Miss Anne Dee!" The Emcee said, crowd erupting with applause. I felt proud of Andy, he was so popular. I smiled to myself.

"Unfortunately, tonight Lady Hee Hee couldn't make it, so please give a warm welcome to her filler, Lemonsyung!"

I sat up when the two came out on stage. The filler had long, curly, blonde hair. Something about her was familiar, but I just couldn't put my finger on it. I shrugged it off and paid attention to Andy, the one I actually cared about. The music started and the two began to lipsync. It wasn't the usual song, having a new person there. My eyes occasionally drifted over to Lemonsyung. She wasn't doing to bad, just a little awkward with her actions.

The crowd was enjoying it. Everything was going fine until-

- - -




-The music stopped. The audience let out confused mumbles to each other, trying to figure out what had happened and what would happen next. I looked backstage, unsure of what would be the best thing to do.

"Ladies and gentlemen!" The Emcee quickly came on to the stage. "We are currently having technical difficulties. For now, we will move on..."

We can't do that. I thought, hearing the disappointed complaints coming from the crowd. I was about to walk over to the Emcee when Hyesung had already beat me to it. He whispered something in his ear, then got the mic from him.

"We can't do that, now can we?" He said to the audience, giving me an assuring smile. I decided to let him do his thing, since he was so confident about it.

"Let's start over." He said and got into his original position. I quickly followed after, taking in the situation. What happened next surprised me.


"Fierce makeup, hair done

Tighten the waist a bit more."


What?  I looked up in confusion.

"A careful face but a tough attitude

Pay extra attention to your actions."


He was singing! And it was good! I couldn't believe my eyes or ears and neither could the audience.


"The heroine of a movie may be like an angel

But the bad girl next to her is more attractive

Bad bad bad bad girls."

He continued on singing as he went through the dance moves perfectly, his voice unwavering. He looked back at me and I realized I had been standing there the whole time. He gave me a look as to say "keep dancing" and I stumbled a bit before catching up with him.

Once the song ended he recieved a well deserved standing ovation from the audience. Even I couldn't hold back my need to clep for him. 

We exited the stage and the boss immediately came up to him.

"What the hell was that?" She asked, seemingly furious.

"S-sorry..." Hyesung stuttered. "It just didn't seem right to-"

"I don't care. This is a place where we lip sync, not sing!"

"But-" I started.

"Andy," She said, poking me strongly in the chest. "You need to find a new replacement. Someone who doesn't follow the rules is not welcome here."

She took a final glance at Hyesung before she stormed off.

"Sorry..." Hyesung said, looking down.

"You did nothing wrong. She is just being ridiculous. You did great and the audience loved you." I took his hand. "If I were the boss, I would've given you a job."

"Thanks." He said, smiling weakly at me. "Let's... let's keep this a secret from the others, okay?"

"Okay." I said, putting up my pinky finger to show that it was a promise I planned to keep. He took it with his and smiled. 

"Let's get out of this and go get a drink, shall we?" I said, patting him on the back.

He nodded and we went to the dressing room. Once I finished I headed to the back door.

"I'll just be right outside, okay?" I said, grabbing my bag. "It is too stuffy in here."

"Yeah." Hyesung responded, still taking off some makeup. "I'll be done soon."

I smiled and nodded in response and made my way to the door. 

"Andy!" An all too familiar voice shouted when I got outside.


- - -



Andy had just gone outside when he immediately came back in and slammed the door shut.

"What's wrong?" I said, startled by his entrance.

"Um..." He gulped. "Junjin is here...?"

"WHAT?" I said, standing up. "Why?"

"N-no clue."

", he can't see this." I looked around frantically.

"Here." Andy said, rushing over to his closet area. "Wear these."

He handed me a scarf and sunglasses.

"Do you think he will know it is me?" I said, once I put them on.

"He can be kind of dumb sometimes..." He chuckled.

"How would you know? You only met him yesterday."

Andy's eyes grew wide.

"I- I mean I guess so. He seems like it...?" He rambled. "He just gives off that vibe."

Something was up. Something was up and I wasn't about to let it go unnoticed.

"Well..." I said, smirking. "I guess he does then. Because he can be rather stupid. Not as stupid as Minwoo, though."

"Yeah..." He laughed nervously.

"Let's go, shall we?" I said, after confirming my disguise.

We walked out the door to see Junjin standing there. I hid my face a bit more, just in case.

"Oh Andy! You are here! What's wrong?"

"Oh nothing... Just... Forgot something..." He laughed nervously. I could tell he was in a tight situation. I held back my laughter.

"You must be Lemonsyung, correct?" Junjin said, holding his hand out to me. I hesitantly took it.

"Y-yes." I said, changing my voice and quickly took back my hand after a small shake.

"You were great! I haven't heard someone sing like that ever before. Very unique." He said, smiling. "Oh. I'm Junjin, by the way."

Andy looked at him with wide eyes and moved his hands, trying to stop him from what he was about to say next.

"Andy's boyfriend."

- - -

(A/N finally updated dear lord. i hope this wasnt unsatisfying. it will start to get more interesting now i hope.


please leav comment thanks lol <3)


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Chapter 4 will introduce Andy! Yay!


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Chapter 5: My cats just keep giving me wierd looks while I scream at the screen, WOW
Chapter 17: Thanks for sharing such a good story with our three shinhwa pairs. Love Ricsyung the best with Eric getting infatuated and in love with lovely Hyesung!
rokubinosukanku #3
Chapter 17: Its funny and ironic, how between all 6 of them Dongwan is almost always the first one that knew ALL the secrets, while Minwoo is totally in the dark till now. Woodong ftw! XD
scrippsydoodle #4
Chapter 4: four chapters in and i love this fic more!! I'm glad that Junjin will be rooming with Andy!! *back to reading the next chapters hihi
Chapter 16: OHMYGOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! syungric! manseh!!!!!!!!
Chapter 6: ohmygosh!!!!!!! what is with today???? i keep on reading hilarious fics!! XD first, it made me giggle when i realized that it was eric manning the ticket booth... and then reading "lemonsyung" in one of the comments (though i haven't come across her yet on this fic).. this is just daebak!!! <3
anangel #7
Chapter 17: You really are hilariously good at this. And I totally need more of this, so please please pretty please write more~
Loved them all, specially Lemonsyung and Eric and 'special stupid' Minwoo xD also I love how even if Hyesung is the flowerboy and the one that looks girly, you still akmowledge his true personlity, same for Eric who looks so masculine but is really so cute and toally in love with Hyesung xD
Very late to the party but my god I love every thing about this story. Thanks for sharing, and I'm looking forward to the next chapter. =)
Sara_Damliad #9
Chapter 17: Freaking love DongWan!!!!
Chapter 17: Holy crap i just reread this and i am finding so many errors i am so ashamed and sorry woops here we go time to fix...