The Aftermath

The Unspeakable


I woke up the next morning seeing nothing changed.  I dropped my head to the floor thinking this was it.  I lost her.  I couldn't do anything more to help her so I left.  I knew it was wrong to leave her in that condition but I needed to go somewhere to think.  I teleported myself to the worst place possible...her room.  I sat on her bed looking at the floor thinking about how I was going to tell her parents.  I continued looking at the floor feeling so much regret for letting her stay with me that night.  So much regret for putting her through so much pain.

Your POV

"Oppa~" I tried calling but my voice was quiet and kept cracking.  "Oppa~" I tried again but still no answer. "Eodisuh?" I listened carefully not hearing anything. He left me.  How could he leave me?

I inched my extremely sore body out of the bed using the night stand to lift myself to standing.  I walked out to the kitchen step by agonizing step tears pouring down my cheeks by the time I made it to the sink.  I grabbed the cup on the counter filling it with water and drinking it slowly.  The pain was getting unbearable and light headedness was beginning to take over. I dropped myself to the floor curling up into a ball.  I heard footsteps behind me but I couldn't move.

"MIN YOUNG!" I heard him yell as he ran over grabbing my arm and placing a hand on my back making me cringe from the pressure.  "You're bleeding again."

"You left me~" was all I could manage to whine.

"That's not the point right now.  I have to get you to Lay."  He picked me up from the floor causing me more and more pain as his hands pressed against my back.

Before I could blink my eyes, we were in his room at the dorm.  He laid me on the bed face down then left the room returning with Lay shortly after.  Lay walked over to me with a sad smile. A mix of 'I'm happy to see you' and 'I'm sorry'.

"Just close your eyes and relax." I heard Kai say as he tried holding my hand but I pulled it away.  Suddenly, tingling took over my body as Lay ran his hands over the cuts on my back.

"Done."  Lay said.  I opened my eyes to see him smiling. 

"Thanks Lay."  I sat up and hugged him.

"You're still going to feel pain for a little bit and you'll have scars but you'll be fine."  I nodded my head then stood up to look at my scars in the mirror.

"Not bad."  I said smiling.  I pulled my shirt back down and walked out of the room getting pulled back by Kai. "Let me go.  I'm going to get food." I pulled my arm away and walked out to the rest of the members. 

"You look sick." Baekhyun never failed to mention when I didn't look my best.

"Duh~ I haven't eaten in days I was a little under the weather." My voice was full of sarcasm but he didn't fail to retort.

"Full moon.  You were a little under the full moon."

"Thank you Sir Byun for that correction. Are you just going to tell me I look bad or feed me?"

"Kai has to give you the first meal after mating." Kyungsoo said smiling.

"Well I guess I'm not eating then."  Everyone looked confused.  "I'm not talking to him right now." Suddenly Chanyeol was pulling me from my seat dragging me to his room. "What are you doing?  Chanyeol stop!"

"I don't know what happened but you have to talk it out." He said smiling and pushing me into the room pulling the door shut behind him.

"Min Young...." He started.

"You left me there Jong In.  You left me by myself in that condition.  Wae~~" I was starting to cry.  The anger I built up avoiding him was beginning to boil over.

"I didn't leave you there I promise..."

"You weren't there when I woke up.  I called out for you because I needed you and you weren't there." I was beginning to yell.

"Okay I wasn't there but I had just left this morning."  He yelled back.  I was getting ready to cut him off but he put his hand up.  "Just listen.  Do you know how hard it was knowing that I let you stay and go through with mating? That I possibly killed you?" I shook my head. "I watched you bleed until I could call Lay to make it stop.  I bandaged your cuts hoping I was going to save you.  But after a few days you still laid in the bed weak...I thought I had lost you.  I thought I killed you Min Young." He was standing in front of me regret in his eyes.

"So you left me there to die?"  I couldn't get past the pain my heart was in.

"No Min Young.  I went to your room trying to think of how I was going to tell your parents that I killed their daughter."  Tears were forming in his eyes.  "I was trying to understand how I could kill the most important person to me, the girl I loved.  I sat on your bed regretting that I let you stay and put you in so much danger." The tears fell in streams and I felt horrible.  I never realized how much pain he was in because I couldn't see past my own. I reached up to wipe the tears away but he turned his face away from me.

"Jong In..."  I was shocked.

"How could you think that I would leave you there to die Min Young?  How could you even let that thought into your mind? How?"

"I'm sorry oppa~  I didn't realize how much pain you were feeling.  I never blamed you for what happened and when I woke up the only thing I wanted was you by my side.  I thought you knew that but I guess I didn't do a good job of making it known."

"You couldn't because of what I did...because I put you in that condition." We had slowly started to understand each other.

"No Jong In."  I said reaching up finally wiping his tears relieved he let it happen.  "I put myself in that condition.  I chose to stay against your will and I don't regret any of it." 

"After all I did, you don't regret any of it?  The cuts, the scars, nothing?"

"No because I love you.  Mating was the best we've had not that our regular isn't great because it is but with mating, I was on a whole different level of ecstasy.  The connection we shared was stronger than ever before."  I smiled and stepped closer to him wrapping my arms around him.  "I don't regret anything."

"But Min Young I do.  I hurt you.  I almost killed you."

"But you didn't oppa.  I'm right here and I always will be.  I love you Jong In."

"I love you too Min Young." He said a faint but pain stricken smile showing. "And I'm sorry.  I shouldn't have left you there." I reached up and touched his cheek.

"I forgive you." I said then kissed him.  His face relaxed and he kissed me again gently hugging me. 

"Are you hungry?" He said stepping away from me. I nodded my head.  "I'll be right back." I nodded my head again then sat on his bed. He came back a while later with boxes of chicken.

"How did I know this is what you would bring back?" I said laughing.


"I don't know." I laughed.  "Here." I handed her the box of chicken. "After this we need to go talk to your parents."  She shook her head furiously.

"How am I supposed to tell my parents I'm pregnant?"  I could hear the nervousness in her voice.

"We have to.  Normally this doesn't happen until the two people involved are old enough to handle it but Min Young...we're nineteen and fresh out of high school."

"But....." She was still second guessing if we should tell them.

"We'll figure it out." I said finishing my last piece of chicken.  She nodded her head and picked up her last piece finishing it in two bites.  "You must have been hungry."

"Just a little." She smiled and stood up standing in front of the mirror. I stood behind her wrapping my arms around her waist her hands resting on mine.

"What is that?" I said watching her hand change slowly.  A few seconds later and it was clear.  The symbol on her hand matched mine.

"What just happened?"

"I don't know.  Test it." She nodded her head and teleported us to her living room. She looked up at me confusion taking over her expression. 

"MOM! DAD! WE NEED TO TALK! NOW!" Her parents came in the house from the patio and sat on the couch.  We sat at the ottoman in front of them.

"What is it honey?"

"What is this?" She said showing them both of our hands.

"Matching tattoos?"

"Matching tattoos?" She asked making us disappear and comeback. "What matching tattoos do that? Are you hiding something from me?" Her father looked nervous.  "Dad?" She said taking notice.

"Well...there was another reason I trusted you."  He said looking at me.  "I knew you would protect her no matter what because of what you are.  Because I know you feel the need to protect your territory and the things most precious to you."

"I don't understand." I said confused.

"A wolf knows another wolf when they see one."

"Dad what are you talking about?"

"Jong In and I...well...we are the same thing.  That is how I knew he would protect you. That is how I knew I could trust him with your heart."

"Why didn't you tell me this before?  Why didn't you tell me this would happen? Do you know the fear we experienced?" Her dad just nodded his head.  Of course he knew. He experienced the same thing with her mom.

"At first I wasn't sure if you would even get your power because your mom his human." She realized the answer to her question and left it alone as he went on explaining the powers. "When we mate with a human the child doesn't get the power until, well if, they mate.  I didn't think I would have to tell you but then Jong In came along so I left it up to you two to find out." We just nodded our heads as we listened to his explanation.  "I knew you guys would be okay because I knew what his power was."

"Okay now you lost us Dad." She chuckled.

"Wolves like us almost always meet and mate with humans that we fall in love with.  But if a wolf meets a girl who is like you and falls in love with her not knowing she has the same power as him, it's because they are soul mates.  In your case, this is truer than ever because you guys mated, the true test of love between a wolf and his partner whether she has a power or not.  If the partner makes it through mating, the wolf and partner will be together forever." He said looking at me. "But since you have the same power, the mating was solidification just like marriage is for two full humans." We both understood completely.

"And what about our baby? What's going to happen with our baby?"  I asked.

"Since you both have the power, the baby will be born with the power.  If it's a boy it will be a wolf.  If it's a girl she will only have the power."

"Mom." Min Young interrupted. 

Your POV

"It's going to be okay honey."  My mom said smiling.  "You have our support throughout this whole thing.  We know how difficult it is for you right now."

"But right now," her father interrupted. "You guys have to go back to wherever you mated and spend the week there.  According to tradition, after mating the male has to give the first meal."

"He did."

"And after, the couple has to spend the week together alone.  If not, everything could fall apart."

"I had to take care of her for three days because I caused a lot of damage.  Do those days count?"

"Yes, but extra days are allowed so feel free to take as long as you guys want."  Kai nodded in understanding.

"Think of this as sort of a honeymoon because your pregnancy is going to be tough especially since he's an Idol."  My mom said smiling.  "Get going we'll see in you a week or so." She smiled then her and my dad got up and walked back out to the patio. 

"Come on." Kai said holding my hand.  "Let's go." before I could nod my head in agreement, we were back at the cabin on the couch.


Her expression was blank.  Something was wrong.  I wrapped my arms around her laying back on the armrest cuddling her close.

"Talk to me." I said intertwining my fingers in hers.

"How are we going to do this?  How are we going to tell the public I'm pregnant when they've just now began adjusting to our relationship?  How are we going to handle a pregnancy, college, and your idol life?  I don't think I can."

"Baby, think about all that you've been through with me, with Kang Jun.  Your life has been far from normal.  Think about how much I love you and you love me.  We can do this.  We can handle whatever gets thrown at us and we will teach our little neugdae gangaji to be the same way."

"What if she's not a wolf?" She was starting to smile again. 

"Then she will be our little...hmmm...let me think."I started thinking of cute names for our baby. "isanghan saram"

"Don't call our baby a weirdo." She laughed.  "How about agi dal.  She can be our little agi dal."

"I like that." I said smiling then letting out a yawn.

"You need to get some sleep." She said looking up at me then yawning.

"I need to get some sleep?  You need to get some sleep.  That power is going to drain you in the beginning."

"Let's sleep then." She said getting up from the couch and walking to the room.  I walked in behind her seeing the dirty sheets.  I quickly changed them and we climbed in under the covers closing our eyes entering dreamland together.



agi dal = 아기 달 = baby moon

neugdae gangaji = 늑대 강아지 = wolf puppy (wolf pup)

isanghan saram = 이상한 사람 = weirdo


A/N: Do you guys like having these translations at the end?  Should I do them more often?  Let me know.  Also college has started again so I'm going to be super busy luckily I had these updates typed before hand.  Whenever I get the chance to write I will but for now consider my stories to be on hiatus.  I'll try to update often but I can't make any guarentees :(

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Hai! Come and check out my new fanfic "Love Is Anonymous" subscribe and/or comment. Thanks!^^
Mascarade #2
Chapter 3: It's not that hard to imagine EXO getting rid of an ex-boyfriend~ Thanks for updating :3 Hwaiting author-nim!
Chapter 2: OMO!!!!!!!!!!!! I wanna know who the person is.
Mascarade #4
Chapter 2: YAH! She said they shouldn't kee anything secret from the other and she's hiding something? Such a liar!
But, it's good author-nim, keep going! :3
Mascarade #5
Heya ~ I really like your story so far, so please update, neh? I can't wait to read more :D