
Falling in Love with a Narcissist


[ Author's Note ]
Hey guys! I just realized that I posted the same chapter 2 times! And because of that, please read the new and edited Chapter 6 before reading this one!!!!!
- Your POV -
My eyes widened when he suddenly kissed me. I tried resisting or shoving him away from me but my hands were pinned to my side pretty good. I can't even move an inch because technically, he was trapping my body between his body and the wall. He kissed me gently but with aggression. A few moments later, he moved away from me, gasping for air.
" WHAT WAS THAT FOR?! " I yelled at him.
" For you to forgive me " he replied casually.
" That wasn't what I wanted, you jerk! " 
" Why are you so violent against it? " 
" That was...that..that w-was.. " I stuttered.
" Don't tell me that was your first? " Gi Kwang asked with a smirk.
" What if it was? " I rolled my eyes.
" You reached that age without even having a first kiss? " he seemed....amazed.
" Is that bad? " I mocked him sarcastically.
" Yeah. Good thing I was here " 
" But, you're not the guy I like! " I yelled at him again.
Then, as if on cue, my doorbell rang. I pressed the intercom and asked who it was.
" It's me, Lee Joon " he said. (A/N: Yes, Lee Joon from MBLAQ)
I told Gi Kwang to go inside his room and lock it right away. He started protesting so I literally shoved him inside. Then I opened the door.
" Hey! So, what brings you here? " I asked him politely.
" Um, you invited me here last week " he replied.
Oh, I did? 
" Come in! I'll prepare some tea! " I told him then he went inside and sat down on the couch.
- Gi Kwang's POV -
Who the hell was that? Due to my confusion, I opened my door a little and peered at them. ~~~~~~~~ was blushing lightly. Maybe this was the guy she liked. Like I care. But I want to hear what they're talking about.
- Your POV -
I served the tea and laid it on the table. 
" So, what did you want to tell me? " Joon asked me.
" Um,.. I... " I stammered while hiding my red face.
I was currently trying to tell him my feelings. I liked him for almost 3 years now. But he never really looked my way until now. So I have to tell him. NOW.
" What is it? " Joon's voice broke me out of my reverie.
" Well, for the past three years, I've always liked you " I told him.
Oh my gosh. What's going to happen now? Am I going to be struck by lightning? Am I going to die? Oh, I am going to die right now. 
I looked over at Joon. Then suddenly, he laughed lightly. I raised my brow in confusion.
" It's impossible for you to like me " Joon told me.
" Why? " I asked him with a smile.
But deep inside, seriously, I was hurt.
" Because you are the most carefree girl I have ever seen. I am your total opposite " he replied with a smile.
Were total opposites? I haven't even noticed that.
" I know you're just kidding me " Joon said again.
" What? Ah, yes.. hahahaha " I told him with a fake laugh.
" Well, I've had a good laugh. I have to go now because of some errands. Thanks for the tea " he said as he stood up.
I accompanied him to the door and closed it after he left. Then I sighed.
" Well, well, well " said Gi Kwang's annoying voice.
" What now? " 
" I see you've been rejected " he smirked.
" You heard it? All of it? " 
He nodded triumphantly. I sat down on the couch and stared at the window.
" You don't have to repeat it in my face " I told him.
" Do you want to hear my plan? " he asked me.
" What plan? "
" Make him jealous. For him to see that you were really serious about your confession " Gi Kwang explained.
" Woah. When did you get so smart? " I said with a small smile.
" But I'm not doing it " I continued.
" Why not? This could be your chance " 
" I prefer not to do it that way " I replied.
" Trust me "
" How could I trust you? You just kissed me! " I yelled at him.
" Just hear me out "
" Fine. "
" If you pretend to be my girlfriend, then maybe you could make him jealous " Gi Kwang explained.
" WHAT?! That'll only cause me trouble! Your fangirls, they'll kill me! " I protested as I stood up, but ended up being pushed by him back on the couch.
" Leave it to me " he said with a tone of finality.
I headed to my weapons room to practice using my fencing sword.
- Weapons Room -
I took the fencing sword and starting slashing at some of the dummies made up of some strange hard materials. But my thoughts kept on drifting back to Gi Kwang's plan. I know his fans will kill me. But he said to leave it to him. 
After a couple of hours~
" Hey, it's already 7 pm. I cooked dinner " Gi Kwang knocked on the glass door.
" You can cook? " I glanced at him.
" Of course I do! Did you forget that I live on my own? " he smirked again.
" In that case, let's eat " I said as I put my sword back to its place and headed to the dining table.
" You're sweating. " Gi Kwang told me as we ate.
" Of course I am. I have been practicing " I replied.
" You'll get sick " he told me.
" Since when did you get so protective? " I asked him with a playful smile.
" You're my girlfriend now, I should take care of you. " he said as he grabbed a towel nearby and started wiping my sweat.
I protested at first but then I just closed my mouth when I saw his determination. Then he looked up at me and smiled. 
A real smile this time, not a smirk.
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Wehh i used to love this story because it is soo funny! too bad you didnt finish it
jerhyl #2
please update your story. I want to know what happens next! haha<br />
update more:">
Omg! Hehe thanks for the update. I gotta say yoseob's face is hilarious in the pic.
WOA~~~~<br />
They so cute ~!<br />
Will be a good couple !<br />
Update soon ^^
OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGG. jknhdwjfnwjf. kikiwang that sneaky boy. x))<br />
can't wait for the next update~! :D
Naws :) waiting for the next ep :L such a cliff hanger XD can't wait :) get well soon! Dw u could always audition nexr semester or next year XD
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. <3<br />
cant wait for the next update~ :)<br />
yeah i hate being sick. T_T