I Can't Believe It.

Falling in Love with a Narcissist


- Your POV -
I had to blink twice before what he said registered into my mind. Then I found myself staring at him. 
" I don't like to pretend to be your girlfriend " I muttered.
" What? " he asked me.
" I said I don't like to pretend to be your girlfriend " I repeated.
" So you want it to be real? " 
" NO! " I yelled but my voice croaked and I coughed.
Gi Kwang immediately grabbed me a glass of water and helped me drink it.
" Don't push yourself too hard " he told me.
" You're not the boss of me " 
" But today, I am " he argued.
" If Joon doesn't like me, I shouldn't push him to do so " I whispered to him.
" But you like him "
" Yeah, I do. But if I want him to be happy, then I won't interfere " I replied.
To my surprise, he embraced me. I was caught off-guard. His body was warm, opposite to my cold ones. He buried his face in my neck. What was he doing that for? Is he planning on making me insane? 
" What are you doing? " I asked him nervously.
" I admire you " he said.
" Are you stupid? There's nothing to admire in me " 
" Your love for him. You're so dedicated " Gi Kwang said.
" Well, I'm not a player like you " 
" Believe it or not, I never had a serious relationship before. " he confessed.
" What? " I was stunned when he said it.
" Yeah. So I never really had a courage to love like you do " he broke the hug and looked at me.
" Oh. " was all I managed to say.
" Well, you should try loving someone. " I continued.
" Why? "
" So that you'll be happy "
Then there was silence. I could hear the both of us breathing. Gi Kwang was still looking at me intently. I was really very nervous. My heart was beating very fast. And I really wonder why. Could I be possibly falling for him?
" What is it? " Gi Kwang's voice brought me back to reality.
" What if... " I trailed off.
" What if what? " Gi Kwang asked.
" What if I told you I fell for you already? " 
[ Author's Note ]
Sorry for the short update! But I hope that you still continue to support my fic!!! I'm really sad because I didn't pass the second screening. Why? Because I was sick. Damn it. Please comment and subscribe! Don't be a silent reader!
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Wehh i used to love this story because it is soo funny! too bad you didnt finish it
jerhyl #2
please update your story. I want to know what happens next! haha<br />
update more:">
Omg! Hehe thanks for the update. I gotta say yoseob's face is hilarious in the pic.
WOA~~~~<br />
They so cute ~!<br />
Will be a good couple !<br />
Update soon ^^
OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGG. jknhdwjfnwjf. kikiwang that sneaky boy. x))<br />
can't wait for the next update~! :D
Naws :) waiting for the next ep :L such a cliff hanger XD can't wait :) get well soon! Dw u could always audition nexr semester or next year XD
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. <3<br />
cant wait for the next update~ :)<br />
yeah i hate being sick. T_T